What is the most efficient way to farm Unidentified 13? (Full Version)

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Lord GrimDusk -> What is the most efficient way to farm Unidentified 13? (10/16/2019 11:55:04)

As the title states, there are a few ways to farm the Contract of Nulgath. Is the Drudgen or Larvae method more efficient?

Legendary Ash -> RE: What is the most efficient way to farm Unidentified 13? (10/16/2019 15:21:05)

Taken from A Guide to AQWorlds Farming: Nulgath Reagents, drop rates are as follows:

Void Knight Sword Quest
Requires ownership of Ceremonial Void Knight Sword.
Aquamarine of Nulgath has a drop rate of 100% from Crystalized Jellyfish in /battleunderc and stacks to 27. Crystalized Jellyfish can be found by joining /battleunderc, then walking right, down twice, and then right. However, it is faster to join /battleundere, and then walk left into /battleunderc.
Relevant drop rate information is as follows :
Vouch-NM at 1%.
Vouch-Mem at 10%.
Totem and TG at 13%.
Uni 13 at 15%.
BG at 20%.
GoN at 50%.
DCS and Diamond at 100%.

Bounty Hunter's Drone Pet Quest
Requires ownership of Bounty Hunter's Drone Pet .
The relevant quest, New Worlds, New Opportunities can also be accepted from Nulgath's Birthday Gift by the owner of that pet.
Big Bad Boar in /greenguardwest can be quickly accessed by first joining /mobius and then walking down.
Relevant drop rate information is as follows :
Vouch-NM at 1%.
Vouch-Mem at 10%.
Totem and Uni 13 at 15%.
BG at 25%.
TG at 40%.
GoN at 50%.
DCS and Diamond at 100%.

Bounty Hunter Blade Pet Quest
Requires ownership of Bounty Hunter Blade Pet.

[Mana Energy] has a drop rate of 20% from Mana Golem in /elemental, and stacks up to 13. [Charged Mana Energy] has a drop rate of 100% from Mana Elemental in /gilead, but only stacks up to the quest requirement of 5.
The quest can be accepted from Nulgath Larvae, Mini King Klunk, Enchanted Nulgath Nation House, Crag & Bamboozle , or Oblivion Blade of Nulgath .
This quest also has a 5% chance to drop 8th Betrayal Blade of Nulgath, which is significant due to reasons discussed in the preceding subsection.
Relevant drop rate information is as follows :
Vouch-NM and Totem at 1%.
Uni 13 and Diamond at 5%.
Vouch-Mem at 10%.
TG and DCS at 13%.
GoN at 40%.

Supplies to Spin the Wheel of Chance
While slower than Nulgath, this is the solo farming option for those who cannot tolerate the lag associated with large parties. Staff of Inversion and its ward Escherion can be easily burst down, in that order. Even mid-level players can typically bring down the Staff, and then burst down Escherion before the Staff respawns.
The quest can be accepted from Drudgen, Crag & Bamboozle , Swindle Bilk's To Go Hut , or Enchanted Nulgath Nation House. Technically, the quest can also be accepted from Swindle Bilk (NPC), but this particular quest requires one to have Crag & Bamboozle, which offers the quest in by itself. The 5 variations of these quests are only very slightly different, but are the same in regards to core reagent farming.
Relevant drop rate information is as follows :
Uni 13, Vouch-NM, and Vouch-Mem at 1%.
Diamond at 2%.
DCS at 10%.
TG at 25%.

The Assistant
Have too much Gold? Bring those figures back down by doing this quest. Gold should be in abundance for regular Nulgath farmers, so get acquainted with this quest.
At screen 12 in /evilwarnul, Klunk has the Blood Cloak for sale for 100K gold in his Diamond Shop, along with the Legion Fenrir that drops [Nulgath Rune 3].
The quest can be accepted from Drudgen, Crag & Bamboozle , or Swindle Bilk's To Go Hut . Technically, the quest can also be accepted from Swindle Bilk (NPC), but this particular quest requires one to have Crag & Bamboozle, which offers the quest in by itself. The 4 variations of these quests are only very slightly different.
Relevant drop rate information is as follows :
Vouch-NM at 1%.
Diamond at 2%.
DCS at 10%.
TG at 15%.
Uni 13 is at 5% from Crag & Bamboozle and Swindle Bilk, but only 1% from Drudgen and Swindle Bilk's To Go Hut.

The above is correct except Voucher Non mem has a 3% drop and Voucher Mem has a 10% drop.

Lord GrimDusk -> RE: What is the most efficient way to farm Unidentified 13? (10/16/2019 16:25:26)

Is there anything about the Crimson Hanzo Orb? I have that pet as well.

ChaosRipjaw -> RE: What is the most efficient way to farm Unidentified 13? (10/16/2019 16:45:08)

If you have the Crimson Hanzo Orb, abandon Drudgen and the Larvae. I can assure you from personal experience, that is one of, if not the best Nulgath farming pet in existence.

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