RE: =AQ= Frostwyrm Rider Set Contest Suggestions (Full Version)

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GwenMay -> RE: =AQ= Frostwyrm Rider Set Contest Suggestions (9/6/2021 2:01:56)


Just like last year, we formed a group of the top 15 winners to discuss and vote on an armor suggestion. This is our group suggestion for the armor only.

This suggestion is supported by 8 of the top 15: Cloud (#1), Annatar (#2), Joachim (#5), CharisMagicalMintPastel (#7), Gwen (#8), Miranda (#9), Gavos (#13), and Dark Ragnarok (#15). We will update as more votes come in. For other top 15 people we couldn't reach individually - please feel free to support, partially support, criticize, or offer your own suggestions, and we will see what we can do.


FO Ice Armor. Has mounted/dismounted toggle; in mounted mode, does normal attacks, and in dismounted mode attacks are locked to ice and receive elecomp. MC changes depending on whether mounted or dismounted.

Mounted: Spell-based ice skill, follows Melee/Ranged/Magic according to weapon. Pays damage to inflict an ice elevuln, inflict with main stat (STR/DEX/INT), enemy resists with DEX. Alternatively, staff can do a weapon-based ice skill with elecomp.

Dismounted: Spell-based fire skill, follows Melee/Ranged/Magic according to weapon. Pays damage to inflict a 1 turn Thermal Shock, inflict with main stat (STR/DEX/INT), enemy resists with END. If successful, cause the background to change for remainder of fight. NOTE: If staff doesn’t want to put thermal shock on an ice armor, we are completely fine with having this be a spell-based ice skill that inflicts freeze instead.

Additionally, pays MRM to gain a backlash toggle in both forms, mounted or dismounted. When toggled, pays SP to gain an ice backlash status, inflict with player STR, DEX, or INT, whichever is highest, resist with enemy END

EDIT: Added more supporting votes from top 15 members who either DM'd permission to do so or expressed support on this thread.

Biokirkby -> RE: =AQ= Frostwyrm Rider Set Contest Suggestions (9/6/2021 3:30:54)

I'm Gavos (#13) and I'll happily support that!

.*. .*. .*. -> RE: =AQ= Frostwyrm Rider Set Contest Suggestions (9/6/2021 3:44:05)

Turn out that I managed to get in 7th spot.
I am .*.ChArI$MaGiCaL.*.MiNtPa$tIlLe.*. and I support the suggestion provided by GwenMay in post 27. [:)]

Novyx -> RE: =AQ= Frostwyrm Rider Set Contest Suggestions (9/6/2021 4:10:37)

The backlash pet sounds good as it hasn't been done yet, at least with a pure backlash mode and/or being elemental instead of Harm, and works independently for both CHA and non-CHA users alike, but maybe the weapon/shield could have malice potence instead of backlash potence (at +10 instead of +20 since it covers more statuses), so players other than the 10 dedicated backlashers in the top 100 could have use for it. As an added bonus, the malice potence would pair nicely with the currently-being-revamped Necromancer, since the class can inflict bleeds and burns.

rai0kakashi -> RE: =AQ= Frostwyrm Rider Set Contest Suggestions (9/6/2021 5:32:03)

To Gwen,

Backlash potency is relevant in the donation set if players want to have backlash on it.
Paladin requires undeadify or already undead monsters to trigger to status potency and it "locks" your equipped armor slot to paladin armor to use it.
Necromancer 7.5 potence doesn't really help much for backlashers and it "locks" your equipped armor slot to use it.
Doomlight is unavailable now, $100 per set and it "locks" your equipped weapon, armor and shield slot to use it.
If there are no good alternatives to sources of backlash potency like weapon and/or pet in this donation set, there is not much merit of using it as a backlash set.

