Black Friday Shopping List (Full Version)

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Primate Murder -> Black Friday Shopping List (11/24/2021 0:45:09)

It's finally here!

With the plethora of z-token items available, what do people consider the favorites and the must-haves to buy this holiday?

PD -> RE: Black Friday Shopping List (11/24/2021 1:47:55)

Generally what I do for Black Friday:

1. House Buybacks. Yes, the interest rate and sellback value will be lower, but there are other reasons to have houses. Inventory, free potions, painting access, access to other players' houses and estate plots. I usually buy these around black friday, sell then, and then re-buy them (Buyback) at this time of year. And while it's true it's not a huge profit, but it's still free Z-tokens over time. Multiply it several times over several characters and you can multiply this effect. I usually get around 8k free tokens a year doing this. I use this as a cascade effect to buy more houses. After this year I should be projected to earn around 15k a year for free because of the expanded character slots.

2. Estate items. Probably the biggest impact. They're still expensive overall and rather superfluous (around 20k with the 50% discount) but if you want to build estates, now is the perfect time to do that. I've been waiting for this time of year to build new estates on my other characters, and expand to level 3 on my existing ones at a steep discount. I will have to double check, but I believe that the Shadow Guards from Legends of Lore do not get the Discount because they're already discounted. I may be wrong on this and will correct this once that day happens. The discount period is long enough this year that both Gauntlets will overlap in the period so I ought to be able to find out for sure on this.

3. Paintings. I have multiple copies of Void paintings that I buy around this time of year for purposes of farming. Also with the convenient time of the year, you should be able to get Mogloween AND Thanksgiving portals for a discount. Unfortunately we'll only be able to get this year's Frostval Painting after the discount period ends since they only appear after the Delivery War which would normally happen at the end of December.

4. Golden Giftboxes. With the temp discount I did buy a few, but I found this to be less necessary these days as I can usually rely on my museums to give me at least a few Rares/UltraRares over the year for free. I spent around 3k Z tokens and got 2 UR's and 3 rares and I feel like I'll be set for the entirety of next year. Next week will also be the end of November (Free boxes from Museums if you have them) so it'll be worth holding out before going ham on these.

5. Various utility items. In the past I got:

ZardBane Supreme
Peta Dragon Buster
White Knight Z
Ebony Sepulchure Form
Meduso Bow
Stun Bow
Legion Doom Bringer
DoomQuake Minions
Pyre Rat / Pyre Rat Contract

6. Account Upgrade Trick. For those of you unaware, you can buy low leveled versions of Z-token items and still take advantage of the discounts around the Black Friday period by upgrading them in the account manager. I don't really have any items that I really want but it's worth noting for the future.

Veleqwii_Fox -> RE: Black Friday Shopping List (11/24/2021 6:19:29)

I have a few things on my list (in order of priority):

Skycastles and Museums
Vampire/Werewolf Armors
Stun Bow, Meduso Bow, Cello Bow
Ebony Sepulchure Form
Cherub Armor
All the elemental imbues
Fenris Pup
Pyre Rat Contract
Call Dekanor
Estate Items

I probably won't be able to buy them all though, I could probably afford only until Meduso Bow lol

RobynJoanne -> RE: Black Friday Shopping List (11/24/2021 8:23:24)

I'll be a bit shameless and post a link to a list on the Subreddit that I've made. I think it's pretty comprehensive, though there are some items others have mentioned on this thread that aren't on the list.

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