=AQ= Necromancer Class Advanced Gear (Full Version)

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CHAIML -> =AQ= Necromancer Class Advanced Gear (10/18/2021 12:10:20)


Necromancer Advanced Gear
In preparing for the end of the conspiracy that ran parallel to yours, within the halls of the Orchus Archive, you discover a beginning instead. This lurking influence now seeks to eradicate the legacy of the Mysterious Necromancers, carrying a penitence that dates back to the very origins of Necromancy on Lore!


AQ's 19th Anniversary
Year of Bronze
October just keeps getting better and better as this month is also AQ's anniversary! So come join us in celebrating 19 years of BattlingOn! Make sure you stop by the Limited-Time Shop and grab all the Bronze Anniversary gear while they last. Also find the special 19th Birthday Cupcake Misc, plus the Soul Drinker Blade and more!

Mogloween 2021 Golden Giftboxes
Necromancer Riders
The Mogloween season continues with 8 sinister prizes being added this month! Necromancer Riders defend the Orcus Archive from the Shadowscythe, charging into battle with a cavalry of ghosts! With 4 different versions as well as color-custom armor, you don't want to get caught dead without one. Also find Necromancer Rider Lances and Faces. Plus Energetic versions of Savage Werewolf and Predatory Vampire Armors!

Zombie Hunter Set
50K Z-Token Package Bonus
Don't let those zombies chomp on your gray matter and instead offer them a lead salad courtesy of your boom stick! This powerful set features an armor, 3 weapons, shield and title. The undead will be rattling in fear with this set's amazing full-set bonus and undead trigger. Grab yours while they last as this package bonus will only be available for a limited time!
Info sub: Here

Arms of Carnax
20K Z-Token Package Bonus
Wield the power of one of the greatest legendary foes in all of Lore! Become consumed by the power of the Carnax beast and unlock this weapon's ultimate power - transforming you into the incarnation of Carnax's Malice!
Info sub: Here

2021 Calendar In-Game Rewards
Unlock Draconic Chronomancer in-game bonus rewards in:
AdventureQuest 3D
AdventureQuest Worlds
The original AdventureQuest

~Tagged, you're it. ~Anim

PS. Bronze Guardian Dragon Jr. Pet: AQ-BRONZEGDPET (Visit Ballyhoo in-game to use this code and redeem your pet.)

Lv 1000 -> RE: AQClassic: Necromancer Class Advanced Gear (10/18/2021 12:13:33)

Excited for the advanced necro armors and the quest boss!

Macho Man -> RE: AQClassic: Necromancer Class Advanced Gear (10/18/2021 14:10:09)

Yes finally! Guess I should start the class quests and am hoping for some nice gameplay [:D]

Zennistrad -> RE: AQClassic: Necromancer Class Advanced Gear (10/18/2021 16:23:31)


...dates back to the very origins of Necromancy on Lore!

Ah, now there's an interesting blurb. And it's got me thinking about just who might be involved next.

Think back for a moment. When was the last time we saw a necromancer that purported to use methods more ancient than the Leyline magic used by the Order? One who the Chosen all but directly stated would come back someday? And one who's minions we curiously saw appear as mobs in the Orcus Archives?

Well, this is just a guess, but I have a hunch that we might finally be seeing Ryn the Undying again.

J9408 -> RE: AQClassic: Necromancer Class Advanced Gear (10/18/2021 19:08:31)

I hope we do. It felt weird that such an interesting character only appeared once. Especially when you considered the state of the Leyline magics.

ruleandrew -> RE: AQClassic: Necromancer Class Advanced Gear (10/19/2021 0:37:34)

Adventure Quest can only afford 1 content fix week this year. Next week is Mogloween. 1 week is saved for harvest festival. 2 weeks is saved for yearly mastercraft set. 5 weeks is saved for annual frostval event.

PD -> RE: AQClassic: Necromancer Class Advanced Gear (10/19/2021 0:52:36)

Hopefully this will wrap up the loose ends that were presented in the class finale. The note on the necromancer origins is interesting. Also just a lore check - is it right to characterize necromancers as life-energy manipulators, focused on the undead? It does feel like that anyways.

@ruleandrew: That does remind me, the year is coming to a close quickly. One thing that is important to remember is that sometimes, holiday portal availability is not always released on the same week that the yearly quest is released, though it sometimes can be. Either way yeah, we are at that point of the year where it's pretty much aside from the few other things aggressive focused towards seasonal content. From what the staff says anyways, it seems that this year is already planned out, and any plans for fixes are going to be for next year. Although we were promised updates this year, but never got them. So hopefully 2022 does this though I remain skeptical that we'll get those updates because:

1. The sheer number of things that need to get updated. See: UpdateQuest thread size and the number of requests. And if the AQ team is going to consult that thread as its guide for what needs to get updated, that it will only be band-aid fixes because they are selective and not holistic suggestions.