Miranda -> RE: =AQ= Frostwyrm Rider Set Contest Suggestions (9/6/2021 7:06:43)

My character is Miranda (#9 this year) and fully support the armour suggestion from Gwen and the others. I think thermal shock would be nice to see on this armour, but happy with freeze as well (although the ice elevuln would pair much more nicely with thermal shock than freeze). And the backlash for an appropriate MRM reduction is an added bonus.
Agree 100% with Broccoli that the other items shouldn't cater exclusively to this armour design, but some synergy would be nice.
We have an ice bloodblade already, so something more interesting than 'more damage out for more damage in or an SP / HP cost' for the weapon would be good.
An elemental backlash pet would be great as well! And if we're going down the backlash route in general, something more unique / interesting than simple infliction / potency would be good to see (especially as we already have frost doomripper). Saw a couple of suggestions from primate murder (hope they don't mind me sharing!) that I've liked for a while and would fit with the backlash theme (sorry might have to copy / paste it, couldn't for the life of me figure out how to get the links to work): (quid pro quo) (memento mori)
(@GwenMay, thanks for reaching out via PM)

Nightmare Siegfried -> RE: =AQ= Frostwyrm Rider Set Contest Suggestions (9/6/2021 8:28:48)

I'm Dark Ragnarok and I support these suggestions.

Yozai -> RE: =AQ= Frostwyrm Rider Set Contest Suggestions (9/6/2021 14:55:21)


FO Ice Armor. Has mounted/dismounted toggle; in mounted mode, does normal attacks, and in dismounted mode attacks are locked to ice and receive elecomp. MC changes depending on whether mounted or dismounted.

Mounted: Spell-based ice skill, follows Melee/Ranged/Magic according to weapon. Pays damage to inflict an ice elevuln, inflict with main stat (STR/DEX/INT), enemy resists with DEX. Alternatively, staff can do a weapon-based ice skill with elecomp.

Dismounted: Spell-based fire skill, follows Melee/Ranged/Magic according to weapon. Pays damage to inflict a 1 turn Thermal Shock, inflict with main stat (STR/DEX/INT), enemy resists with END. If successful, cause the background to change for remainder of fight. NOTE: If staff doesn’t want to put thermal shock on an ice armor, we are completely fine with having this be a spell-based ice skill that inflicts freeze instead.

Additionally, pays MRM to gain a backlash toggle in both forms, mounted or dismounted. When toggled, pays SP to gain an ice backlash status, inflict with player STR, DEX, or INT, whichever is highest, resist with enemy END

#6 Lily/Me

Says: PLZ NO!

Sir Cloud -> RE: =AQ= Frostwyrm Rider Set Contest Suggestions (9/6/2021 15:40:06)

Great to see we now have a majority of broad-based support for our Armor suggestions. The most ever now for these Summer Donations! [:D]


My character is Miranda (#9 this year) and fully support the armour suggestion from Gwen and the others. I think thermal shock would be nice to see on this armour, but happy with freeze as well (although the ice elevuln would pair much more nicely with thermal shock than freeze).

Thanks Miranda. Glad to hear you like my thermal shock suggestion. You're right btw, it does synergize better than freeze with the ice elevuln part of the set. Good point. :)

Also thanks to Biokirkby and Nightmare Siegfried for your approval too!

LUPUL LUNATIC -> RE: =AQ= Frostwyrm Rider Set Contest Suggestions (9/6/2021 17:30:45)

I ended up at (#39 The Glass Wolf), i only want to suggest that an elemental ice backlash pet would be very nice to have as we lack a dedicated backlash Pet and Doomlight Set does not come with one. Personally i want it to be pure Backlash damage Pet like Dreadfiend but Ice with a minor change to either have Backlash Potency or scale with weapon mainstat/cha like Angra Linnorm does, although i am leaning more on it having Backlash Potency but it would be more viable for FO players if it had MainStat scaling. And a toggle for Thermal Shock would be very lovely for beastmasters as well because it has great synergy with the Armor's Ice elelocked attacks.

In regards to the Armor : Staff has made an Ice armor in the past with a Fire spell-based skill named Ancient ReignDragon and it was also an Ice Dragon that breathed flames so Thermal Shock for Frostwyrm can be thematic.

Shield should have some Potency be it generic or not but its highly dependant the effects based on how Armor/Pet/Weapon shapes up being.

For Weapon i understand if players do not want it to be Backlash Weapon with MC for Potency as it has no synergy with elelocked attacks from Armor but you could use any weapon with elelocked attacks at the same time for maximum damage so i went with a flavor weapon instead.

