Ancient Energy Blade (I, II, III) (Full Version)

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DemonicDarkwraith -> Ancient Energy Blade (I, II, III) (2/3/2023 20:48:18)

[image][/image]Ancient Energy Blade I
In your hands, the weight of this weapon just feels right. Proof of victory over J6 and Twang. (CC: Element)
(No DA Required)

Location: Passion & Peace (Shop)
Price: N/A
Required Items: 1 Ancient Data Chip & 1 Repaired Energy Blade
Sellback: 0 Dragon Coins

Level: 70
Damage: 85-89
Element: Energy
Stats: Block +9, Dodge +9, Parry +9, Crit +7, Magic Def +3, Pierce Def +3, Melee Def +3, WIS +13, END +13, INT +10, DEX +10, STR +10, Bonus +7
Resists: All +6, Health -6

Rarity: 0
Item Type: Scythe
Damage Type: Magic/Pierce/Melee
Equip Spot: Weapon
Category: Weapon

DemonicDarkwraith -> RE: Ancient Energy Blade (I, II, III) (2/3/2023 20:48:31)

[image][/image]Ancient Energy Blade II
In your hands, the weight of this weapon just feels right. Proof of victory over J6 and Twang. (CC: Element)
(No DA Required)

Location: Passion & Peace (Shop)
Price: N/A
Required Items: 1 Ancient Data Chip & 1 Repaired Energy Blade
Sellback: 0 Dragon Coins

Level: 80
Damage: 90-94
Element: Energy
Stats: Block +12, Dodge +12, Parry +12, Crit +8, Magic Def +4, Pierce Def +4, Melee Def +4, WIS +16, END +16, INT +13, DEX +13, STR +13, Bonus +8
Resists: All +8, Health -8

Rarity: 0
Item Type: Scythe
Damage Type: Magic/Pierce/Melee
Equip Spot: Weapon
Category: Weapon

DemonicDarkwraith -> RE: Ancient Energy Blade (I, II, III) (2/3/2023 20:48:44)

[image][/image]Ancient Energy Blade III
In your hands, the weight of this weapon just feels right. Proof of victory over J6 and Twang. (CC: Element)
(No DA Required)

Location: Passion & Peace (Shop)
Price: N/A
Required Items: 1 Ancient Data Chip & 1 Repaired Energy Blade
Sellback: 0 Dragon Coins

Level: 90
Damage: 95-99
Element: Energy
Stats: Block +15, Dodge +15, Parry +15, Crit +12, Magic Def +5, Pierce Def +5, Melee Def +5, WIS +20, END +20, INT +16, DEX +16, STR +16, Bonus +12
Resists: All +10, Health -10

Rarity: 0
Item Type: Scythe
Damage Type: Magic/Pierce/Melee
Equip Spot: Weapon
Category: Weapon

DemonicDarkwraith -> RE: Ancient Energy Blade (I, II, III) (2/3/2023 20:49:00)

Other information
  • Weapons' appearance is attuned to the player's equipped weapon's element; refer to this chart for all appearances.
  • While out of combat, click on the weapon's hilt to change between two appearances; blade appearance is used while in combat.

    Out of Combat (Default)

    Out of Combat (Clicked) / In Combat

    Thanks to Jay for images and elemental attunement image.

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