Weeum's Suggestion Thread (Full Version)

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Weeum -> Weeum's Suggestion Thread (6/13/2020 14:41:32)

Table of Contents

- Arctic Squall
- Bruthadair
- Flamberge
- Gravespike
- Mana Lance
- Sila's Staff Rework
- Swamp King's Sceptre
-Tome of Storms

-Cenara's Shadowslayer Garb (Post Blanked pending rework)
- Tumbling Bumbler

- Sticky Stinky Spore Sack
- Legion Soul Forge Effigy

-Akriloth's Burning
- Plodding Fireball & Plodding Firestorm
- Super Salad Shooter
- Wrath of Ten Million Crabs

-Tormented Four-Eyed Freak

- Royal Jelly
- Silver Sanguinare's Choker
- Doctor Voltabolt's Faulty Battery

-Summon/Call Aelthai
-Summon/Call Safiria
-Elizabeth Contract
-Summon/Call Nightmare Queen

Big thanks to @CH4OT1C! for helping me hammer out some of the math and teaching me design standards and rules.

Weeum -> RE: Weeum's Suggestion Thread (6/13/2020 14:52:05)

Cenara's Shadowslayer Garb
«MC Fully Offensive Earth/Dark armor.»
[Deleted Pending Rework]

Weeum -> RE: Weeum's Suggestion Thread (6/13/2020 18:23:12)

Plodding Fireball
«Mana efficient accurate fire spell. Inflicts Burn.»
Location: Golden Giftboxes - Common Box
Level: 0
Price: 0 Gold

Element: Fire
MP Cost: 392

Starts off as a standard spell. Manna efficient so deals 75% standard spell damage and costs 60% standard spell mana. The spell gains +10 BTH but deals *85/95 damage to compensate. The damage is split evenly across 3 hits. If at least one hit connects, attempts to Burn the enemy. Burn is payed for by damage penalty.

If at least one hit connects, the spell will attempt to Burn the monster. The monster receives a +0 bonus to its save;

Level: PowLvl vs MonsterLvl
Major: YourINT vs MonsterDEX
Minor: YourLUK vs MonsterLUK

Visual description: The player puts their weapon away and holds out their hand, they poop out a little bouncy fireball out of that hand that hops toward the enemy hitting them twice and then exploding.

Plodding Firestorm
«MC Quick-cast Mana efficient accurate fire spell. Inflicts Burn. Master craft inflicts an additional burn.»
Location: Golden Giftboxes - Rare Box
Level: 0
Price: 0 Gold

Element: Fire
MP Cost: 392

Starts off as a standard spell. Manna efficient so deals 75% standard spell damage and costs 60% standard spell mana. The spell gains +10 BTH but deals *85/95 damage to compensate. The damage is split evenly across 10 hits. If at least one hit connects, attempts to Burn the enemy. Burn is payed for by damage penalty. Master craft attempts to burn the enemy again. (The second burn increases the powerlevel of the first, not inflicts a second unique burn for clarity) Spell is quick-cast and takes a -32.5% damage penalty, but can only be cast once per turn.

If at least one hit connects, the spell will attempt to Burn the monster. The monster receives a +0 bonus to its save;

Level: PowLvl vs MonsterLvl
Major: YourINT vs MonsterDEX
Minor: YourLUK vs MonsterLUK

Visual description: The player puts their weapon away and holds out their hand, they poop out a ton of little bouncy fireballs that hop toward the enemy and explode.

Primate Murder -> RE: Weeum's Suggestion Thread (6/14/2020 12:42:17)

You forgot to add in the qc damage penalty for the Firestorm.

Weeum -> RE: Weeum's Suggestion Thread (6/14/2020 13:26:34)

Added, thank you for the proofread.

Rorshach -> RE: Weeum's Suggestion Thread (6/16/2020 7:56:44)


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Weeum -> RE: Weeum's Suggestion Thread (6/19/2020 20:30:56)

«MC Earth/Fire swords that can inflict bleed.»