The Hollow -> RE: =AQ= Frostwyrm Rider Set Contest Suggestions (9/7/2021 9:34:37)

I see a lot of great ideas! Looking at the top 25, since everyone donated so much, I am considering expanding the armors from the top 15 to top 25. Giving the top 15 an elite CC version of the armor, and places 16-25 receive the regular armor.

Cupquake -> RE: =AQ= Frostwyrm Rider Set Contest Suggestions (9/7/2021 10:09:28)


I see a lot of great ideas! Looking at the top 25, since everyone donated so much, I am considering expanding the armors from the Top 15 to Top 25. Giving the top 15 an elite CC version of the armor, and places 16-25 receive the regular armor.

I wasted 18k tokens donating for my other characters to get the shield and misc just for a shop to be announced last minute instead of at the start. Now it's being expanded to the Top 25 after the competition has ended? I have no problem with it being Top 25, overall, I think it's a good thing and a welcome change. Except that this kind of announcement should have been made at the start of the donation drive, not after it ended.

Had people known that, they would have either donated more or less for the Top 25. It's a good intention that has been marred by a complete lack of communication about this.

Shiba -> RE: =AQ= Frostwyrm Rider Set Contest Suggestions (9/7/2021 10:19:55)

Make these announcements for *future* competitions, not for current competitions. Seriously, that is just an insult to people who are top #15, but also to those at #26-28.

We've seen this behaviour a lot. Good suggestions being applied to current situations, without thinking of the consequences and feelings of those who participated in current competitions.

Novyx -> RE: =AQ= Frostwyrm Rider Set Contest Suggestions (9/7/2021 11:07:00)

To put it a bit more nicely than the 3 comments above me, I'm sure there were no ill intentions behind this idea, it's just that the timing of this announcement (or, announcement of intent?) being after the contest ends but still changing the terms of the already-ended contest can put a lot of people in a rough position, mainly those that bought into the top 15 thinking the prize would be exclusive to the top 15, and those that didn't buy into the top 25 because they had no warning of any potential change prior to the contest ending. Again, it's a very nice thing you're considering, and at a surface level is purely beneficial for the playerbase, but it can waver people's faith in future competitions. It may be better to hold off on the top 15 to top 25 extension, give the top 15 colour-custom armours (as I'm sure they'd feel worse without, after it was hinted), then have the next donation contest have an extended top x requirement instead as the reward for everyone donating so much.

I should note that I am not personally affected by any change here (unless prizes around the top 50 change as well), so this is coming from a purely outside perspective.

aq DarkKnight -> RE: =AQ= Frostwyrm Rider Set Contest Suggestions (9/7/2021 11:12:16)

@Hollow, thank you, and please forgive my three buddies above for insolence. They do not mean it and are just having a hard day. With that being said, I am #18 for this contest, and want to said I throw my support for @GwenMay idea after much deliberation and debate with my Brainstorming Group on Discord. Let's made GwenMay's idea a reality.

Shiba -> RE: =AQ= Frostwyrm Rider Set Contest Suggestions (9/7/2021 11:36:19)

I'd appreciate it if you do not minimize my opinion or set it aside as having a "bad day". Changing the rules *after* a competition is, simply put, unfair. Especially when it changes who wins what.

PD -> RE: =AQ= Frostwyrm Rider Set Contest Suggestions (9/7/2021 12:23:19)

I’m actually okay with the expansion to the top 25 cuts now and going forward (I actually advocated for this in the beginning!). Although as a compromise we could just expand to the top 20 for this time only (since so much sniping happened) and then in the future adopt additional reforms which will make contests much less dysfunctional.

