Neemu's Suggestions (Full Version)

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arcanum37 -> Neemu's Suggestions (1/26/2022 16:51:07)

Adam Apparition

MC FO Darkness Armor.

Normal attack is 3 hits, manifest ghostly claws to slash at your foe. +5 BtH lean, nothing special otherwise.

Dodge animation is the character vanishing from sight.

Entry animation is the character apparating into the screen, as the name implies.

Pays MC plus increased armor price to compress three skills.

1. Intangibilty: Toggles your lean to deal *1 damage instead. In exchange, you gain +17 MRM.

Skill Description: Sacrifice offensive power to make yourself intangible, gaining boosted avoidance!

Pop-up when you use the skill: "Try hitting me now!"

Pop-up when you switch back to FO lean: "I wanna go back to hitting things harder again."

Your character model becomes transparent, with only the outline being visible.

2. Ectoplasmic Beam: Darkness Weapon-based skill. 3 hits, +10 BtH lean.

Skill Description: Focus your energy into a fearsome beam of ectoplasmic energy!

Pop-up when you use the skill: "Try dodging this!"

You bring your hands together to fire a beam of ectoplasmic energy.

3. Draining Touch: Darkness Weapon-based skill. 3 hits, +10 BtH lean. Deals *0.5 damage to heal yourself based on the damage dealt.

Skill Description: Drain your foe's very essence to restore your life force!

Pop-up: "Gimme some of your juice!"

You vanish and reappear in front of your foe and thrust your glowing claws into their chest

Sample stats:

PLevel      150G

BR%         559
Stat        1109.8
BtH Mod     19

Fire        100
Water       94
Wind        94
Ice         94
Earth       42  
Energy      94
Light       100 
Darkness    39

Melee       55
Ranged      55
Magic       55

EleComp     1.76216

MPLevel     152
SPCostMeR   125
SPCostMa    223

Armor Description:

Kaley Obsidia wanted you to try out a little pet project of hers - a suit that can transform you into a ghostly apparition! Of course, she still charges you, and it's quite expensive....
"Hey, maybe I should make some sort of catchy theme song about this thing you've given me?"
"No, please don't. I don't think I'll like it."
"Aww, come on! Didn't even give me a chance... *grumble**grumble*"

Armor Appearance:

For those who haven't picked up on it, this is basically a reference to Danny Phantom. So something similar to that, though of course some changes will have to be made to not be a blatant rip-off, like replacing the "D" on the chest with an "A", to fit with the armor's name. It would also have DP's signature ghostly white hair and glowing green eyes. (Don't know how this last part could be implemented).

arcanum37 -> RE: Neemu's Suggestions (1/30/2022 16:25:38)

My suggested change for Muscle Mage

Current version:


(Superstar) Muscle Mage

MC FO Energy armour. MC is a skill that works as a toggle. When toggled on, the player pays 50% Melee to deal +25% spell damage, and a further 20% Melee to deal +(7.5 x PlayerSTR / AssumedSTR)% damage and +(7.5 x PlayerINT / AssumedINT)% damage, each of these stat-based bonuses are capped at +9% damage. This toggle is paid for via an even split between MP and SP cost, so it charges a total of 35% Melee in MP and 35% Melee in SP per turn, listed below as TglMP and TglSP.

The armour further pays -6 MRM (already factored into the below numbers) for two effects, each worth 5% Melee. The first, is that weapon attacks and spells cast in the armour gain Hybrid stats, AKA they use STR/INT for damage and STR/INT for BtH if the attack does Melee or Magic damage. The second, is that you heal based on 5% of damage dealt, split evenly betwee MP and SP healing, so you heal MP = to (2.5x1.5 = 3.75)% of damage dealt, and you heal SP = to (2.5 x 1.125 = 2.8125)% of damage dealt. Both of these are capped at healing 50% Melee, so at best you can heal up to 50% Melee in MP cost and 50% Melee in SP cost per turn. Superstar version is the exact same, it's just a cosmetic variant available at Lv 150.

Suggested change:


First, change the lean of the armor from FO to Spellcaster.

Second, replace the current skill with two new skills. This would mean that the armor will now cost *4.4 of standard price instead of *3.3.

First skill:

Bulk Up: Quickcast skill. Can only be used once per turn and prevents you from switching armors once cast. Pays (68.18*1.1)% = ~75% Melee split between MP and SP for a -(68.18/1.4*1.5)*(0.5 + 0.25*[STR/ExpSTR] + 0.25*[INT/ExpINT])% = -73.05*(0.5 + 0.25*[STR/ExpSTR] + 0.25*[INT/ExpINT])% damage taken All-Element Elemental Shield for 1 turn.

Skill Description: Channel your mundane and mystical strength and flex your muscles to brace yourself from incoming damage!

Second skill:

Flesh and Anima Renewal: Toggle. Once toggled on, gain healing based on damage dealt with weapon attacks and spells. When using a weapon attack, sacrifice 25% damage and 25% Melee in HP to heal (25*1.125)% = 28.125% of damage dealt as SP, and (25*1.5)% = 37.5% of damage dealt as MP. When casting damage spells, sacrifice 12.5% spell damage + 12.5% Melee in MP + 12.5% Melee in SP to heal 25% of damage dealt as HP.

