=AQ= 2023 Golden Giftbox Cross-Game Extravaganza Ideas (Full Version)

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The Hollow -> =AQ= 2023 Golden Giftbox Cross-Game Extravaganza Ideas (12/13/2022 17:25:22)

We are now taking suggestions for gear from your favorite AE games to add as possible prizes to the Golden Giftboxes coming up in February! Post links to any items from your favorite AE game you would like to see in AQ, or vote for someone else's idea! March is typically when Legion-themed gear is added, so if you have a Legion item idea, it may be added in March.

A suggestion I keep seeing pop up is the return of past Guardian gifts from Frostval. While we cannot bring back past gifts, if there is an effect you'd like to see return (ie. Cometoid Jelly Pet) that is possible!

KuronekoAlchemist -> RE: =AQ= 2023 Golden Giftbox Cross-Game Extravaganza Ideas (12/13/2022 18:50:59)

The Fallen Mage (Frostspawn Horns needs it's armor)
FO Ice
Potency to all Ice status attacks.
MP/SP Ice skill that inflicts The Cold.

It doesn't have to do that, just giving ideas.

Eternal Champion's Paragon Pet
A Darkness version of Underwyrmling.

Super Slayin Battle Twig
Energy pet
Toggle between extra damage or chance at Celerity

Moon + Mars Cape
Darkness resistance 50%
Harm resistance 10%
+10% damage for Harm attacks if subrace is Werewolf or Werepyre.

CH4OT1C! -> RE: =AQ= 2023 Golden Giftbox Cross-Game Extravaganza Ideas (12/13/2022 19:03:37)

Chaorrupted Sorcerer
Evolved DarkCaster

2 potential spellcaster lean armours?

Continuing on with my yearly attempts to add Magestaves, this year's is Enchanted DragonMage's Staff, which I think would be good for energy. Perhaps one way to use it is to sacrifice 10% damage and MC to attempt Celerity when casting an energy spell, saved at a +3 bonus. (15*0.75*20/4 = 56.25% melee. 56.25/(140*0.85) = 47% Success chance)

We have a lot of GGB crossovers at this point and it would be nice to maybe revisit and rework some of the ones that didn't turn out so well. I've repeatedly mentioned in the past, but things like Eye of the Underworld and Seraph Calamity would be ideal targets for such an update.

I'll have a think about returning mechanics

EDIT: Used Q-Tip staff is an abomination and should definitely be included, so +1 to @Cupquake's idea
EDIT 2: Bacon Blade of Awe (Thank you for reminding me @RobynJoanne)

Mananite -> RE: =AQ= 2023 Golden Giftbox Cross-Game Extravaganza Ideas (12/13/2022 19:20:33)

Verraad (ranged reskin of uragiri)
Abominable Scythe (0-proc mechanical clone of mountain's talon?)
Lightstaff of the Eternal
Unnecessarily Ornate Useless Weapon Just For Show
Mega Fluffy Tog
Sea Chicken's Conquest
Sunken Rose weapons
Antithesis Weapons
Epoch Boost/Hex
Epoch Timeshift
Technomancer Event Horizon
Kathool Adept's Kathool (hopefully without the 10 second long animation)
Doomknight Void Barrier
Ranger Venom
(Master) Soulweaver Synch
Any of Archivist's skills
Shadow of Doubt (from MQ)

Ideally the chosen items as a whole for the crossover can help be stopgaps to fill in gaping holes left in builds

Cupquake -> RE: =AQ= 2023 Golden Giftbox Cross-Game Extravaganza Ideas (12/13/2022 19:28:33)

Used Q Tip Staff - with its simple and elegant design.

Kitty SkyFighter - It has potential with all sorts of funny custom faces and would be easy to animate.