2. The current time-based obligatory roadblocks that do exist that effectively hamper AQ's ability to even address updates (minimum 50% unobtainable/premium content release floor, certain promises (read: unobtainables) that are deemed more important than sustainability). And I do have to say as an addendum to this point, Class Revamps and Summer Sagas are nice but quite frankly a lot of the newly released content as of late has actually made the game worse balance and design wise. Schedule-wise every year since 2017 (and it has gotten worse each progressive year) we effectively have to wait until spring/summer until we get our batch of permanent content. Meanwhile we more or less surrender ourselves to the fact the backend of October all the way to middle of May (seven months) are filled with an aggressive tailoring towards unobtainables. On a positive aspect, Cray has said he is looking into this as it is part of his alley, and he is in no doubt aware of this problem. Yet it still needs to get pointed out regardless so that others maybe aware of this.

3. Related to the first point, the all-important need to address underlying fundamentals (balance standards and assumptions) which if done so, would then probably necessitate holding off on everything else until that is done, and then doing number 1. Thus, our timeline is slowed even more, if this is even going to get addressed. This has been in limbo for a great number of years now. And It is acknowledged that the staff has very limited capacity to do any of these points. But un-acknowledged is an understanding of the true breadth to get to that point if we even do decide to undertake this.

Lorekeeper -> RE: AQClassic: Necromancer Class Advanced Gear (10/19/2021 1:05:28)

Rest assured, that's the purpose of the story in advanced quests. Class level 20 quests provide soft closure that fully establishes the class's role in the story, while the advanced quests are the finale that wraps everything up.

Biokirkby -> RE: AQClassic: Necromancer Class Advanced Gear (10/19/2021 2:06:52)

To me, Necromancers- and golemancers, and the like- have always seemed like life-energy manipulators. Or using magic to animate something, so... anima. I suppose things like the haunting spell, or more conceptually talking to spirits is a different application of similar magic.

Shiba -> RE: AQClassic: Necromancer Class Advanced Gear (10/20/2021 16:00:02)

It is heeeeeeeere! (Well, soon)

I can't wait to find out what the differences between each version will be, stat/mechanics wise, but also in looks! [:D]

Zennistrad -> RE: AQClassic: Necromancer Class Advanced Gear (10/20/2021 21:47:36)


To me, Necromancers- and golemancers, and the like- have always seemed like life-energy manipulators. Or using magic to animate something, so... anima. I suppose things like the haunting spell, or more conceptually talking to spirits is a different application of similar magic.

I don't think "anima" means that, though you're close. "Anima" is Latin for "soul," more specifically the animating principle of the soul within all living things. The anima of a living being is roughly equivalent to their will or psyche, and would persist for as long as their soul does.

Almost everything we've seen from necromancy involves commanding or manipulating the souls of others, whether by binding them to undead bodies, or in some cases, by simply communicating with spirits directly.

Biokirkby -> RE: AQClassic: Necromancer Class Advanced Gear (10/20/2021 22:12:06)

Damn it, I knew as soon as I sent it I messed up somewhere!

The Hollow -> RE: AQClassic: Necromancer Class Advanced Gear (10/21/2021 11:54:13)

This will be another Friday release folks.

Lorekeeper -> RE: AQClassic: Necromancer Class Advanced Gear (10/21/2021 13:09:12)

The term Anima in AQ lore refers not to the will of a being, but to a form of energy inherent to a soul -- A component of it, specifically. It can have a positive or negative charge, with the latter typically corresponding to necrotic life forms (Both natural and reanimated). The specifics of how it bridges the spiritual and physical aspects of a being aren't widely known, but a few details have been revealed:

- If a living being somehow loses some of this energy, it does recover over time. This damage and recovery can be reflected on the subject's physical form. Kaley Obsidia has developed a means of 'uncapping' this recovery to produce an excess within an acceptable safe threshold, wielding the resulting buffer as part of the basis for her new school of Necromancy.

- A significant charge is lost when a creature dies, as any natural reaction of anima is inherently wasteful. Therefore, spirits can't all simply reanimate their bodies on their own and force themselves into undeath through thought alone.

- This lost energy goes to Death. That resurrection is allowed, and accepted by some, means that this god is 'double dipping' in terms of power gain.

- Forsaken have next to none, and a sufficiently destructive death can undo them utterly as a result. Final death without an afterlife. This is also what makes them virtually worthless to uncreate; the vast majority of their *perceivable* potential has left their body.

- Separating anima from the body doesn't inherently preserve life. Phylacteries are a far more advanced arcane construct than this.

- Paladins and Necromancers affect anima in different ways. The former are empowered by resonance with spirits they have freed, the souls of those they have uplifted through good deeds, and fellow practitioners of the new method. While the path of least resistance for Necromancers has historically been the manipulation of unwilling souls, Obsidia's method instead involves empowering willing undead allies.

Biokirkby -> RE: AQClassic: Necromancer Class Advanced Gear (10/21/2021 18:09:53)

Fascinating! Thanks for putting it into words, Cray!

