Jay -> Sphere of Elemental Power (10/2/2021 8:38:38)
[image]https://media.artix.com/encyc/df/tags/DC.png[/image]Sphere of Elemental Power A replica of Warlic's crystal ball. Legally distinct from Elemental Orbs. Changes color based on equipped weapon element. Click to change its position in your hand! (Cosmetic) (No DA Required) Location: AARGH Rewards Price: N/A Required Items: 25 Timewarped Medal Sellback: 0 Dragon Coins Level: 1 Damage: 0-0 Element: Evil Stats: None Resists: None Rarity: 0 Item Type: Scythe Damage Type: Magic/Pierce/Melee Equip Spot: Weapon Category: Weapon Other information Weapon's appearance is attuned to the player's equipped weapon's element; refer to this chart for all appearances. Click anywhere on the weapon to reposition it through a total of 10 different positions. Wood elemental attunement became accessible upon the release of Spare Chair on January 28th, 2023. [image]https://github.com/DF-Pedia/DF-Pedia/raw/master/weapons/SphereofElementalPower.png[/image]