Jue Viole Grace -> RE: =AQ= 2023 Golden Giftbox Cross-Game Extravaganza Ideas (12/13/2022 20:26:07)

Evolved Blood Orb can make like cometiod
Eternal BeastMaster's Bow cha bow can give pets extra damage it is eternal

Korriban Gaming -> RE: =AQ= 2023 Golden Giftbox Cross-Game Extravaganza Ideas (12/13/2022 20:40:29)

Once again dear Sir I am asking for a return of Dragonfire Sword

Some crossover items I would like to see are
Unnecessarily Ornate Useless Weapon Just For Show
SoulForged Weapons (with different colors and designs)
Doom Dragon Scythe
Phoenix Helion Blade
Phoenix Helion Pyromancer Armor
Scythe of the Soul's Song
Scythe of the Unhallowed
Technomancer Armor
Ascended Voidcaster
Crimson Plate of Nulgath
Dragon Tamer of Tercessuinotlim
Legion Paragon Fiend Rider
Prime Chaos Dragon Of Time
Supercharged Timewalker
Archfiend Spear
PACVEC Mach 1.0
Archfiend Baby Dragon Pet
Crimson Dark Lord's Battle Droid
Hardcore Paragon Pet
Prime Champion Quibble Pet
Underworld Pirate Caster's Pet

Second these ideas

Technomancer Event Horizon
Kathool Adept's Kathool (hopefully without the 10 second long animation)
(Master) Soulweaver Synch
Chaorrupted Sorcerer
MP/SP Ice skill that inflicts The Cold
Eternal Champion's Paragon Pet

Can we also see more of
- Ranged Water weapons
- FO Water Armor for Warriors
- FO Wind Armor for ALL builds
- FO Earth Armor for ALL builds (or at least fix the 20th Anniversary armor)
- FD Water Armor for ALL builds
- FD Ice Armor for ALL builds
- FD Energy Armor for ALL builds
- Void element Weapon for ALL builds (toggle)
- Backlash in a element other than Harm and Ice
- Wind Shield for Mages
- Energy Shield for ALL builds
- Darkness Shield for ALL builds apart from Warrior (Eclipsed DL exists)
- Void element pets and guests (not fake Void aka Harm)

*When I say all builds, it doesn't mean a Hybrid armor exclusively

MetalKnight -> RE: =AQ= 2023 Golden Giftbox Cross-Game Extravaganza Ideas (12/13/2022 21:47:11)

Master Trainer Set - Maybe become a Master Trainer Golem armorform?

Silver Savior of Battleon Set

Chaos Shaper Set

Feel free to vote which one set should go in!

Primate Murder's Goose Dragon
CH4OT1C!'s Bacon Blade of Awe (Sorry Lorekeeper!)

Primate Murder -> RE: =AQ= 2023 Golden Giftbox Cross-Game Extravaganza Ideas (12/13/2022 22:41:14)

Staff of Inversion (DF variant)

Snow's Repose


Edit: Goose Dragon pet

Edit2: +1 for sunblaze's Baby Weaver idea.

Dreiko Shadrack -> RE: =AQ= 2023 Golden Giftbox Cross-Game Extravaganza Ideas (12/13/2022 22:44:29)

Elder's Blood as a misc of some sort, preferential effect would be something like a multiple hit harm END scaling spell akin to Your Soul Burns Bright as a Beacon (probably a bit too specific of an effect but I would like more END scaling offensive equipment that isn't backlash). [8D]

Kaizoku -> RE: =AQ= 2023 Golden Giftbox Cross-Game Extravaganza Ideas (12/14/2022 1:06:33)

Pridelord pet is my final wish

Deaf of Destiny -> RE: =AQ= 2023 Golden Giftbox Cross-Game Extravaganza Ideas (12/14/2022 1:42:59)


Please more TOME because we do not have many tomes

Ice Tome ~Since glacial short staff is outdated and requested an upgrade but "So like, with all old items, we don't have any solid plans on when we'll update them. It's gonna get one Eventually™?, but definitely not soon.", Imry said.
Auroran Cryomagus Tome
Ice Wizard's Staff + Tome
Dark Tome
Dark Caster's Tome
Toxic Orb And Tome - when you spell it and make them poison
Earth Tome
Open Earth Tome
Fire Tome
Open Conflagration Tome
Wind Tome
Open Zephyrus Tome
Water Tome
Deluge Prophecies Tome
Harm/VOID Tome
Chaos Tome
Light Tome
Royal Mage Staff Tome
Archfiend Doomlord weapon - make this more strong than bloodzerker/mage

