June 9th Design Notes: Book 3: Convergence - Project Casca (Full Version)

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Laeon val Observis -> June 9th Design Notes: Book 3: Convergence - Project Casca (6/10/2023 6:33:52)


Friday, June 9, 2023
Book 3: Convergence - Project Casca
Hey there, heroes!

Happy birthday DragonFable! This week, Book 3's main stroy continues! The time has finally come to uncover the secrets of the Magesterium...


Head over to the room with Zvezdana in Outpost Yeden to play this week's release: Project Casca!

Later this month, we'll have a special quest involving your dragon, as well as (if everything goes well) another main story quest!

Also this week, to celebrate Father's Day, the Noon Promise weapons have returned, and a matching cosmetic backpiece and helm have been added!


Check them out in the seasonal shops in the Book of Lore!

Also this week, a few typo fixes!
  • Fixed some incorrect pronouns in the quest 'Jungle's Fury'
  • The Noon's Promise and Midnight Wish weapons have had their item names adjusted.
  • The Noon's Promise and Midnight Wish weapons have had typos in their descriptions fixed.
  • Fixed an issue with Akriloth the Protector where some dialog would overlap.

Phew! It's been quite a year!

I'm not great at this kind of thing, so I won't try to be fancy or anything. I want to say thank you to all of you, our players. DragonFable certainly isn't the newest and flashiest (haha) game around. That there are so many of you still joining us, returning, or even just visiting for a while, is incredibly humbling.

Thank you.

Now, as the Reimagined project and Book 3 near their ends, there's been a lot of asking what's next. And we can confidently say that what's next is, well, more DragonFable! There's still so much to see and explore, and so many stories left to tell.

We've come a long way over the years, and we still have a long way to go.

As long as we have your support— as long as there are those who enjoy what we have to share, what we create— we'll keep going.

Let's make the year to come another good one!

Flabagast -> RE: June 9th Design Notes: Book 3: Convergence - Project Casca (6/11/2023 9:08:25)

Happy Birthday DF! Here's to many more!


It's great getting a good story dump that connects so many pieces together. Hawkscry is where the catastrophe that created the Fissure occurred, and according to Hansa, shares architectural similarities with ruins like the ones where the Rift that the Lagohm came through. This civilisation must also be where the Crown of the Lost Hawk comes from too. The survivors fled to Azaveyr, went to war with the dragons (which is where Voyna's story comes in), then brought the Mana Core Piece from their ancestral homeland to destroy them and ascend their Empire to new heights. Riorr hears news of of the Mana Core Piece and leaves to achieve his own ascension, gets assassinated, becomes "Murk". And the rest is history.

And it's apparently the severance from the Mana Core Piece that's killing the Magisters, rather than exposure to the Fissure, though I can't imagine that will help. Who knows if they'll even be successful in getting another piece either...

Dreadfully anticipating the next main story release!

Vaalirus -> RE: June 9th Design Notes: Book 3: Convergence - Project Casca (6/12/2023 22:47:34)

It makes sense that thing was going to be their endgame after all of this


In truth, it only makes sense that the Magesters would go for obtaining another mana core fragment in the end. It being the main tool they believe to be primarily responsible for taking down the dragons, which we know to be hogwash, and securing their Shapeless Empire for centuries thereon. Allowing them to reach even greater technological heights and refined magicks that make laying waste to their lesser enemies a cakewalk in their eyes. Taking that into account alongside the absolute mess Roirr has left them with, as well as many of their impending deaths approaching, and it only makes sense as to why they're certain obtaining another fragment is worth pouring all their efforts into pulling off. It's just a shame that so far there doesn't seem to be any stopping the use of Ignominious currently which isn't surprising but man does that not spell any good for how this empire progresses from here on.

Also slightly concerned about Zvezdana responding that they will equally no longer be beholden to us as we are them currently once we get them what they need and we take on the Rose. Sounds an awful like our little alliance could end there afterwards which if they do succeed in acquiring a new fragment could prove to be a problem later.

Then, there's also the Shapeless creature itself. I wonder if it spreading across potentially all of Azaveyr has been noticed by Volkenraand and whether if it has started to go even there for people to consume and send to the Seym. Furthermore, what does it even look like now that it has consumed so many people.

Additionally, I can't wait to find out what caused Hawkscry to eventually nuke its entire civilization off the Land of Dragons.

Lastly, I'm curious as to where Akanthus' soul is deriving power from if he's completely disconnected from the Mana Core. What source is possibly keeping him alive to the point where no ounce of magic can touch him.

Roxas45 -> RE: June 9th Design Notes: Book 3: Convergence - Project Casca (6/13/2023 16:08:09)

I am liking this one a lot.
I do have some questions though regarding timeline placement.
Is Riorr happening at the same time as this? Is that what the issue on Azaveyr is? Its been some time and with work and real life, the releases are too far in between for me to remember everything sadly.

I will say..
This is the only time I've ever NOT felt a bead of worry when Amadeus starts with "Draw your blade".
And poor Alteon - he means well, but Amadeus is right. He is king no longer.

Looking forward to what comes next. The writing has been amazing so far. :)

Laeon val Observis -> RE: June 9th Design Notes: Book 3: Convergence - Project Casca (6/13/2023 16:50:37)

^Regarding the timeline, the Timeline of book 3 should provide sufficient chronology as to when the Roirr line occurred in parallel to our struggles.

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