PD -> PD's Suggestion Shop (9/30/2021 20:47:39)
A list of general suggestions that I have. Will get updated over time. Armors The Battery Packs. A series of armors that act like "batteries". When you get hit with the primary element of that armor, you can gain charges. When you have enough charges, you can spend those charges to do a "double attack" (Celerity, or just a special attack animation that lets you do twice the number of attacks). Lithium-Ion Battery Pack - Energy FO Armor. Gains charges when hit with energy attacks. Liquid Metal Battery Pack - Fire FO Armor. Gains charges when hit with fire attacks. Same concept as above, but with Fire. This was inspired by a video I saw about the future of battery technologies, where we can havean abundant source of energy based upon super-hot liquids that store electrical charges. Solar Cell Pack - FO Light Armor. Gains charges when hit with light attacks. Hydro-Power Pack - FO Water Armor. Gains charges when hit with water attacks. Uranium Power Pack - FO Earth Armor. Gains charges when hit with earth attacks. The Wrestler - FO Earth Armor. You lose the ability to dodge. Has a skill that lets you spend that turn to let the enemy attack you. If you are hit, your next weapon-based attack is guaranteed to land, with increased damage depending on how many attacks you took in. Daimyo Rider - FO Light Armor. Can switch between Mounted and Unmounted forms. When you are unmounted, your attacks are locked to light, and you gain eleComp to damage. If your current class is Paladin you gain a damage boost, otherwise you suffer a downtrigger. For every Daimyo on your side (Paladin's Manifestation or Daimyo Guest), you gain an additional damage boost. Spells The Crystal Wall - A purely defensive spell that imitates (but not a clone of) Invincible Star. Comes with 3 flavors: Talc Wall - You stun yourself for 1 turn. You'll take 0 damage while stunned. IE, you are encased in a wall of crystal to protect yourself but cannot do anything while encased. Quartz Wall - You stun yourself for 2 turns. Diamond Wall - You stun yourself for 3 turns. Your pets/guests will still be able to do actions while you are encased in crystal. The Fake Out - Only good on your first turn, and ONLY if you go first. If the attack lands, and the enemy loses the save, they are paralyzed for 1 turn. Gets an additional save penalty as a condition of the spell use. If used for any other turn, the spell does no damage, and your turn is spent. Mega Impact - Parody of Pokemon's Giga Impact. Earth Spell, cast with SP. You do increased damage, but on your next turn you are paralyzed. Locked and Loaded - Obvious pokemon parody (Lock On). You spend 1 turn to cast the spell, dealing no damage. On your next turn, all your attacks will auto-hit, and you get Hypercritical as well. Miscs The Orb of Suffering - You can give yourself an adverse status of your choosing. You can only give yourself one adverse status a turn. The Orb of Perseverance - Based on the number of adverse statuses, you get boosted by a positive status (empower, heals, defense boost, etc) of your choosing. You can only give yourself 1 positive status a turn. As implied, you'd use this in concert with the Orb of Suffering. Reality Gauntlet - We never got to have a Z Gauntlet for this, but I figured I should at least transpose a few of my ideas for this: 1. Change the background and implements one of those 9999 environmental turn effects like you see in the Champion Packages. 2. Allow you for the battle to turn your no-drops (Weapon/Armor/Shield) into a temp item of your choice, or imbue an element of your choice. 3. Change the element of your opponent's attacks. Might be too hard to code though. 4. Change/Reduce opponent stats permanently for the battle. IE ShadowWalker of Time's Hourglass. Rock of the King - Obvious pokemon parody. Misc item that you equip. After your player attack, you have the ability to inflict a control on the opponent. More hits gives you a higher chance to inflict. Yuck Jar - Inspired by TF2's Jarate. Click on the jar to throw it at the enemy. On your next turn, your attacks will have increased hypercritical chances. Awesome Milk - Inspired by TF2's The Mad Milk. Click on the glass bottle to throw it at the enemy. On your next turn, your attacks will heal you for a percentage of the damage dealt. Vending Machine - Inspired by TF2's engineer's dispenser. Has a normal upkeep. Every turn it gathers a charge. You must continuously keep it equipped or else it resets the charge. After 5 charges, it grants you for free and then resets the charges to 0, a following bonus randomly: 1 HP Potion 1 MP Potion Random Positive Status Boost (Ele Empower, Hypercritical, celerity, etc)