King Alteon (Full Version)

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DemonicDarkwraith -> King Alteon (9/10/2022 18:29:00)

King Alteon

Location: Alden Alteon, the Broken King, The Fallen Kingdom

Level: As player
Damage: Scaled
Damage Type: Melee
Element: ???

HP: Scaled
MP: Scaled

Experience rewarded: Scaled
Gold rewarded: Scaled

STR: Level*5/4
DEX: Level*5/4
INT: Level*5/4
CHA: 100
LUK: Level*5/4
END: Level*5/2
WIS: 0

Boost: 0%
Bonus: 30 + Level/5
Crit: 10 + LUK/10

Damage Multipliers
Non-Crit: [100+STR*3/20]%
Dex: [100+DEX/40]%
DoT: [100+DEX/4]%
Crit: [175+INT/10]%

Melee: 25 * Level/90 + LUK/20
Pierce: 25 * Level/90 + LUK/20
Magic: 25 * Level/90 + LUK/20
Block: 25 * Level/90 + LUK/20
Parry: 25 * Level/90 + LUK/20
Dodge: 25 * Level/90 + LUK/20

Damage Reduction
Non-Crit: 0%
DoT: 0%
Crit: 0%

Shrink: 300
Immobility: 300

Attack Types
Attack Type 1 - Gathers energy for no damage; applies 'Chaos Mimicry' to himself for 5 turns; 'Chaos Mimicry' gain effects depending on the player's Melee/Pierce/Magic Avoidance and Block/Dodge/Parry Defense:
  • If one of the player's Avoidance (Melee/Pierce/Magic) or Defense (Block/Parry/Dodge) is greater than 100, 'Chaos Mimicry' gains +100 Melee/Pierce/Magic Avoidance. (Pop-up: King Alteon: 'You cannot match the power I hold at bay.')
  • If one of the player's Avoidance (Melee/Pierce/Magic) or Defense (Block/Parry/Dodge) is less than 100, 'Chaos Mimicry' gains +50 Bonus, +50% Boost. (Pop-up: King Alteon: 'You cannot withstand the coming tide.')
Attack Type 2 - Slashes his target for 2 hits of 200% Melee ??? damage, amounting to 400% damage.
Attack Type 3 - Channels draconic energy for no damage; applies 'Dragonlord's Will' (+100 Block/Parry/Dodge Defense) to himself for 2 turns.
Attack Type 4 - Blasts his target with a burst of energy for 1 hit of 400% Melee ??? damage; applies 'Dragon Call', a 50% Magic ??? DoT effect, for 2 turns.

Attack Types (Damaged)
Attack Type 5 - Unleashes the Chaos within for 10 hits of 80% Melee ??? damage, with +500 Bonus and +400 Crit, amounting to 800% damage. (Pop-up: King Alteon: 'I... am sorry. The Chaos... I can no longer contain it!')
Attack Type 6 - Gathers energy for no damage; applies 'Chaos Mimicry' to himself for 5 turns; 'Chaos Mimicry' gain effects depending on the player's Melee/Pierce/Magic Avoidance and Block/Dodge/Parry Defense:
  • If one of the player's Avoidance (Melee/Pierce/Magic) or Defense (Block/Parry/Dodge) is greater than 100, 'Chaos Mimicry' gains +100 Melee/Pierce/Magic Avoidance. (Pop-up: King Alteon: 'I am sorry.')
  • If one of the player's Avoidance (Melee/Pierce/Magic) or Defense (Block/Parry/Dodge) is less than 100, 'Chaos Mimicry' gains +50 Bonus, +50% Boost. (Pop-up: King Alteon: 'Forgive me.')
Attack Type 7 - Slashes his target for 1 hit of 600% Melee ??? damage, with +400 Crit.
Attack Type 8 - Channels draconic energy for no damage; applies 'Chaotic Will' (Reflects 50% of any damage taken back to attacker) to himself for 2 turns.
Attack Type 9 - Blasts his target with a burst of energy for 2 hits of 300% Melee ??? damage, amounting to 600% damage; applies 'Chaos Call', a 100% Magic Null DoT effect, to target for 2 turns.
Attack Type 10 - Summon pillars of lightning for 9 hits of ~88.8% Melee ??? damage, amounting to 900% damage.

Other information
  • Attack Types 1, 3, and 8 increase a counter known as Chaos Within, which starts at 0. (Pop-up: The Chaos within King Alteon builds. <x>/100.)
    • Chaos Within increases by [20 - 5X], where X is the number of parts completely damaged.
    • If Chaos Within's counter reaches or exceeds 100, King Alteon will transition to Phase 2.
    • While in Phase 2, Attack Type 8 will no longer increase Chaos Within.
  • During the battle, the player can click and target King Alteon's body, weapon, and legs; King Alteon's body parts can only be damaged by direct damage and DoT effects; King Alteon's head and weapon HP is equal to 15% of his maximum HP while his body is equal to 20% of his maximum HP. (Pop-ups: Targetable: Body, Weapon, Head / You are now targeting King Alteon's [body/arms/head]. / <x>/<y> [body/arms/head] HP remaining.)
    • Targeting Weapon:
      • Applies 'Arms Targeted' to itself for 100 turns.
      • Upon depleting his weapon's HP to 0, King Alteon's arms and weapon will change its appearance and applies 'Arms Damaged' (+20% Boost) to himself for 99 turns inclusive. While affected by 'Arms Damaged', King Alteon becomes capable of using Attack Type 7 and replaces Attack Type 2. (Pop-up: The target's arms has been completely damaged!)
    • Targeting Body:
      • Applies 'Body Targeted' to itself for 100 turns.
      • Upon depleting his body's HP to 0, King Alteon's body will change its appearance and applies 'Body Damaged' (+10 All Resist, -10 Health Resist) to himself for 100 turns inclusive. While affected by 'Body Damaged', King Alteon becomes capable of using Attack Type 8 and replaces Attack Type 3. (Pop-up: The target's body has been completely damaged!)
    • Targeting Head:
      • Applies 'Head Targeted' to itself for 100 turns.
      • Upon depleting his head's HP to 0, King Alteon's head will change its appearance and applies 'Head Damaged' (+30 Bonus, +20 Crit) to himself for 100 turns. While affected by 'Head Damaged', King Alteon becomes capable of using Attack Type 9 and replaces Attack Type 4. (Pop-up: The target's head has been completely damaged!)
    • If 'Arms Damaged', 'Body Damaged', and 'Head Damaged' status effects are applied, King Alteon will transition to Phase 2.
    • If Chaos Within's counter reaches or exceeds 100, 'Arms Damaged', 'Body Damaged', and 'Head Damaged' status effects are automatically applied upon transitioning to Phase 2 regardless if they are completely damaged or not; targeting body parts in Phase 2 will have no gameplay effects.
  • King Alteon follows the skill rotation: Attack Type 1 -> Attack Type 2 -> Attack Type 3 -> Attack Type 4 -> Repeat, and Attack Types 2-4 will be replaced by Attack Types 7-9 if King Alteon's weapon, body, and head are fully damaged respectively.
  • Upon transitioning to Phase 2, King Alteon will change its appearance (if any of his body parts are not fully damaged) and use Attack Type 5 once before cycling his skill rotation; Attack Type 6 -> Attack Type 7 -> Attack Type 8 -> Attack Type 9 -> Attack Type 10 -> Repeat, continuing where Phase 1's rotation left off.
  • DoT effects became damageable on King Alteon's body parts on March 11th, 2023.

    Body Damaged Appearance
    Arms Damaged Appearance
    Head Damaged Appearance
    Fully Damaged Appearance

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