Level: 150
Powerlevel: 153, Mastercraft
Price: 24,205,166
Sellback: 12,102,583
Location: (Preferably) Adder's Forge, Possibly GGB

Type: Melee
Element: Earth/Fire*
Damage: 16-48
BTH: 19


-All Normal Player attacks deal *1.08 damage for not having a special. This has not been factored into the above numbers.
-All player attacks take -3bth and deal 85/82 damage. This has not been factored into the above numbers.
-At the end of your turn, if you did an attack with this weapon there is a 22.45*([hits connected]/[hits attempted])% chance to make the monster bleed**. The monster can resist with a save at a +0 bonus***:
The save roll is as follows:

Level: PowLvl vs MonsterLevel
Major: YourSTR vs MonsterDEX
Minor: YourLUK vs MonsterLUK
In addition to monsters with Bleeding Immunity****, monster categories "undead", "golem", "robot", "ooze", and "xyfrag" are immune to this effect*****.

Level 10 30 50 70 90 110 130 150
PowLvl 19 36 54 73 93 113 133 153

Bleed 2-10 4-21 6-36 8-55 11-78 15-97 18-116 23-137

**The wild serpentine blade slices and dices the enemy!
***Your foe's wound was not deep enough to begin bleeding.
****This enemy is immune to bleeding.
*****This creature has no blood!

Description: A wild flame inspired blade design originated by Deren swordsmiths. Though primarily used for ceremonial purposes adventures have found that the serpentine blade shape can really dig into those nasty monsters. *This one is really sizzlin'!
Appearance: A flamberge type weapon about as long as the default chosen is tall. The crossguard it twisted and extends straight out from the hilt before curving tipward. The nubs at the end of the crossguard are designed after the little nubs with a cross hatched into it to look almost floral. The pommel is shaped like an exaggerated bishop chess piece's mitre. The hilt is a wire wrapped then green or red leather covered type depending on the weapon element. The blade has a ricasso wrapped in brown leather for both versions, with there being two spikes or blade lugs at the end of the ricasso.

Weeum -> RE: Weeum's Suggestion Thread (6/21/2020 18:38:42)

Mana Lance
«MC Ice spear. MC is a harm toggle.»
Location: Golden Giftboxes - Ultra-rare Box
Level: 0
Price: 0 Gold

Type: Ranged
Element: Ice
Damage: 16-48
BTH: 19

Hits: 4
Type: As Weapon
Element: As Weapon
BTH: 54
Notes: Occurs 20% of the time. The first hit does a token amount of HP damage and instead deals damage to the opponent's mana, "draining" it. The other 3 hits do the normal damage health plus damage proportionate to the amount of mana drained from the creature.
Description: The chosen stabs at the enemy, on contact the glass chambers fill with mana (if in ranged mode) and the mana begins rushing and flowing through the tubes in a spate, then the chosen braces themself and the and of the lance unleashes a wildly flailing laser that peters out toward the end of the animation.

-All player attacks gain +10bth and deal 85/95 damage. This has not been factored into the above numbers.
-Click on the control pack to activate the harm toggle. Weapon changes to Magic damage and element to Harm.
-While in magic harm mode the weapon costs MP upkeep. Harm damage so -10% damage. MC is spent on +5% damage bringing the total to 95%.

Appearance: The weapon has a computerized control panel with several buttons and a small status screen at the base of the hilt, with loose wires wrapped around the handle running into the lance. Near the base of the lance there is a glass tube embedded with brass endcaps. The lance has a segmented body with a large glass chamber in the middle. While in ranged ice mode the glass chambers on the weapon are empty. While in magic harm mode these chambers have raw mana rushing through the middle and give off a faint blue glow.
Description: Drakel magiscience on the loose! You can fuel this weapon with your own mana, causing it to deal harm damage to the enemy, and occasionally it will drain the enemy's mana to let loose a devastating attack!

Weeum -> RE: Weeum's Suggestion Thread (6/28/2020 18:17:53)

Arctic Squall
(Inspired by CH4OT1C!'s post on spell booster variety.)
«MC Ice dagger. MC attempts to apply a wind burn when casting ice spells.»
Location: Golden Giftboxes - Rare Box
Level: 0
Price: 0 Gold

Type: Ranged
Element: Ice
Damage: 1/3 base lean
BTH: 19

Hits: 4
Type: Magic
Element: Ice, Wind, Ice, Wind
Notes: Occurs 10% of the time.

