Chicks With Dks Guild [AQW] (Full Version)

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Return of Avatar -> Chicks With Dks Guild [AQW] (9/12/2019 23:46:30)

Chicks With Dks is now recruiting! ( That sounds weird. )

Don't take our name serious, we are just trying to have fun and making people around us have fun as well.

Why should you Join?

Cause you can ? Or you just are bored of playing the game, alone and having a dying chat ? We pretend to Revive the game still in 2019 and have fun playing it. And having someone by your side always if you need help to do anything or have any question.
We have next to no requirements, basically anyone can join.

Guild Ranks:
This ranks will be given on discord. They will provide more permissions and accesses the higher they are. In-game Ranks will work given on your performance in here.
Prolocutor (GM)
Black Myst (People that have become Family of the Guild. Long time players.)
Officer (People that will Help out everyone if needed. For long time players.)
Knight Champion (Mini-officers for recruitment mostly.)
Shadow Champion (Rank for the winner of our monthly PvP tournament.)
Order of Merit (reserved for long time members.)
Shadow Knight (for core members of PvP team.)
Shadow (People that make the GM laugh.)
Darkened Soul (full guild member, basic rank.)
Fadeling (new members, inactive members, etc.)

Special ranks can be added in the Future.

In-game everyone above Knight Champions will be Officer in the Guild.
The ladder of raking works as a Hierarchy.

How to Join :
Find me in Game - Name being Return of Avatar, or Just Dm me on Discord. Jack#3160
Or just leave your In-game name your Class and in what Server you play the most. So i can find you.
If i see you helping someone I will invite you to the guild. And if you say something I have fun I will invite you to the guild.

Being human.
Being over the required age to play the game.
Be respectful.

See ya, hope you see you around

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