Armor show display (Full Version)

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top_knight -> Armor show display (10/15/2019 2:34:17)

I don't know if someone asked for this before but...

I just got the Necro Paragon set (armor, sword, cape and helm) and I absolutely love how it looks.
I also just bought the Chaosweaver class and I love it. The thing is, I wish I could look like the Necro Paragon with the CW skills. Is it possible to add the "Show" option to armors in the near future? I don't like NecroP's skills at all and I hope some day I can look the way I want with the skills I desire.

Thank you for your attention!

The Finnish Phoenix -> RE: Armor show display (10/17/2019 14:41:21)

If showing armor were as easily-implemented as showing Weapons, Capes or Helms then it could and likely would've been done.

The problem is that unlike in AQW the skill animations in DF are linked to the armors they were animated for, sometimes involving armors' unique design elements such as the Weaver classes' Spirit Looms that glow and pull threads/magic/light along with them in patterns that wouldn't otherwise make sense or Evolved PumpkinLord's pumpkin shoulders lighting up as they charge beams that would otherwise fire from nowhere, DoomKnight levitating and becoming a silhouetted, slightly stretched and rotated version of what is still clearly the DoomKnight armor when it uses a Potion or Favor, and so on. This allows for more complex and

While there are a good number of animations that are external to the armor and don't directly involve it, I'd infer from the skills that do directly involve their respective armors that the armor is involved in the flashing process for most if not all skills.

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