Unbound Tome - Buff any tomes by 5-35% like items others buff on elements
Archfiend Doomlord Helm - against void bonus

Dark Caster - booster imbue with dark tome. like bloodzerker and bloodmage
Archfiend Doomlord - harm/void with dark

Broccoli -> RE: =AQ= 2023 Golden Giftbox Cross-Game Extravaganza Ideas (12/14/2022 5:56:52)

We know AQ is understaffed and we know there's things that have been pushed back to next year (like the Void revamp) so It seems a bit weird to put the team through this. However I wouldn't mind these being implemented
Derpy Doughnut
Hedge Hog
Infernal Revenger Shield
Little Wyrm Of Time
Mindbreaker Shield
Server Hamster
Balloon Chickencow
Undead Chickencow
Cursed Scimitar
Eternal Hourglass Staff
13th 13th Scythe
Scythe of the Bacon Dragon
Dragon Clan Scythe
Nightlocke Scythesword
Seitan Sausage Stabber
Pressure Point
Doom Dragon Scythe
Serenity's Courage
Hero's Heart Cleaver
Sliced Cheese
Dreadwyrm Katana
Dragonoid Saber
Ultimate Twin Blades of Destiny
Jack O'Boy
Gnarly Guitar of Doom
Mystical Katana
Blade of Odium's Bane
Unlucky Clover
Invader's Pool Noodle
Ancient Dragon Scythe of the Elements
Piercer of Emryhs
Rainbow's End
Dragonic Brightspark
Mint Cream Slasher
Pandora's Scythe
Legion Slasher
Lost Starsword of Destiny
Twilly Battle Puppet
Frostfang Paragon Bank
Abyssal Flame Star Sword
Lord of Order Polearm
Doom Shadow Sepulchure
Roar of the Pride
Blade of Adulation
Beastmaster Ravager Daggers
Time of Dying Scythe
Royal Hope of Brightfall
Adorable Nemesis
Bodiless Horseman Morph
Alien Overlord

And it would be really nice if these were implemented
Extend-o Retro//VR Helm
1 Dimensional Armor
Hermes Hoglets
Cheese Seller
Parmesan Helm
Sneegion Minion

But I need this
Silly Frostval Hat 2011

LUPUL LUNATIC -> RE: =AQ= 2023 Golden Giftbox Cross-Game Extravaganza Ideas (12/14/2022 10:30:14)

I really want this armour Infinite Dark Caster. It just looks soo good.
Or this version Arcane Dark Caster.

While we cannot bring back past gifts, if there is an effect you'd like to see return (ie. Cometoid Jelly Pet) that is possible!

I would like to see the return of the effect that Weapons of Frostval Past (Guardian Boxes) had in other elements/flavor.

P.S: Seeing there are many Dark Caster versions and if its going to be picked, maybe they would have more elemental versions (like Chaos Slayer Cleric). It would fill the Spellcaster Lean elements more as well in terms of armours (if this Lean is chosen).

Bolter -> RE: =AQ= 2023 Golden Giftbox Cross-Game Extravaganza Ideas (12/14/2022 11:05:36)

