Play Intro Quest (Full Version)

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Bu Kek Siansu -> Play Intro Quest (12/17/2019 17:08:42)

Geocastellum Set

Location: BattleOn - Main Town » Mage Shop » Mastercraft Sets » Geocastellum Set! » Play Intro Quest

«Learn of the origins of the set, and earn rewards like the Pickaxe and Mystic Plug!»

«You walk from the left inside Warlic's shop to face Warlic who stands next to a cauldron with bubbling green liquid»
«You»: Hello Warlic! I've heard rumors around town about a mage problem down south. Figured you'd be just the guy to ask about it.
Warlic: «You», indeed there is a problem. Not with a mage necessarily but issues surrounding the mage's keep since his passing.
Warlic: Cragmar the Battlemage was a powerful sorcerer, equally adept at magic as with a blade. However, he could not win the battle we all face against time.
«You»: Hmmmm really? Outside of plot devices I haven't noticed many issues with age. I swear you look as youthful as the day Oishii drew you. Although I did notice Hollow has grown a beard.

«Warlic emits an animated ....»
Warlic: «You», please.
«You»: Sorry! That's terrible to hear of his passing.
Warlic: *Ahem* As I was saying...
Warlic: Cragmar had various incantations in place to keep all his machinations confined within the walls of his keep. With his demise those spells have weakened, leaving these creations to roam the Keep.
Warlic: I fear if we do not act that the creatures will escape, spelling certain doom for the surrounding countryside.
«You»: Sounds like hero time to me! Just show me the way and I'll send those... wait, what exactly has escaped?
Warlic: I admire your bravery, «You». However, I must craft an enchanted artifact you will need to seal the magic inside the Keep.
Warlic: Cragmar's magic isn't one I typically practice so I am lacking the necessary supplies. I'll need an ore from a particular mine. My nephew can guide you to the mine.
«You»: Nephew? Wait... you don't mean-
Warlic: Barry! Step away from those studies. I have an important task for you.

«Barry walks in from the right with a green book in his hand and stands behind Warlic»
Barry Jotter: «You»!
«You»: Oh...hey... Barry. Good to see you too. Guiding me to the mine, huh?
Barry Jotter: That's right!
«You»: Oh boy, this quest just got ten times harder having to babysit Barry.
Warlic: Barry, «You» here needs to mine some ore for an artifact I'm crafting. Please show him (male)/her (female) the way.

«Barry nods»
Warlic: Here «You», take this pickaxe. I'll need a great concentration of the ore. 1000 should do the trick.

«Warlic tosses pickaxe at You»
  • Get the temp Pickaxe!

  • No Thanks.
«You»: Alright Barry... *sigh*... lead the way.

«You and Barry walk in from the left on Screen 2»
Barry Jotter: Alright, «You»here's the ore.
«You»: Ok Barry, I can get it from here. Thanks for showing me the way.
«You»: ...and staying out of trouble.
«You»: You can make your way back to Warlic now. Just make sure to avoid anything that can get you into trouble, like monsters, traps, hallows, fires, goblets, werewolves, water, stones, princes, mirrors, brooms, prisons....
Barry Jotter: No way I'm leaving you, these mines can be dangerous to navigate. There are nasty little creatures roaming around we've named Sizzlers.
Barry Jotter: Soooo annoying as they are completely silent until they are right next to you. They will sneak right up on you and then BOOM!
«You»: Hmmm sounds like an extra pair of eyes would be very handy. Ok, but stick close. We don't want this fetch quest turning into a rescue mission.
Barry Jotter: Don't worry «You», I have been studying my arts so I can become a powerful archmage like my un-

«An Underbeast walks in from the right, extends its right hand to grab Barry Jotter and leaves»
«You»: I can see this is going to be one of those 'should have stayed in bed' kind of days.
«You»: I have no idea where that Underbeast could be. Guess I'll follow the trail of bones and collect ore along the way and hope I find them.
    If less than 1000 ores

      Battle from Monster Pool
      Full Heal after each #2 battles.

      You loot «100 to 400» ores from the mob, bringing you up to «total ore».
    If at least 1000 ores

      You loot «100 to 400» ores from the mob, bringing you up to «total ores». That should be enough.
«You stand on a mirror image of Screen 1»
«You»: Whew, toiling in a mine is not what I had in mind when I signed up for this adventure. Feels like I'm forgetting something... or someone.

This decision will effect your Moral Compass!
  • Leave without Barry!
      «You»: Barry! Meh, I warned him. I have to get these ores back to Warlic and grab some dinner. Mining all day and I'm starving!

      «You walk in from the left inside Warlic's shop»
      Warlic: «You», you have the ore. But where's Barry?
      «You»: Ummmm about that. Barry was taken by an Underbeast. I'm sure he's fine and will be back once it becomes bored.

      «Warlic closes his eyes as he looks downward»
      Warlic: Not what I was expecting to hear.
      Warlic: Quickly, unload the ore...

    Geocastellum Intro

  • [link=URL]Pickaxe[/link] (Lvl 5, 15, 35, 55, 75, 95, 115, 135, 150G)

  • [link=URL]Mystic Plug[/link] (Lvl 5, 15, 35, 55, 75, 95, 115, 135, 150G)

  • Exit

  • Rescue Barry!
      «You»: Better go rescue him before that Underbeast has him for dinner!


      «You»: I'm coming Barry! You just keep yelling and stay uneaten and I'll find you!

      4 Battles from Monster Pool
      Full Heal after #2 and #4 battles.

      Battle: [link=URL]Underbeast[/link]
      Full Heal

      «Barry Jotter sits on the stones next to the glowing green rock in a mirror image of Screen 10 -After completing the Save Yourself, Save the Soldiers»
      Barry Jotter: «You»! I knew you wouldn't leave me down here. I'll make sure my uncle Warlic knows how brave you were.
      «You»: No problem Barry. Let'st just hurry up and get out of here before any more of those Sizzlers shows up.

      «You and Barry Jotter walk in from the left inside Warlic's shop»
      Warlic: «You», you have the ore. I hope Barry was able to assist in your task.
      «You»: *Nervous laugh* Huh... yeah he wa-
      Barry Jotter: Uncle Warlic it was a crazy adventure! We were dodging Sizzlers and cave ins, I was snatched by an Underbeast and «You» saved me!
      Warlic: Ahhh the usual amount of assistance it seems. Excellent work «You»... and you as well Barry. Unload the ore and I'll get to work on crafting your artifact.
      Warlic: Thank you, «You» for looking after Barry. He still has much to learn but I believe will make a mighty Archmage one day. I have something extra to reward such heroism.

    Geocastellum Intro - Save Barry!

  • [link=URL]Pickaxe[/link] (Lvl 5, 15, 35, 55, 75, 95, 115, 135, 150G)

  • [link=URL]Sizzler 'Splosion[/link] (Lvl 5, 15, 35, 55, 75, 95, 115, 135, 150G)

  • [link=URL]Mystic Plug[/link] (Lvl 5, 15, 35, 55, 75, 95, 115, 135, 150G)

  • Leaves No One Behind (Lvl 5)
  • No Man Left Behind (Lvl 5)

  • Exit

  • Play again!
  • Guardian Tower!
  • Leave

    Monster Pool

  • Kresh
  • [link=URL]Minotaur Berserker[/link]
  • Mud Golem
  • Scorpion Zard
  • Shadow Behemoth
  • [link=URL]Sizzler[/link]


    November 29, 2018: The quest was released.

    Write Up, Monster Pool and correction thanks to Legendary Ash. Release date thanks to AKs.

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