Vampire Lord (Full Version)

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NEOCROM -> Vampire Lord (6/14/2020 0:29:39)

Given the fact vampire lord was nerfed for unknown reasons, which class can take its place in terms of multi targeting and maybe bigger damage? Heal too maybe?

Metakirby -> RE: Vampire Lord (6/14/2020 5:26:29)

A couple AoE classes saw some changes as the respawn timers went down dramatically to keep their relative power levels overall consistent with before, Vampire Lord was one which got the most drastic change, which makes it seem worse on the surface, but it gained a new niche.

Full Wizard, No Aspect Vampire Lord is still as strong as ever and full Luck with loopable aspect Aspect makes it a prime low HP mob grinder. Also if you're using Aspect with Vampire Lord, you should switch to Health Vamp instead of Spiral Carve, because Spiral Carve is reduced by the extra Physical Damage Out debuff whereas Health and Mana Vamp aren't, plus a little bit of extra healing is always appreciated when going full Aspect.

If you're looking for alternatives, I would recommend classes such as:
Blaze Binder (got a haste buff added to the heal)
Chaos Slayer (able to upkeep it's stacks practically forever now, making it even better than it was before for both bosses and mob farming)
Abyssal Angel (also slightly nerfed, but can still abuse Spiral Carve and auto attack resets like it used to)
Scarlet Sorceress
Royal Battlemage (a niche choice for high HP mostly, it's satisfying to just nuke 3 mobs to oblivion with this class, but it isn't necessarily the most efficient for general use cases due to decently long cooldowns)
Shadowscythe General (got bug fixed, got it's stacking changed a little bit, and shouldn't disconnect you 24/7 now)
Shaman (Ancestor's Flame now costs 5 more mana, but the class is still a great mob grinder Lightning costs 10 less and Embrace's cost got halved, but the latter 2 are only relevant for boss purposes anyways)
Legion Revenant (you can't go wrong with this class)
Master of Moglins (tends to be considered the best farming class by most, I don't own it, so I wont try to dispute that)

Some single target classes like Void Highlord, Yami No Ronin and Lightcaster can also compete as good "farming" classes in a lot of situations.

*Not necessarily listed in any specific order, just listed as they came to mind.

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