Protean Pets (Full Version)

All Forums >> [Artix Entertainment Games] >> [AdventureQuest] >> AdventureQuest General Discussion >> Game Balance Issues


Sapphire -> Protean Pets (5/12/2021 14:08:33)

The elem vuln begins to stack with the use of shadowfeeder pendent. It can cause the elem vuln for the next turn to reach X174%, and along with gauranteed lucky strikes from arms of dragonguard it seems like the coding may be causing the element to *act like* it exceeds well north of 200% because in some instances a bloodmage can use shadowfeeder again and get two casts that can hit for 7-8k damage PER hit simply due to all these things stacking.
Thats two turns at 14-16k damage. So its maybe approx doubling damage.

I think either the effect shouldnt stack or it needs to be made additive or maybe there's something off with the code.

Just think someone needs to look at it, and if this is somehow deemed fine Im fine with it. Just wanted to bring it up.

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