=Dev,Bugs= Contract-Type Guests Have Been Rate Limited. (Full Version)

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Ianthe -> =Dev,Bugs= Contract-Type Guests Have Been Rate Limited. (9/30/2023 12:02:29)

We've had to rate-limit GiveGold to once every 10s because bandwidth. Because of this Contract-type guests like Nezujimbo and Ninja Lawyer Assassins are gonna be buggy. I'm gonna spend the weekend updating them to only hit the database once per battle. Thanks for your patience!

Ianthe -> RE: =Dev,Bugs= Contract-Type Guests Have Been Rate Limited. (10/11/2023 15:29:50)

Fixed up the following items:
- Shogun & Ansatsu guest
- Nezujimbo guest
- Ninja Lawyer Assassin guests
- Pyre Rat guests (Fire/Water/Earth variants)
- Hedgemog guests and pets (normal and Shadowy)
- Gold-Hungry Mimic pets (Dark/Fire/Earth variants)
- Treasure Crab pets (Earth and Light)
- Golden Gween pet (including more extensive updates)
- Gold Ebil Scythe (including some minor rebalancing)

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