What if... (Full Version)

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Crystal Lion -> What if... (4/2/2022 8:30:41)

It's nice to wonder what if:

- Herosmash had been allowed to finish the story of Pandora’s Malachite?

- Clock Blocker’s plan to freeze time was foiled by the players officially?

- Herosmash was accepted as an Artix game?

- Volunteers weren't consistently ignored after being sent to work on it?

- Herosmash fans weren't driven away for being the wrong kind of people?

- Herosmash's fanbase formerly active fanart and fanfic scene was given due respect?

- The other AE fanbases didn't crap all over Herosmash just because of the odd art style and being a fork of AQWorlds?

- Herosmash hadn't been unceremoniously dropped for not being as successful as AQWorlds?

- The players weren't blamed for the game’s failure?

But unfortunately, we live in the timeline where Artix Entertainment decided we, Herosmash players, are mentally challenged trolls who should be chased out like lepers every chance they get.

Congratulations on making sure Herosmash never became even a modest success, because you put more effort in gaslighting, gatekeeping, and gamebossing anyone who believed in it.

I hope you're happy about your success in keeping Herosmash down.

PS: If you and your other games' fans ever decide to apologize to us, you're too late. Every single person who believed in Herosmash or worked on it without being ashamed of it is no more.


Vongola the Wise -> RE: What if... (4/11/2022 22:15:31)

"Herosmash fanbase" You mean like 5 people ever

Vongola the Wise -> RE: What if... (4/12/2022 21:36:04)

Ngl but I do still think of Xyo's fan flash game pretty fondly. That was levels of epic insurmountable back in the day

Electricboa -> RE: What if... (3/13/2023 0:11:52)

If you're interested, I did a Reddit post outlining what would have been my plan for the main story:


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