August Bugfix Week: You Are (Not) Patched (Full Version)

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Ianthe -> August Bugfix Week: You Are (Not) Patched (8/22/2022 19:53:40)

Small week while Kam and I are both healing @_@

- Kitsune/Groundhog should be fixed this time, really seriously pinky swear
- Fixes for Lost Talon Guardian:
-- Talon Barrage's panic was resisted with STR instead of END. Fixed so it now uses END.
-- Wind Fracture had -17.85% damage penalty instead of -50%. Fixed so it's now -50%.
-- Wind Fracture's elevuln was inflicted with CHA instead of DEX. Fixed so it now uses DEX.
-- (The damage penalty is correct, it's -25% for the EleVuln and -25% for the Status Weakness)
- H-Series Tempest Power Armour's Missile Barrage skill has been updated. It was previously a SPell that followed weapon element, but it's now a weapon-like Ranged Energy skill.
- The Skill Scrolls quest's stat rolls now all use STR.
- Communicant armour's cape is now colour-custom
- All scaling weapons should now show a pop-up about them scaling. This is resulting in a lot of duplicate notifications, which we're looking at culling back.

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