Drop Bears (Full Version)

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Jay -> Drop Bears (11/13/2019 3:00:03)

Drop Bears

Location: Falconreach Inn (Book 3) -> Approach board labeled "ODD JOBS" -> Drop Bears -> Take the Job!
Requirements: None
Release Date: November 8th, 2019

Objective: Weird, another series of rare creatures has appeared in the forest. How about we hunt them down?
Objective completed: The Drop Bears are defeated, but it still feels like something is Behind you.

Experience rewarded: Scaled
Gold rewarded: Scaled

(X) Drop Bear
(X) Nervous Tog
(X) Panicked Bear Cub
(X) Startled Mushroom
(1) Drop Bear - Boss


Drop Bear Hat (I-IX)
Dead Drop Bear Hat (I-IX)

Access to DB Loot for DCs.

Notice before beginning the quest:

To any brave souls:

Another creature, or creatures, have the animals in Surewood spooked again.

Everyone who has gone to check on the situation haven't returned. Don't let whatever is out there get the Drop on you.


  • Take the Job!

    Upon defeating the boss Drop Bear:
  • Loot for DCs - opens DB Loot for DCs shop.

    Other information
  • Throughout the quest various animations may play, including Drop Bears appearing behind and even snatching up other monsters, and brief flashes of The Hidebehind.

  • Page: [1]

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