Nameless King -> RE: AQClassic: Necromancer Class Advanced Gear (10/22/2021 4:13:19)

I really wonder how powerful is the real Death.........

Kurtz96 -> RE: AQClassic: Necromancer Class Advanced Gear (10/22/2021 13:31:58)

Just to confirm: the boatman we meet when we die/use power world die is not the "real Death" and is not the same as Death the Horseman.
Is Death the Horseman the "real Death" then?

The Hollow -> RE: AQClassic: Necromancer Class Advanced Gear (10/22/2021 15:49:30)

Alright Necromancers... one final challenge remains before unlocking the ultimate power of the new Necromancer Class! As well as many advanced class armors, there are also CC versions, new Eldritch weapons to unlock, several Necromancer faces in the class shop, plus the new Blasfemur clubs.

Lorekeeper -> RE: AQClassic: Necromancer Class Advanced Gear (10/22/2021 17:45:20)

Heads up, folks: If you've played since the release, please refresh your cache before trying to use Deathwalker. A crash-inducing bug with the armor was just fixed.


Just to confirm: the boatman we meet when we die/use power world die is not the "real Death" and is not the same as Death the Horseman.
Is Death the Horseman the "real Death" then?

Correct. The Boatman and the Reaper are servants of Death, the Rider himself.

Biokirkby -> RE: AQClassic: Necromancer Class Advanced Gear (10/22/2021 17:54:15)

Yup, noticed that myself...

I'm glad to finally have the advanced Necromancer armours! I'm extra glad there are Magic and Charisma focused variants! (I do, however, wish that the balanced variant let me use sp or mp based fear)

I'm impressed you snuck in the title restrictions and the spellcaster lean as well!

CH4OT1C! -> RE: AQClassic: Necromancer Class Advanced Gear (10/22/2021 19:15:14)

A wonderful finish to the Necromancer Class Storyline and a fantastic update to the Spellcaster Lean. Didn't expect for it to happen so quickly. Thank you [:)]

PD -> RE: AQClassic: Necromancer Class Advanced Gear (10/22/2021 20:00:26)

With this update to Spellcaster Lean, perhaps it's time to get another look at Brihaldo Necromancer Form and Angelic Robes, unless they haven't been updated? I don't have the painting for the later but I will see how the former works now. Hopefully if it benefits from the lean update, that it would be good for opening up some playstyle options.

PS: It seems nobody is keen on posting what the new Spellcaster Lean is updated to. So here it is:

Your armour has spellcaster lean. Monster attacks deal x1.25 damage and armour attacks deal x1 damage. However, all spells deal x1.375 damage.

Note: this status is in development and subject to change without notice.

Old Lean: (From Brihaldo Necromancer Form)

Your armour has spellcaster lean. Monster attacks deal x1.25 damage, and armour attacks do x0.8 damage. However, all Darkness damage from sppels gains +83.62% damage.

EDIT: Looks like Brihaldo Necromancer Form still has the old Spellcaster Lean. That will need to be updated when appropriate. I suspect Angelic Robes is the same and too must be updated.

Biokirkby -> RE: AQClassic: Necromancer Class Advanced Gear (10/22/2021 20:39:03)

For those considering the colour custom token armour: The cape and some trim areas are colour custom, most of it is still black. I quite like it.

Zennistrad -> RE: AQClassic: Necromancer Class Advanced Gear (10/22/2021 21:13:10)

Awesome release! Kudos to the team for managing to get this out, the Necromancer revamp has been one of my most anticipated video game releases of the year in general.

On another note, I'm still holding onto my Death Knight Minion Armor from when the quest line first released. Is there any chance that it may be updated now that the Necromancer class is complete?

GwenMay -> RE: AQClassic: Necromancer Class Advanced Gear (10/22/2021 21:43:35)

Great release! Interesting story, and of course the long awaited completion of necromancer. Well worth the wait.

More specific thoughts:


-Level 150 Necro skills are all I hoped they would be and more.

-Loved the dialogue! Kaley and Cenara are surprisingly great together. Kaley lives so close to (or in?) Darkovia and they have such similar stories (being women leaders rebelling against the stereotypes of an "evil" faction) that it makes sense they are friends. Also, Kore has a great design, both in and out of combat, and a really fun personality. Was great watching a conflict end politely (although we had to have the boss fight ofc). Maybe we can have a CHA roll to convince her without a fight? Seems like it could work here.

-Speaking of Cenara, dracopyre update soon? One can dream...

-Advanced Necro is great. I particularly like the color-custom token version; bought one on my main and will get more on Black Friday for the alts I'm making necromancers. However, the gold advanced versions look good too. Beastmaster and spellcaster variants make a lot of sense, and really helps pure builds (pure mages, pure beastmasters).

-Spellcaster lean change is great! Really like the general spell boost idea, for necro and going forwards. Hopefully this means the ice necro cavalry armor's spell will get elecomp back.

-I'm surprised all of paladins skills weren't locked when not paladin and vice versa! We actually kept a decent amount. Paladin and Necro are still very usable outside of their title bonus.

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