Healing buffs (Full Version)

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Bannished Rogue -> Healing buffs (9/24/2023 22:19:37)

I dont currently have any items that do such but regarding items that buff how much you heal, does that effect typically also apply to SP healing?

If so, which between:
• normal turn based regeneration
• enhanced sp regen (from items like shadowfeeder pendent)
• sp boost (from items like the ultraguardian shield or z finity gauntlet of soul)
• sp siphon (from items like famine rapier)
• or all?

Sapphire -> RE: Healing buffs (9/24/2023 23:22:39)

Increasing heal resistance, like from the mermazon misc, etc buffs healing to everything. Even EO gets increased. Your turn based SP regen get increased. There are so caveats. For example, poison siphons for whatever reason are not increased.

Also,self-berserk buffs healing, and more so than things that increase heal resistance. You could, in theory, have legion fenrir guest, grakma misc, wield multimaulon negative bth mode, and be in entropy armor and toggle on berserk for 4 instances of berserk (multimaul technically isn't berserk but in reality it acts exactly like it on the player) and this combination will more than double a healing spell .

END gives a bonus to healing, too, although if you trained END I'd venture a guess the need to heal is fewer than not training it, so that's a bit superfluous if you ask me.

But berserk doesn't really affect SP regen that you get per turn. It just depends on the specific heal, it's source, etc etc.

Bannished Rogue -> RE: Healing buffs (9/24/2023 23:38:05)

Is there a list of items that increase healing resistance (wouldn't it technically be decreasing resistance to healing?)?

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