A quick and simple suggestion. (Full Version)

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demonspawn -> A quick and simple suggestion. (1/18/2022 21:26:17)

I expect it has been suggested multiple times before but in the remote chance it's not the case ...

No Drop Bows

Pretty much a projectile alternative to the no drop spear variants.

I'll leave the actual technical and artistic elements to the people who are far better at that but to have it be a bit more unique I think the following could work:

Most of the time it attempts to deal damage once with normal modifiers for damage and accuracy, 80% chance feels right.

Some of the time it attempts to deal damage twice with reduced modifiers for damage but increased modifiers for accuracy, 20% chance feels right.

In the event the bow has additional special attacks, like guardian dragon & power word die, then those attacks take priority over the normal attack pattern of the bow.

If some inspiration for the artwork its needed then maybe the following cold help:

Adventurer Bow: More detailed version of the longbow from Robina's shop.
Guardian Bow: Similar to the adventure bow but reinforced with metal.
Bow of Awe: Larger, more ornamental bow that looks like its made of precious metals.
Ultra Guardian bow: Larger, more brutish bow that looks heaver and has some spikes.

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