Dormant Pipe (+1) (Full Version)

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Rubioalto -> Dormant Pipe (+1) (1/6/2023 22:27:07)

[image][/image]Dormant Pipe
It blows bubbles no more.

Proof of victory over The Kittypillar.

(No DA Required)

Location: The Kittypillar
Price: N/A
Sellback: 0 Dragon Coins

Level: 0

Combine 1 with Platinum Fur to form Dormant Pipe +1

Rarity: 0
Item Type: Resource

Rubioalto -> RE: Dormant Pipe (+1) (1/6/2023 22:34:21)

[image][/image]Dormant Pipe +1
+1 to what? +1 to all things Dormant Pipe, of course.

Proof of victory over "The Platinum Cabbit" and "The Kittypillar" challenges.

(No DA Required)

Location: In Wanderland (Shop)
Price: N/A
Required Items: 1 Dormant Pipe & 1 Platinum Fur
Sellback: 0 Dragon Coins

Level: 0
Stats: CHA +1

Combine 1 with Essence of Wonder to form Kittypillar's Pipe I
Combine 1 with Essence of Wonder to form Kittypillar's Pipe II
Combine 1 with Essence of Wonder to form Kittypillar's Pipe III

Combine 1 with Essence of Wonder to form Bubble Charm

Rarity: 0
Item Type:

Page: [1]

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