As people have come to suggest in agreeance with me in the main thread, all the prizes should be given on a fixed tier basis and token distribution beingly spread out equally across all participants

OG Ranger -> RE: =AQ= Frostwyrm Rider Set Contest Suggestions (9/7/2021 12:25:15)

I'm cool with it being extended to top 25. More people get to enjoy the game.

aq DarkKnight -> RE: =AQ= Frostwyrm Rider Set Contest Suggestions (9/7/2021 12:26:48)

@Shiba, I want everyone to be happy coming out of this contest like last year. Last-minute change is done by Hollow out of the kindness of his heart, so do not take it out on him. I can see where you are coming from with "make these announcements for *future* competitions, not for current competitions" and I can see why I might be unfair based on a player's point of view. I apologize if I said anything wrong, as I am not good with words, and I'm fine with just getting an awesome pet out of this contest. If the promise is ironclad, then so be it if everyone comes out satisfied.

EDIT: I am in wholehearted agreement with @PD compromise for this issue. The issue is now fully resolved.

Sapphire -> RE: =AQ= Frostwyrm Rider Set Contest Suggestions (9/7/2021 12:38:02)

I'm flabbergasted at the entitlement. Just wow...

Aura Knight -> RE: =AQ= Frostwyrm Rider Set Contest Suggestions (9/7/2021 12:51:29)

One issue with expanding the prizes now is that at the last moments people were rushing to get those top 15 spots, donating more than they initially intended and now that it's over and they made it there, turns out they could have waited and been in top 25 and still got what they were after. These kind of changes should be announced before the end of the donations and not after even if it seems they are meant to be generous changes. Nothing to do with being entitled. The expectation was different and that is where confusion and frustration comes from.

joac1144 -> RE: =AQ= Frostwyrm Rider Set Contest Suggestions (9/7/2021 14:13:15)

I'm #5 (Joachim), and changing the rules and/or rewards after a contest has ended is a no-go. If I had known that I could get the armor by donating 300,000 Tokens less, I wouldn't have donated over 500K. I understand that you would give the top15 a special version of the reward, but in this kind of contest where people spend literally hundreds or maybe even a thousand dollars to win, it's just not good enough.

I see and appreciate the good intentions, don't get me wrong, and I would certainly like to have future contests have the prize armor given to top 25 instead of top 15. Though, for this contest, it should be given only to top 15.

The Hollow -> RE: =AQ= Frostwyrm Rider Set Contest Suggestions (9/7/2021 14:35:17)

Alright folks, thanks for all the feedback! Then I will keep the armor prize to the original 15, and save the changes for our next contest.

Sir Cloud -> RE: =AQ= Frostwyrm Rider Set Contest Suggestions (9/7/2021 15:08:26)


I'm #5 (Joachim), and changing the rules and/or rewards after a contest has ended is a no-go. If I had known that I could get the armor by donating 300,000 Tokens less, I wouldn't have donated over 500K. I understand that you would give the top15 a special version of the reward, but in this kind of contest where people spend literally hundreds or maybe even a thousand dollars to win, it's just not good enough.

I see and appreciate the good intentions, don't get me wrong, and I would certainly like to have future contests have the prize armor given to top 25 instead of top 15. Though, for this contest, it should be given only to top 15.

I mean, thank you all in the top 15 who came to my rescue here! Had to do a double take on this but thankfully joac1144 said it all for me! [:D]

Not to mention the small fact that I spent WELL over 1 Million Tokens this year to be #1 specifically for the armor and to support my fellow AQ community playas! :)

edit: Thank you Hollow, as always, for listening to player concerns. I know you meant well on this and your idea of having more options for next year + possible cc versions would be a welcomed addition to these donations. :)

GwenMay -> RE: =AQ= Frostwyrm Rider Set Contest Suggestions (9/7/2021 18:04:17)

I'm a bit late to the party, but I agree with the sentiments expressed by others that changes to the number of players receiving prizes should not happen after contest starts (and especially not after contest ends). I donated 500,025 tokens and I doubt I would have had to donate that much if it was top 25 instead. Also, it just seems unfair to change the rules when the game is over.

However, I STRONGLY support the idea of a top 25 in general for armor the summer donation armor, with CC/elite versions for top 15. Players will still compete for top 15 to get the special versions, but more people will have access to the armor's skills, and the armor art/skills are usually interesting enough that more people should have the opportunity to experience it. Please do not take the general dislike of the idea for *this* year, after the contest ended, for dislike of moving to a top 25 in the future.

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