If at least one hit of the special connects it attepts to Numb* the monster for ([Hits Connected] turns, -150*[IceResist] DEX). The monster can resists with a save at a +0 bonus**:

Level: PowLvl vs MonsterLevel
Major: YourINT vs MonsterDEX
Minor: YourLUK vs MonsterLUK
Ice Monsters are immune to this effect.***
* The biting winds of the north numb your opponent!
** Your opponent shrugs off the biting winds of the north.
*** Ice Monsters are unaffected by the biting northern winds.

-All player attacks gain +3bth and deal 85/88 damage. This has not been factored into the above numbers.
-Similar to Arcane Cutlasses gains 12.5% spell damage per 5% melee given up. Gives up 10% melee to gain 25%. Is a magic weapon so so *0.75 for +18.75% spell damage.
-When you use an ice spell each hit will attempt to wind Burn* the enemy. This burn recieves elecomp from being an allied element instead of ice. The monster an resist this with a +0 to its save**:

Level: PowLvl vs MonsterLvl
Major: YourINT vs MonsterEND
Minor: YourLUK vs MonsterLUK

*The cold of your spell is enhanced by the winds of the north, buffetting your opponent!
**Your opponent stands firm against the frosty wind.

Appearance: The Arctic squall is the broken remains of a mostly-unassuming longsword. The decoration suggests a knight of upper-middle renown level. It has a thick crossguard with some simplistic decoration engraved on it, and a round pommel with a protruding disk in the middle. The blade is coated in frost (frost, not straight up ice for clarity) and broken off about a foot away from the hilt.

Description: This... sword used to belong to a knight brave (or stupid) enough to challenge Tera'Suul. Though the owner is long gone the magical essence of the conflict remains, and this sword can boost the power your ice spells or bring the wrath of the cold north down on your enemy!

Weeum -> RE: Weeum's Suggestion Thread (7/1/2020 19:28:56)

Swamp King's Sceptre
«MC Earth Wand. MC afflicts the enemy with plantify.»

Location: Warlic's Shop
Level: 150
Price: 24,205,166
Sellback: 12,102,583

Type: Magic
Element: Earth
Damage: .5 base lean
BTH: 19
Hits: 2
Appearance: Vines with blade-like thorns shoot up from the ground around the opponent and start whipping around them.

-Similar to Arcane Cutlasses gains 12.5% spell damage per 5% melee given up. Gives up 10% melee to gain 25%. Is a magic weapon so so *0.75 for +18.75% spell damage.
-When casting an earth spell attempts to Plantify(aura)* the enemy monster, making them count as a plant for related effects. The monster can resist this with a -20 to its save**:

Level: PowLvl vs MonsterLevel
Major: YourINT vs MonsterCHA
Minor: YourLUK vs MonsterLUK

*Your opponent is starting to look a little green around the gills and... are those leaves??
**Your opponent resists the call of nature.

Appearance: A carved wooden totem about a foot long with tribal designs cut into it. The totem is wrapped in vines with red and purple flowers growing from the vines.
Description: A curious relic from the eastern jungles, this totem can call forth the fury of nature to lash at your enemy with razor sharp vines. Strangely when you hold it you hand looks a sickly shade of green...

Super Salad Shooter
«MC earth spell. MC Deals bonus damage to plants. Makes potions from plant enemies.»
Location: Warlic's shop
Level: 150
Price: 24,205,166
Sellback: 12,102,583

Hits: 15
Type: Magic
Element: Earth
Mana cost: 653

-There is a 50% chance of creating [Hits/5(rounded down)] health potions for the player. This roll is made for each potion that would be created. So for example if all 15 hits are made 3 50% chance rolls to create a potion are made.
-When used on a plant enemy triggers to deal *(MobWeaknessResist/SpellElementResist)

Desciption: My how far magic has come! This successor to Salad Shooter is sure to make short work of any plant based enemy you come across!

Weeum -> RE: Weeum's Suggestion Thread (7/23/2020 20:18:02)

«MC Wind axe. MC is increased LUKy strike damage.»