Cinder Hacker
Cruel Axe of Midnight
Undead Assault Axe
Destiny Mace
Blinding Mace of Destiny
Necrotic Mace of Misery
Axe of the Ebilcorp Knight
Tracker Axe
Gibazil’s Fury
Flame Void Blade
Lycan of Nulgath Sword
Vamp Blade of Nulgath
Vampire Blade of Nulgath
Vampiric M4trix of Nulgath
Royal Retribution of Brightfall
Gravelyn's Destiny Blade
Legion Overfiend Blade
Necrotic Sword of Doom
Celtic Hunter Blade
Corrupt Celtic Hunter Blade
Sword of Purity
Celestial Commander’s Sword
Serenity’s Prowess
The Lost Knight’s Blade
Crafter Chakram
Elemental Chakram
NOTruto Chakram
Frozen Fear Chakram
Champion Chakrams (There are many of them though if ever most likely only one will be picked as much as I would like them all)
Shatterglass Chakram
Crystalis Chakram
Sturdy Midgard Serpent Chakram
Dark Arcana Chakram
Legion Dark Arcana Dagger
Pirate Poniard
Blade of the Oculus
Crystal Dragon Edge
Frost Pumpkin Sword
Bloody Shadowreaper of Doom
Candy Corn Crusher
Pumpkinator Polearm
Jack O'Daggers
Great Energy Pumpkin
Pumpkin Carver
Deathknight Dagger
Shadowscythe Blade
Shadowscythe Templar Claymore
Dazzling Noon Promise (Dagger)
Dazzling Noon Promise (Sword)
Frostval On a Steeck
Frostval Barbarian Sword
Sword of Despair
Sea King's Wrath
Regal Energy Blade
Ringed Sword
Ripper of Vokun
Rune of Green Earth
Rune Sword of the Darkness
Serpentic Edge
Blade of Glorious Destiny
Blade of Glorious Victory
Blade of Havoc
Blade of the Chaotic Fleet
Blade of Rage and Fury
Blade of Immortality
Blade of Hail
Blade of the Neverborn
Blade of the Pumpking
Blade of the Dragonsworn
Blade of the Djinn King
Axe of Absolute Death
Diamondmarrow Mace
Bladehaven Ice Sword
Gift of the Wild
Chaotic Knight Blade
Not so nICE Axe
Howling Frost Set
Sabre of Serepthys
Legendary Magma Sword
Phoenix Blade of Nulgath
Swaying Cisor
HollowNight Pumpkin Blade
Titan’s Crusher
Hikari’s Sinned Accoutrements
Aurelian Sword
Starry Samurai’s Sword
Aurous Staff of Hope
Titan Gears


Voting(I know it's a hell load):

Doom Dragon Scythe
Phoenix Helion Blade
Scythe of the Soul's Song
Scythe of the Unhallowed
Master Trainer Set
Silver Savior of Battleon Set
Chaos Shaper Set
Snow's Response
Goose Dragon
Derpy Doughnut
Balloon Chickencow
Server Hamster
Cursed Scimitar
Eternal Hourglass Staff
13th 13th Scythe
Dragon Clan Scythe
Nightlocke Scythesword
Seitan Sausage Stabber
Pressure Point
Serenity's Courage
Hero's Heart Cleaver
Sliced Cheese
Dreadwyrm Katana
Dragonoid Saber
Ulitmate Twin Blades of Destiny
Jack O'Boy
Gnarly Guitar of Doom
Mystical Katana
Blade of Odium's Bane
Unlucky Clover
Ancient Dragon Scythe of the Elements
Piercer of Emryhs
Draconic Brightspark
Mint Cream Slasher
Legion Slasher
Lost Starsword of Destiny
Frostfang Paragon Bank
Abyssal Flame Star Sword
Lord of Order Polearm
Doom Shadow Sepulchure
Roar of the Pride
Beastmaster Ravager Daggers
Time of Dying Scythe

Thegreenmoglin -> RE: =AQ= 2023 Golden Giftbox Cross-Game Extravaganza Ideas (12/14/2022 13:59:11)

Algie's bow
DragonKing Warrior's Blade
Laser Screwdriver
WarpTracker Sword
Weaver Scythe

DragonKing Shield

Apocalyptic DragonLord
DragonKing Warrior
ElectroMage Armor seems like a good candidate for a energy spellcaster lean armor

Nechron Protean
Scalebear call/summon guest preferably also hopefully creates an opportunity for them to update the old Woolly Thoctar guest
Underworld Soul Ally

Titan's Mug

Solar Boy -> RE: =AQ= 2023 Golden Giftbox Cross-Game Extravaganza Ideas (12/14/2022 17:00:26)

