Underworld Epoch items (Full Version)

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Kynax -> Underworld Epoch items (10/1/2020 9:17:32)

I recently bought the calendar and it still didn't arrive. I'm also thinking of getting some dragon coins soon. My question is, does the calendar give me the helmet, cape and weapon of the class or should I buy the DC bundle that includes them?

DemonicDarkwraith -> RE: Underworld Epoch items (10/1/2020 10:38:00)

The calendar does not give the helm, cape and weapon of Underworld Epoch. To get them, you need to buy the 2k DCs package with them.

Kynax -> RE: Underworld Epoch items (10/1/2020 10:58:09)

Got it. Thank you.

Silver -> RE: Underworld Epoch items (10/1/2020 13:23:35)

you can alternatively buy them for DC's in-game in case you buy a different DC package (ie the other ones that don't come with epoch items)

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