FD Status Compensation (Full Version)

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Primate Murder -> FD Status Compensation (11/14/2021 2:49:12)

AQ has multiple examples of statuses being affected by the FO armor lean, including the melee weapon from the latest MC set. It does not, however, have any statuses that are affected by the FD lean.

Fully Defensive armors take 80% damage from all monster attacks, and that means that any statuses that affect monsters' damage or accuracy - pretty much all the same statuses that are affected by the Boss Boost - are 80% less effective. For example, the armor from the same MC set features a skill that inflicts Panic, reducing monster damage by 20%. By the virtue of being tied to an FD armor, though, the damage reduction only consists of 16% (20*0.8). Shouldn't it get some compensation for it, then, increased effect or decreased cost?

Or am I missing something?

Legendary Ash -> RE: FD Status Compensation (11/14/2021 17:01:27)

Mastercraft sets' weapons have had greater adaptability with armors, Champion of Akriloth's Bow, Morningstar's Crossbow/Crosses/Whip, Frostgale's Ferocity/Alacrity/Wisdom all gain +25% damage with Offensive lean.

For the same reason multiplicative status conditions namely War's Legacy's Afraid is worth 100% melee instead of 125% for an Offensive lean, Defensive lean status conditions namely Fujin's no Kiyousa's Wall of Wind and Talonguard Coat's Panic assume Neutral lean as there is nothing preventing a player from changing into a different lean after the effect is applied.

Secondly if non-damage status conditions were to be modified by lean to be worth the same additively, it would require reversion of balance standards back to old standards of a standard skill costing resources modified by Armor lean such as Sugar Rush Armour, where resources were additive with Armor lean, for unknown reasons were changed to modern standards where it is multiplicative with Armor lean, producing the situation where there is lower upkeep for Offensive lean and higher upkeep for Defensive lean accumulated as a total at the end of the battle.

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