Current easiest bonus armor & Bonus weapon? (Current MAX) (Full Version)

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marshmallow_op -> Current easiest bonus armor & Bonus weapon? (Current MAX) (4/26/2023 16:05:15)

When equipped, this item does 51% more damage to all monsters.
Takes way too long to get.
(Weapon damage is static and does 51% more to all monsters when equipped.)
Do you know if this one takes long to get?

35% more damage to any monster, and gives 25% more class points, XP, gold, and rep when equipped.
Takes way too long to get.
(35% damage boost, 25% boost to gold, exp, rep and class points)
Do you know if this one takes long to get?

I have unlocked all regions required for these weapons quest lines.
Which are the easier ones to get from these weapons and armors? Do you suggest another weapon or armor with the same bonuses instead (current game max)?

Legendary Ash -> RE: Current easiest bonus armor & Bonus weapon? (Current MAX) (4/26/2023 21:00:05)

Apostate and Thaumaturgus Merge sequence: each Alpha > Omega > Ultima
Node x600
Relic x10
Artillery x10
Forgemetal x10
Ezrajal Insignia x10
Warden Insignia x10

Exalted Merge sequence: Apo and Thauma 's Ultima > Unity > Penultima > Apotheosis
Ezrajal Insignia x12
Warden Insignia x12
Engineer Insignia x16

Cumulative Total
Node x600
Relic x10
Artillery x10
Forgemetal x22
Ezrajal Insignia x22
Warden Insignia x26

Exalted Node x150
Exalted Relic Piece x5
Exalted Artillery Shard x5
Exalted Forgemetal x5

Ezrajal Insignia x2
Exalted Node x150

Ultima Lv 80
Ezrajal Insignia x4
Warden Insignia x6

Unity Lv 95
Ezrajal Insignia x4
Warden Insignia x4
Engineer Insignia x4

Penultima Lv 95
Ezrajal Insignia x4
Warden Insignia x4
Engineer Insignia x4

Apotheosis Lv 95
Ezrajal Insignia x4
Warden Insignia x4
Engineer Insignia x8

List of 51% to All Weapon and their Ranges
Dual Exalted Apotheosis 30-30
Dual Necrotic Swords of Doom 27-33
Empowered Blademaster Katana 30-30
Empowered Bloodletters 0-60
Empowered Caladbolg 15-45
Empowered Dual Caladbolgs 15-45
Empowered Dual Katanas 30-30
Empowered Overfiend Blade 0-60
Empowered Prismatic Manslayer 6-54
Empowered Prismatic Manslayers 6-54
Empowered Shadow Spear 0-60
Empowered Ungodly Reavers 0-60
Exalted Apotheosis 30-30
Hollowborn Sword of Doom 27-33
Hollowborn Sword of Doom (IoDA) 27-33
Malgor’s ShadowFlame Blade 30-30
Necrotic Blade of Doom 30-30
Necrotic Blade of the Underworld 27-33
Necrotic Sword of Doom 27-33
Necrotic Sword of Doom (IoDA) 27-33
Necrotic Sword of the Abyss 29-31
Providence 30-30
Sin of the Abyss 30-30

Ball of Malignant Essence
Total Needed x44
Willl receive one of x1, x2, x3, x5 at 66,000 Gold Cost per Turn in of Willpower Extraction
Shadow Lich x1
Unidentified 19 (Pet): "Koi Fish in a Sphere" x1
Essence of Nulgath x10
Totem of Nulgath x1
Mystic Tribal Sword x1
Doomatter x5
Necrot x5
Chaoroot x5
Archfiend's Favor x50
Mortality Cape of Revontheus x1
King Klunk's Crown x1
Facebreakers of Nulgath x1

Complete 4 times at 100,000 Gold Cost per Turn in of Nulgath Demands Work
Unidentified 13 (Quest Item): "The Contract of Nulgath" x1
Tainted Gem x15
Dark Crystal Shard x30
Diamond of Nulgath x10
Unidentified 27 "Chameleon Cape" x1
Voucher of Nulgath x1
Gem of Nulgath x15
Blood Gem of the Archfiend x2
Golden Hanzo Void x1
Unidentified 34 "Ball of Malignant Essence" x10

Complete 1 Turn in of Enough DOOM for an Archfiend
Voucher of Nulgath (non-mem) x1
Essence of Nulgath x100
Undead Essence x1,000
Chaorruption Essence x75
Essence Potion x5
Archfiend's Favor x5,000
Essence of Klunk x1
Blood Gem of the Archfiend x10
Living Star Essence x100
Unidentified 34 "Ball of Malignant Essence" x4
Unidentified 35 "Essence of the Almighty Archfiend x1
Aelita's Emerald x1

Infernal Flame Pyromancer's Merge Requirements
Avatar Tyndarius Insignia x20
Fire Avatar's Favor x75

Complete 10 Daily Turn ins of Ultra Avatar Tyndarius
Avatar Tyndarius Insignia x2

Complete 75 Turn ins of Avatar's Rage
Onslaught Defeated x6
Elemental Defeated x6
Fire Avatar's Favor x1

Cumulative Total 10 + 75x(6+6) = 910 Enemies, 0 Gold Cost

Novical -> RE: Current easiest bonus armor & Bonus weapon? (Current MAX) (7/22/2023 8:56:12)

If I remember correctly, Exalted apotheosis takes 24-ish days to get, and each fight is around 5 minutes. Just make sure you have Archpaladin, Stonecrusher, Lord of Order or Legion Revenant so people waiting on public won't immediately kick you out.

I'm trying to farm Archfiend Doomlord, the journey fluctuates depending on if you have nulgath pets to grind the resources and how good can your class grind each ingredient. Farming with VHL, I can say I'm almost there at about 3 months, farming on and off, but probably one of the harder farms among damage boosts.

I'd say infernal flame pyromancer is easier to farm than Archfiend Doomlord if you have a class to farm it, like one of the 3 support classes, or a chrono classes that works. 10 days, because of the daily quest.

Keep in mind that stat buffs that 75% and 35% (like Blinding Light of Destiny against undead for 75% and Archfiend Doomlord for 35% against all) does more damage than 51% (Radiant Goddess of War and Necrotic Sword of Doom).
RGoW + NSoD (1x1.5x1.5=125%)
BLoD + AFDL (1x1.35x1.75=136.25%)
I'm going to assume you know that the damage are multiplied together, and that dmg2all only stack with dmg2undead or other specific buffs.

Regarding what's easier to get, I'm currently working towards the same goal and I'm grinding Burning Blade, Burning Blade of Abezeth, AWE cape, Exalted Apotheosis, Archfiend Doomlord, then each of the unique 75% damage weapons, then Radiant Goddess of War, and you can search for the other boost items from this page:

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