Location: Eselgee's shop
Level: 150
Price: 24,205,166
Sellback: 12,102,583

Type: Melee
Element: Wind
Damage: .7 base lean
BTH: 19

-All Normal Player attacks deal *1.08 damage for not having a special. This has not been factored into the above numbers.
-All player attacks take -10bth and deal 85/75 damage. This has not been factored into the above numbers.
-While equipped the enemy gains +6bth against the player, and the weapon gains *1.1 damage.
-Has a 12.5% chance to do an attack that deals an additional 50% damage. Player takes «»% as recoil damage.*
-LUKy strikes gain *1.5 damage.

*Whoa watch where you're swinging that thing!

Appearance: The weapon consists of a rough finished wooden haft, about as long as you would expect from a poleaxe. There is a bulky overbuilt endcap on the front that has a short chain attached from which dangles an axe head. The axe is slightly rusted, double bitted, notched on the edges and the tips of the edge extend slightly into nasty crooked points. The reverse end of the weapon's haft has a stubby spike on the end.

Description: This wicked axe is the choice weapon of berserkers exceptionally brave and foolish alike. The wild weapon is difficult to control, but thanks to the leverage of the haft and momentum of the freely swinging head when it hits it packs a whallop. Due to the unpredictable nature of this weapon you need to pay careful attention to the head, which means watching the enemy less closely.

Weeum -> RE: Weeum's Suggestion Thread (8/7/2023 19:36:25)

Wrath of Ten Million Crabs
«MC accurate water spell.»
Location: Some future Athelai quest, or possibly a TLAPD item
Level: 150
Price: 24,205,166 Gold
Sellback: 12,102,583

Element: Water
MP Cost: 653

Spell deals 4 hits that have +10 bth and deal 85/95 damage, then one hit that takes -10 bth and deals 95/85 damage. The spell takes -45.75% damage.

If at least one hit connects and deals >0 damage, there is a [hits connected]/5 chance of drowning* the foe (water freeze). The monster can resist with a save at +0 bonus.** Water monsters are immune to the drowning effect.***

Level: PowLvl vs MonsterLvl
Major: YourINT vs MonsterEND
Minor: YourLUK vs MonsterLUK

*Everythings deadder, down where it's wetter, unda da sea!
**The [monster name] shakes off your crustaceous assault and stays dry.
*** Really? Trying to drown a water monster? What kind of adventurer are you?

Visual description: Crabs. Lots of crabs. So many crabs. Then one large crab at the very end.
Description: Rally your cancrine allies to drag the enemy to their soggy doom! You're not sure why but you can swear you hear a steel drum coming from somewhere.

Weeum -> RE: Weeum's Suggestion Thread (8/15/2023 19:52:24)

«MC Dark Dagger that amplifies preexisting poisons.»

Level: 150
Powerlevel: 153, Mastercraft
Price: 24,205,166
Sellback: 12,102,583
Location: Necromancer Shop

Type: Magic
Element: Dark
Damage: .8 base lean
BTH: 19


-All Normal Player attacks deal *1.08 damage for not having a special. This has not been factored into the above numbers.
-Pays MC + 15% melee damage to increase the power of an existing poison by 20 / 10 / 0.7 * (85/85)/turns. This effect deals *0.75 for being a magic weapon. The monster can resist this at a -20 save.*

*The catalyzing toxin couldn't take hold.

Appearance: The handle is a skeletal arm similar to the Plasmatic Dagger from adventure quest worlds, with a slender blade that has a drop point profile and is of irregular shape, due to rust erosion. The blade and arm are grafted where they join. The base of the blade is loosely wrapped in burial cloth, there is a ruddy stain on the cloth at the point where the blade and arm join and the leading edge on the upper 1/3rd has a translucent green fluid that drips from it.
Description: This nasty little knife was crafted as a joint effort by Karboz and Zorbak. It is coated in a catalytic toxin that while benign on its own will amplify any existing poisons in a victim's body. Yeowch!

Special thanks to CH40TIC! for formula help.

Weeum -> RE: Weeum's Suggestion Thread (8/24/2023 19:21:02)

Tumbling Bumbler
«Neutral element FD armor.»