Attacks and Spells use the below healing formulae:

SP Healing: If ((DmgDealt/MobRes)*0.28125/490) > 1, SPHeal = ((DmgDealt/MobRes)*0.28125/490)^0.5)*490*0.9
Otherwise, SPHeal = (DmgDealt/MobRes)*0.28125*0.9

MP Healing: If ((DmgDealt/MobRes)*0.375/653) > 1, MPHeal = ((DmgDealt/MobRes)*0.375/653)^0.5)*653*0.9
Otherwise, MPHeal = (DmgDealt/MobRes)*0.375*0.9

HP Healing: If ((DmgDealt/MobRes)*0.5/435) > 1, HPHeal = ((DmgDealt/MobRes)*0.5/435)^0.5)*435*0.9
Otherwise, HPHeal = (DmgDealt/MobRes)*0.5*0.9

Skill Description: Channel some of your weapon attack power and HP to recover MP+SP and some of your spell power and MP+SP to recover HP!

Finally, the 3 MRM paid for the Hybrid stats and the 3 MRM paid for the healing based on damage dealt is removed and you no longer gain those effects.

Special thanks to Lv 1000 for calculating the numbers for me.

arcanum37 -> RE: Neemu's Suggestions (2/1/2022 6:37:53)

The Climate Artist Rain

MC Spellcaster Water armor.

When you perform a weapon attack, if you have 25% Melee in SP, spend that much to give yourself a Barrier.

Pays MC plus extra gold to compress 3 skills.

1. Soothing Drizzle: INT Healing spell that scales with your enemy's Water resistance.

Skill Description: Summon a gentle raincloud to wash away your wounds, getting stronger the more weak your enemy is to Water!

2. Weeping Heavens: 5 hit +10 BtH lean Water damage spell. Pays an extra 100% Melee in HP to deal +50% damage.

Skill Description: Summon several raging rainclouds to submerge your foe!

3. Revitalising Flow: Toggle. When you cast a damage spell that deals Water damage, sacrifice 12.5% Melee in MP and 6.25% spell damage to heal your SP based on damage dealt. Multi elemental spells will only count the hits that deal Water.

Skill Description: By sacrificing extra MP and some spell damage, your Water spell damage will recover your SP!

Sample Stats:

PLevel    150G

BR%       559
Stat%     1109.8
BtH Mod   19

Fire      78
Water     39
Wind      42
Ice       78
Earth     78
Energy    42
Light     78
Darkness  78

Melee     45
Ranged    45
Magic     45

EleComp   1.42941

MPLevel   152
MPCost    653
ToggleMP  65

Armor Description: The rain is at your beck and call, use it to replenish yourself or wreak havoc on all.

Armor Appearance: Yugioh reference lol

arcanum37 -> RE: Neemu's Suggestions (2/1/2022 13:04:41)


MC Spellcaster Energy armor.

Whenever you perform a weapon attack, if you have 25% Melee in MP, you spend that much to give yourself a Barrier.

Pays MC plus extra gold to compress 3 skills.

1. System Overclock: Quickcast spell. Spend 125% Melee in MP to give yourself Celerity for 1 turn and +10.625 BtH for 2 turns. This can only be used once per turn and prevents you from switching armors once cast.

Skill Description: Speed up your systems to its max potential, allowing you to act twice and with increased accuracy!

2. Discharge: 3 hit Energy spell that costs 125% Melee in MP. Deals *1.5 damage, but after the spell does the last hit (whether it connects or not), you are automatically afflicted with Overloaded for 1 turn, a renamed Paralysis.

Skill Description: Unleash a powerful blast of Energy after which you must spend a turn to cool down!

3. Recharge: 3 hit Energy spell that costs 125% Melee in SP. Deals *0.5 damage and heals MP based on damage dealt *1.5.

Skill description: Absorb the life out of your enemy to recharge your Mana!

Sample Stats:

PLevel       150G

BR%          559
Stat%        1109.8
BtH Mod      19

Fire         91
Water        91
Wind         81
Ice          81
Earth        42
Energy       39
Light        81
Darkness     81

Melee        51
Ranged       51
Magic        55

EleComp      1.61710

MPLevel      152
MPCost       653
SPCost       490
BarrierCost  131

Armor Description: Created by the Drakel with their magiscience, this state of the art spellcaster armor can bolster your speed, release a destructive Energy beam and even recover your Mana!

Armor Appearance: I don't know lol

arcanum37 -> RE: Neemu's Suggestions (2/2/2022 12:32:57)

Blue Pyrokineticist

MC FO Fire armor.

Pays MC to compress 2 skills.

1. Kinetic Redirection: Toggle. Pays 100% Melee split between HP and SP to give yourself a Backlash status that deals Fire damage. Enemy resists at a -20 save roll, so the Backlash is worth 100/0.7/1.4% = 102.04% of the damage the player takes.

Skill Description: Take some of the force from your enemy's blow and send it right back at them as pure heat!

2. Burning Touch: Toggles your lean to deal *1 damage. In exchange, you get a separate Fire Backlash status at a -20 save roll worth 25/0.7/1.4% = 25.51% of the damage the player takes.

Skill Description: Channel your strength into your armor, heating it up to burn any enemy who touches it!

Sample Stats:

PLevel       150G

BR%          559
Stat%        1109.8
BtH Mod      19

Fire         39
Water        64
Wind         64
Ice          64
Earth        64
Energy       64
Light        64
Darkness     64

Melee        45
Ranged       45
Magic        45

MPLevel      152
HPCost       174
SPCost       196

Armor Description: You have gained proficiency in the art of manipulating heat, wielding it in a way to sear any enemy who dares to harm you!

Armor Appearance: Don't know lol

arcanum37 -> RE: Neemu's Suggestions (2/3/2022 21:07:42)

Heat Transfer

MC Fire spell. Comes in MP and SP variants.

No hit, inflicts "Heat Transfer" on the foe for 3 turns, a renamed Fire Poison. You heal HP based on the damage of the Poison.

Spell Description: You inflict a curse upon your foe within your sight, sapping away their heat to replenish your life force!

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