ultra rare GB - what should i pick? (Full Version)

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cruciatul -> ultra rare GB - what should i pick? (12/19/2022 11:26:50)

I opened an ultra rare GB, what should i choose?

Primate Murder -> RE: ultra rare GB - what should i pick? (12/19/2022 12:12:49)

Prime Chaos Orb misc.

It has a qc skill to scramble monster's resists, allowing you to use elecomped armor skills against monsters of their own element (Horo Show's ice skill vs an ice monster, for example). It's an invaluable misc for any modern playstyle.

J9408 -> RE: ultra rare GB - what should i pick? (12/19/2022 17:47:14)

The orb also increases damage between you and monster, which makes battles faster than usual.

Also it may be nerfed in the future, you should be aware of that.

Korriban Gaming -> RE: ultra rare GB - what should i pick? (12/19/2022 19:49:39)

You can consider checking out my golden giftbox tier list video here to help you decide but ultimately it depends on your build and what you like to play.


Also it may be nerfed in the future, you should be aware of that.

It has been confirmed by staff that they will not be planning to touch this item

Bu Kek Siansu -> RE: ultra rare GB - what should i pick? (12/20/2022 3:51:22)


Prime Chaos Orb misc.


The orb also increases damage between you and monster, which makes battles faster than usual.

Also it may be nerfed in the future, you should be aware of that.


ORIGINAL: Korriban Gaming


Also it may be nerfed in the future, you should be aware of that.

It has been confirmed by staff that they will not be planning to touch this item

Thank you Korriban Gaming for this info, but just to be sure, would it be possible to provide us a link
(or something like that) that it has been confirmed by staff that they will not be planning to touch this item?

This would be a very important information that it has been confirmed by staff.

Of course they have the final words and can change their mind if necessary. [;)]

Thank you in advance. [:)]

Korriban Gaming -> RE: ultra rare GB - what should i pick? (12/20/2022 4:49:42)


Thank you Korriban Gaming for this info, but just to be sure, would it be possible to provide us a link
(or something like that) that it has been confirmed by staff that they will not be planning to touch this item?

This would be a very important information that it has been confirmed by staff.

It was an exchange between me and Cray on AEO discord during May this year. These are the relevant statements


Me: though prime chaos orb will likely get a nerf soon
Cray: There has also been no statement to this effect.
Me: Interesting, so PCO isn't on the list of items that needs changing?
Cray: PCO is extremely broken, but not remotely simple to address without redesigning the whole crux of the item. It's so heavily dependent on interactions that barring it from challenge content is about the only sensible option.

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