Level: 40 & 70 versions available only
Price: 508 | 10,469
Sellback: 254 | 5,234
Location: Robina's shop

Melee: 35 | 40
Ranged: 36 | 40
Magic: 35 | 40

Fire: 87% | 81%
Water: 87% | 81%
Wind: 87% | 81%
Ice: 87% | 81%
Earth: 87% | 81%
Energy: 87% | 81%
Light: 87% | 81%
Dark: 87% | 81%

Hits: 2
BR%: 177 | 240
Stat%: 455 | 660
BtH: 5 | 9
Attack description: Player somersaults into the enemy for hit 1, then reverse somersaults back for hit 2.

EFFECT: Armor gives up 5% melee outgoing damage to gain +3 MRM.

Flavor Effect: Armor has a 2% chance of autododging an incoming attack.

Appearance: This armor is a leotard, with segmented tudor style sleeves. 2 color vertically segmented hose for pants. The outer tunic, inner sections of the sleeves, and each pantleg are all CC to different swatches.
Description: Join the ranks of Lore's tumbling troubadours with this agile attire! Alliteration! While wearing this dignified performer's outfit, monsters will have a harder time hitting you, and sometimes you will escape certain death by the skin of your teeth.
Notes: The intent is to be a no frills easily accessible starter FD armor.

Weeum -> RE: Weeum's Suggestion Thread (8/25/2023 16:25:47)

Silver Sanguinaire's Choker
«MC Wind Misc. Compresses Water spell.»

Powerlevel: 153, Mastercraft
Price: 6,051,293
Sellback: 3,025,646
Location: Vampire Shop, requires advanced quest clear

INT: 50
CHA: 40
Wind: *0.5 damage

MP Cost: 78

-On click casts water Spell. Spell starts as a standard spell and costs 653 MP. Deals 1 hit of water damage to the monster, 1 hit of healing to each of player HP & MP. If the monster was bleeding it eats the bleed and boosts damage by +([BleedPower]*[ExpectedDuration]*1.25/2)% damage, where [ExpectedDuration] = 100/(100-[SaveDC + SaveBonus]). Healing hits deal *0.85*0.9 for being autohit and always useful.
Flavor Effect: If player is a werewolf, werepyre or neko, cannot equip the item.* If human, can equip the item and receive passive bonuses but cannot use the skill.**

*The choker senses your beast-blood and slides off before you can secure it.
**You must be of vampiric blood to awaken the amulet's power.

Appearance: A delicate silver choker with a blood gem in the middle. There are spikes jutting inward and up where the wearer's neck would be.
Description: This choker is worn by the Darkovian vampiric social elite, both as a fashion statement and a commitment to refinement and dedication to discipline. Should one's posture relax the spikes will dig into the wearer causing great discomfort.

Weeum -> RE: Weeum's Suggestion Thread (8/25/2023 18:50:49)

Sticky Stinky Spore Sack
«MC Earth Shield. Has a wind poison. Slight Melee focus.»

Level: 150
Powerlevel: 153, Mastercraft
Price: 30,256,458
Sellback: 15,128,229
Location: An Aelthai quest, or Robina's shop, potentially in a reworked class shop such as beastmaster.

Melee: 16
Ranged: 13
Magic: 13

Earth: -25%

-While at max lean the next hit dodged/blocked inflicts a Wind poison for 0.5/0.3/0.15*([Hits Dodged]/[Hits Attempted])/2. Poison lasts 2 turns.
Level: PowLvl vs MonsterLvl
Major: YourDEX vs MonsterEND
Minor: YourLUK vs MonsterLUK

Bonus Effect: This infliction chance gains +20 potence due to only being available every 5 turns assuming 100% success rate.

Flavor Effect: Has a lean that starts at -6 MRM and grows by 3 each turn until +6 MRM where it does not grow anymore. While at +6 MRM the next blocked/dodged hit attempts to inflict a Wind Poison. If the infliction is unsuccessful remains at +6 MRM lean. When the poison is inflicted shield returns to -6 MRM state and begins again.

