Which is better for farming: legion revenant or master of moglins (Full Version)

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incinerator4 -> Which is better for farming: legion revenant or master of moglins (8/9/2020 13:49:46)

For people with both Revenant and MoM, and thorough experience with both, which is better for farming? Also, if i already have revenant, is MoM worth getting?

vishal -> RE: Which is better for farming: legion revenant or master of moglins (8/18/2020 11:03:58)

LR and MoM are comparable I feel, no need to buy MoM.

KenTJY -> RE: Which is better for farming: legion revenant or master of moglins (8/24/2020 7:52:37)

Legion Revenant is weaker than Master of Moglins, but Legion Revenant is farmable while Master of Moglins isn't. You will need to take tons of hours to get Legion Revenant, and there aren't that many classes that can farm for that class very efficiently.

Since you own LR already, you won't even need MoM at all since it is just weaker than MoM by a few hundred DPS. LR is good for longer fights, so all in all there's no need to get MoM.

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