I'd like to again echo PD's suggestion from a few years back, Daimyo Rider Armor from EbilGames' Monster Joust Madness! I'd love to see some of the obscure, deep cut games get some representation. :D

legendd -> RE: =AQ= 2023 Golden Giftbox Cross-Game Extravaganza Ideas (12/15/2022 7:37:58)

Effects I'd like to see return:
Cometoid Jelly
Invincible Star
Helm of Frostval Past
Blade of Frostval Past
Armour of Frostval Past
Defender of Frostval Past
Frostval Mercenary Garb
Moglord Tortress
Chillax Crusader

Novyx -> RE: =AQ= 2023 Golden Giftbox Cross-Game Extravaganza Ideas (12/15/2022 7:57:32)

Did someone say it's spear o'clock? I've got some gorgeous glaives and plethora of other pretty polearms to propose:

My favourite:
Shadowflame Glaive or its chromatic counterpart the Eternal Beastmaster's Glaive, which has colour customizability in its home game of AQW, meaning it shouldn't be too hard to make into any element you want, although the name Eternal Beastmaster's Glaive might shoehorn the effect into being pet/guest related.

Solid runners-up:
Wolf Lord's Spear would've contested the top spot for me if Thunder Lord's Spear didn't already exist in game. Could be nice as a Darkness or Ice counterpart though, as the auto-hit effect Thunder Lord's Spear has is rare among 0-proc ranged weapons (the other members of the club being the Protector Rods' ranged modes and the Ectomancer's Scythe, both of which have hefty downsides and as such are much less nice to use).

Meme Ripper Scythe was also quite the contender, but the angle of the blade might make it look strange for an AQ character using it.

Winter Legion Warrior Polearm is a bit of a mouthful, but could also look nice when shortened into a melee weapon, so it has flexibility.

Honourable mentions:
Eternal Juggernaut Spear takes advantage of my great affinity for Void or space-themed things, but every single Harm/Void spear so far is found in the GGBs, so maybe not the best choice.
Dragonsworn Champion Spear is quite elegant and though themed as Energy, could pass as Ice/Water easily.
Favored of Kyanos Polearm pretty solidly plants itself in the Ice camp.
Astravian Royal Spear is a bit of a wildcard in terms of what element it looks like it should be, but that makes it good gap filler.

Had a bunch of others too, but I don't want to create too long and unapproachable a list.

Dark Artist's Scythe looks like it was made for Dage's birthday this year, so it's a solid choice for Legion-themed giftboxes.

Other suggestions I'd throw in my support for:
Lord of Order Polearm from Broccoli
(Open) Zephyrus Tome from Deaf of Destiny
Auroran Cryomagus Tome from Deaf of Destiny
Aurous Staff of Hope from Bolter

And lastly, any that'd turn into Spellcaster lean armours like LUPUL LUNATIC's Infinite Dark Caster or Thegreenmoglin's ElectroMage Armor, as that niche has massive equipment gaps. Even spellcaster lean variants of the older crossover GGB armours Chaos Slayer Cleric would be great as it comes in 8 elements, making good temporary gapfiller while more interesting spellcaster armours are pending.

Guardian Giftbox effects I'd love to see return:
Helm of Frostval Past, both with its passive BtH increase and the on-click once per battle BtH boost (especially nice after the changes to monster dodging with the stat rework).
Cometoid/Meteoid Jelly and their ability to regen SP, as non-rare/premium options for that ability are both few and also highly conditional.
Invincible Star with its role of giving you a turn to tank damage to explore a boss' mechanics without getting 1 shot and having to start over again.
Pixel Ether's quick-cast MP regen/conversion is a great tool for mages to have, and can alleviate some of the punishment from spending MP unwisely for newer/returning players.