-6 MRM, player takes 79/85 damage
-3 MRM, Player takes 82/85 damage
+/-0 MRM, Player takes 85/85 damage
+3 MRM, Player takes 88/85 damage
+6 MRM, Player takes 91/85 damage

Appearance: Similar to an umber-brown puffball fungus, or potentially a cluster of them. The shield starts small and scales up in size as the lean grows each turn.
Description: You're not quite sure what possessed a wizard to make this... thing, but considering it releases a potent poison that harms earth monsters maybe you should be happy and not think about it too hard.

Weeum -> RE: Weeum's Suggestion Thread (8/25/2023 20:07:44)

Royal Jelly
«MC Light Misc. Compresses a light guest.»

Powerlevel: 153, Mastercraft
Price: 6,051,293
Sellback: 3,025,646
Location: GGB rare tier? Not married to the location subject to change.

Light: *0.5
Wind: *0.5
BtH: +8

SP Cost: 98

-Click to summon Queen Hybee guest. Efficient guest, pays damage to seek between Light and Wind.

Appearance: A white and pale yellow honey pot tilted at a 30-45 degree angle, the lid is slightly adjar and there is purple jelly running down the side.

Weeum -> RE: Weeum's Suggestion Thread (8/31/2023 19:45:38)

Sila's Staff Rework
«MC Neutral "Staff".»

Level: 150
Powerlevel: 153, Mastercraft
Price: 24,205,166
Sellback: 12,102,583
Location: Battle of the Sinister Seven

Type: Magic
Hits: 2
Damage: .65 Base Lean
BTH: 19

100 Proc-type attack. Deals 2 hits of damage of a random element. Attack gains *132/109*1.1 damage for not being able to control element and being 100 proc with no true special.

Standard draw-mana type attack.

-When pressing attack player is given the option of Attacks 1 & 2.
-Weapon overcharges spells for 46.25% melee in MP (242 MP at 150) +[5*0.75]% melee from MC to cause an elemental spell to gain a bonus effect. The effect follows the database element of the spell. In the case of neutral type multi-element spells attempts to inflict a bonus effect corresponding to the first hit of the spell. No effect on harm spells/spells that deal heal damage. This effect takes *.6 for being omni-elemental.

Fire: Burn
Water: Siphon
Wind: Choke
Ice: MRM Loss
Earth: Cripple
Energy: Paralyze
Light: Blind
Darkness: Fear

Weeum -> RE: Weeum's Suggestion Thread (1/29/2024 20:17:17)

Legion Soul Forge Effigy
« MC Ice/Dark Dual Element Shield. Has a toggle that gives ice spells a burn. Slight Magic focus.»

Level: 150
Powerlevel: 153, Mastercraft
Price: 30,256,458
Sellback: 15,128,229
Location: GGB Dage Birthday

Melee: 12
Ranged: 12
Magic: 14

Ice: -21%
Darkness: -21%

Pays -3 MRM to compress elements.
Toggle consumes 79 SP and 70 HP when casting an Ice spell to attempt to inflict a (40/0.7/10*[85/85]/2) Ice burn.
Level: PowLvl vs MonsterLvl
Major: YourINT vs MonsterEND
Minor: YourLUK vs MonsterLUK

Appearance: A copy of Dage's Soul Forge, embossed on a shield.
Description: Tap into an echo of Dage's mighty soulforge with this shield. It will protect you from the cold and dark of the underworld, and if you stoke it with a little blood and spirit, it can burn your enemies with cold flame!

Weeum -> RE: Weeum's Suggestion Thread (8/7/2024 18:45:58)

Doctor Voltabolt's Faulty Battery
« MC Energy Misc. Enhances INT and burn power.»

Level: 150
Powerlevel: 153, Mastercraft
Price: 6,051,293
Sellback: 3,025,646
Location: idk man does anyone even care about this bloc

x0.5 Incoming Energy Damage
+50 INT
+10 Burn Potence
Burns inflicted with this equipped gain 1 extra Burn Power (costs 10% sp per turn on top of base misc equip cost)

Flavor Effect: When equipped while wearing a robotic armor each turn has a 5% chance to either grant player celerity* or paralyze.** 50/50 chance of each, paralyze cannot be resisted.

*The unstable battery has supercharged your armor! You can attack again.
**The faulty battery has short circuited your armor! You'll need a turn to reboot.

