new poison misc (Full Version)

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Deaf of Destiny -> new poison misc (11/18/2021 16:30:20)

it is insane! will we get more poison for potence shield, harm poison armor, and weapon when?!

I use fiend of vergill (dark poison), plague hammer (wind poison) with misc. It is not really hurt themselves so much unlike burns, burns hit themselves with multi-elements but poison doesn't.

J9408 -> RE: new poison misc (11/18/2021 16:50:03)

I know your topic is about more poison equipment, but I think this is a good opportunity to talk about how poison is too similar to Burn and Bleed.

Because of similar function there is hardly any reason nowadays to use poison. Bleed can do nearly everything poison can but with higher damage.

Sure it can inflict "harm" and it cannot be healed by the monster, but the damage is too low to be consider a option.

Not to mention compatible equipment like Neko and other weapons and guest, there is barely any other reason to use it. Unless you want harm damage.

I really think poison needs a buff.


- It can debilitate your enemy severely, lowering END and DEX by X amount.

- The Poison power multiplies every turn.

Poison needs something to stand out from the three.

Sapphire -> RE: new poison misc (11/18/2021 21:00:20)

Poison should get worse for the monster every round, the longer it doesn't thwart it. I feel as though it should not be assigned a number of rounds, kind of like sleep/panic, etc, and just get worse. Maybe instead of getting worse, it saps a small amount of END too each round. Maybe first round you lose 10, round two another 10, maybe 15, 3rd round maybe another 20. You could keep the duration that way. It would almost resemble a hybrid of burn and fragile, but it's a DoT where it does some damage and also saps END. I'd be good either way. But yeah if it differentiated from burn a bit more it would make it unique ;-)

OG Ranger -> RE: new poison misc (11/22/2021 3:33:25)


Poison should get worse for the monster every round, the longer it doesn't thwart it. I feel as though it should not be assigned a number of rounds, kind of like sleep/panic, etc, and just get worse.

Love this idea. Add new effects after a certain number of turns (e.g 30 fragile after 3 turns of being poisoned then blind after 6 turns). You could get really creative with it. That would make poison worth using.

Shiba -> RE: new poison misc (11/22/2021 9:18:30)

But then its no longer Poison, but Poison + Fragile + Blind!

J9408 -> RE: new poison misc (11/22/2021 9:41:16)

Correct it would would just be a combination of other effects, it would also be overpowered.

I think a simple 2x Poison power every turn would be better.

Burn and Bleed become more powerful with every fail save on a "hit", Poison can stand out by not needing any more "hits". One infliction is all that is needed.

As SapphireCatalyst2021 said, it becomes more powerful with every turn the monster fails the save.

This kind of "Poison" would be great for long battles.

Now, how this would be balance I have no idea, this is just a suggestion.

Sapphire -> RE: new poison misc (11/25/2021 19:54:14)

In order to balance it, you have to have an assumed number of turns. Then you have to come up with what you feel is a balanced damage over that duration. Then you figure out how much damage it has to do on turn 1, then 2, then 3, then etc etc to reach the average.

If x effect gives you the same damage as y effect, where x is the same damage everytime and y is like we have described, it defeats the point of havbing it. So I think the fragile like add on with reduced damage is better.

ruleandrew -> RE: new poison misc (11/27/2021 9:18:42)

Poison mean monster take damage for x rounds and monster attack power is reduced for x rounds.

This is one way to make poison useful: combination of burn and choke

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