Any updates? (Full Version)

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Roxas45 -> Any updates? (3/21/2023 12:06:34)

This is a question regarding the badges that we get from completing achievements.
I notices that the Saga's haven't been updated in some time - the last stuff being from the Chaos sage, which is fairly old.

This kinda led me to think about how the sagas ARE in AQW.
With DF and all, its all set in "books" - with the main orb saga taking up the whole of book 1.
It also took some time for the idea of Book 2 to solidify - we were just going along with things, till enough players were like "Is this a postgame, or is this a saga of its own?"
And I have to ask that about AQW as well, since we just finished the Malgor saga now too, I believe.

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