Daily Academy Raffle (Full Version)

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arcblitz1609 -> Daily Academy Raffle (9/25/2023 4:56:28)

Hi, is the daily academy set rewards raffle obtainable if only killing one monster per day? Also, what are the names of the weapons and are there any info subs on them? Thanks

ming shuen -> RE: Daily Academy Raffle (9/25/2023 8:45:24)

Yep. Winning a singular battle is enough to be in the running for a prize. The odds are not exactly fantastic though. Been playing on 8 characters daily, and I am still missing the Female Armour, and the Melee and Magic Weapon.

The names of the item can be found on the "Today's Event Page"

arcblitz1609 -> RE: Daily Academy Raffle (9/25/2023 9:34:19)

You mean the in-game today's event section? Aren't the weapons just named melee ranged and magic there? I can see the names of the armors and shield but not the weapons themselves

ming shuen -> RE: Daily Academy Raffle (9/25/2023 10:39:31)

Academy Blade / Standard / Wand

Here's the infosubs

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