Sapphire -> RE: =AQ= 2023 Golden Giftbox Cross-Game Extravaganza Ideas (12/16/2022 9:49:26)

Effects from past Guardian Giftboxes:

1. Quick cast elevuln like from weapons of frostval past

2. Jelly pets effects, as long as they're not revised to be worse..defeats the purpose

3. Caltrops status like from Samukematsuri Caltrops spell, although backlash is better. Could just give yourself a temp backlash status as an effect

4. Armor change effects like with anthracite coal armor

5. Pixel ether clone as long as it's not revised to be way worse, would defeat the purpose

6. Big Dictionary, namely the blocking buff contained within it.

Deaf of Destiny -> RE: =AQ= 2023 Golden Giftbox Cross-Game Extravaganza Ideas (12/17/2022 17:56:31)


hollow said will not bring past Giftboxes. but jelly pets probably.

Dreiko Shadrack -> RE: =AQ= 2023 Golden Giftbox Cross-Game Extravaganza Ideas (12/17/2022 20:40:43)


hollow said will not bring past Giftboxes. but jelly pets probably.

You misunderstood what was said. Hollow has only ever talked about making mechanical clones of effects present in guardian giftboxes, jelly was just an example of what could be cloned. Sapphire is correct in their suggestions.

Sapphire -> RE: =AQ= 2023 Golden Giftbox Cross-Game Extravaganza Ideas (12/19/2022 10:11:35)

Take the "Pride" character from Manifest Pride spell, and make it a darkness clone of Lust/Envy pets.

+1 in for support!!!

battlesiege15 -> RE: =AQ= 2023 Golden Giftbox Cross-Game Extravaganza Ideas (12/20/2022 22:23:12)

Some AQW items:
  • Phoenix Reign Plate + Helm + Wings
    - Effect: Clone of the Overlord Armor with re-named Celerity.
    - Reasoning: It looks like a very awesome updated art of the Overlord Set.
  • BoltStriker Armor + Hood + Wings
    - Effect: Energy Burn or Celerity. Celerity probably fits better because he is Pride.
  • Prince of Dragons + Helm + Wings
    - Effects: Neutral resist armor that takes -X% damage vs. Dragon and Dragon-kin. Or gains MRM vs. Dragon/Dragon-kin.
    - Reasoning: Looks cool. It's a dragon-slaying armor but with a more unique trigger? The second suggestion is a clone of the Shifter's Dragon Leathers

  • Unbound Tome
    - Effect: Comes with 4 spells. Locks your spell slots when equipped. Gives +INT for SP cost.
    -- Immolation: Mana-standard Fire spell. Deals less damage to attempt a Fire Burn.
    -- Glacial Impact: Mana-efficient Ice spell (gives mana back in AQW). Inflicts The Cold (Cryostasis in AQW reduces hit chance and damage and increased damage taken... Somewhat similar to decreased BTH and decreased blocking).
    -- Supernova: Mana-non-standard Light spell. Increases damage and MP cost the lower your HP is. Please see: Drakonnan's Fury for more details.
    -- Arcane Sigil: HP-costing Heal spell. Gives +LS chance and gives HoT on mana for a few turns.
    - Reasoning: Archmage was probably the biggest release this year so thought this would be fitting. Probably a lot of effects though... Hopefully locking spells when using this item can help make it more balanced?

  • Exalted Drone
    - Effect: Light Backlash
    - Reasoning: It looks pretty cool. The Defensive Drone's role is to counter attacks after a certain time period. Also, the Exaltia bosses were one of the major additions to the game in terms of creation of strong challenge bosses.
  • Darkside Ascension Direwolf
    - Effect: Sacrifice all damage to inflict a Fear status.
    - Reasoning: We want more wolf pets (and by we, I mean me, but I'm sure there are others who have the same sentiment)!

DF Items:
  • Zurvana Set
    - Effect: Idk, it just looks pretty
    - Reasoning: This is technically a set I saw in AQW but it said it's from DF so moving it down here.

Heroes of the Scape -> RE: =AQ= 2023 Golden Giftbox Cross-Game Extravaganza Ideas (1/4/2023 10:43:50)

AQ3D item: Wellspring Staff of Summoning
- Water Magic Staff. I'm not the best at effects so anyone may feel free to make suggestions for that

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