Weeum -> RE: Weeum's Suggestion Thread (8/7/2024 19:20:59)

Doctor Rhibarg
« MC Neutral Healing Pet.»

Level: 150
Powerlevel: 153, Mastercraft
Price: 12,102,583
Sellback: 6,051,291
Location: Guardian Tower

Heals player HP instead of attacking the monster. Deals x0.765 damage. MC goes toward damage.
Deals +35% damage. Costs 2.5% expected Gold reward (6618 at 150). This is paid each turn, it is not a toggle. If for whatever reason, player cannot pay the pet will not attack.*

*Uh oh, looks like your premium won't cover this one!

Appearance: A zard "wearing" a white coat. The coat is draped over its back with the sleeves hanging down in front of it. It wears a stethescope that wraps around the furry part of its body, and has a head mirror.
Description: Doctor Rhibarg is a very practiced, legitimate, and trustworthy doctor from an accredited medical school. Look he even has a white coat!

Guardian exclusive pet

Nurse Rhardbarg
« Non-MC Neutral Healing Pet.»

Level: 150
Powerlevel: 150
Price: idk lol I've never once looked at non mc pets I don't think
Sellback: See above
Location: Guardian Tower

Heals player HP instead of attacking the monster. Deals x0.765 damage.
Deals Deals +15% damage. Costs 0.83% expected Gold reward (2206 at 150). This is paid each turn, it is not a toggle. If for whatever reason, player cannot pay the pet will not attack.*

*Uh oh, looks like your premium won't cover this one!

Appearance: A zard "wearing" scrubs.
Description: Nurse Rhardbarg is Doctor Rhibarg's assistant. It helps with the less troublesome owies, for a lower fee.

In the guardian shop but does not require a guardian character. Can be used by adventurer characters via shared vault.

Weeum -> RE: Weeum's Suggestion Thread (8/31/2024 12:16:27)

Fancy Love Formal Wear
« MC FD Fire Armor. Comes with 3 skills.»

Level: 150
Powerlevel: 153, Mastercraft
Location: Crossover GGBs

Melee: 52
Ranged: 55
Magic: 52

Fire: 40%
Water: 86 %
Ice: 92%
Wind: 86 %
Earth: 64 %
Energy: 64 %
Light: 76 %
Dark: 76 %

Attack 1
1 hit
Normal BtH lean

Flavor Effect: Takes 1.25x damage to gain +21 MRM (Same as Ghost costume)

SKILL #1 - Spurned
Efficient SPell. 2 hits, gives up 50% damage to attempt to apply a 2 turn burn* with a +0 save** if at least 1 hit lands and deals damage. Inflicts with Player CHA vs Monster END. Gets elecomp to burn power.

SKILL #2 - Passionate
Apply -10 BtH lean to pet, guest and enemy, but not player - Free Toggle

Skill #3 - Fleeting
+15 MRM for 2 turns, costs 230 sp, useable once per battle, quickcast.

*Ooh! The sting of rejection!
** %Monstername% took that surprisingly well. Good for them, good for them.

Weeum -> RE: Weeum's Suggestion Thread (8/31/2024 12:40:02)

Totally Not Suspicious Princess
Light Element
Loosely inspired by the Princess Angler from AQW.

Level: 150
XP: 700,500
Gold: 800,000
Power: 2

Melee 87
Ranged 112
Magic 90

Est HP: 4760
Est MP: 1456

STR 225
END 275
CHA 250

Fire 35%
Water 15%
Wind 40%
Ice 30%
Earth 20%
Energy 35%
Light 60%
Dark 15%

Starts battle with a barrier, dangling a human homunculus decoy. Each turn the decoy is active, charges ~1/2 SP needed for its skill. When it has enough SP the main body of the monster comes onto the screen and blasts black gunk from its mouth doing 4 hits of water. The decoy will not attack and the monster is functionally in an inactive state while charging.

When the barrier is broken the monster comes onto the screen and is stunned for 1 turn. When it regains control it will erect its decoy barrier again and move off screen. This costs ~1/4 of the monster's MP.

When the monster runs out of MP it will come onto the screen permenantly and hit the player 2 times per turn swiping with its claws for dark damage.

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