=AQ= The 2023 Frostval Season Begins (Full Version)

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Sapphire -> =AQ= The 2023 Frostval Season Begins (11/27/2023 17:48:55)


The 2023 Frostval Season Begins
A snow-covered BattleOn can mean only one thing - the Frostval season has arrived! Yulgar has replaced the fountain in BattleOn with a new tree just waiting for a player with an eye for decorations. So team up with Robina to find the best and brightest decorations to make your BattleOn Tree a shining beacon of joy. Frostval is one of AQ's oldest holiday traditions, and a favorite among players, as there are tons of rare and powerful items to collect all month long.

Guardian Giftboxes:
Make sure you head over to the Guardian Tower and pick up your giftboxes as we wait to see what's inside at the end of the Frostval Gift Delivery!

Frostval Season Limited-Time Shop:
Stop by and pick up gear to help get you in the festive spirit! Returning holiday favorites like the legendary axes of Artix, and the new Nail of the North Pole!

Frostval 2023 Season of Gifting Begins - Spirit of Autumn & Heroic Titan
Kibbles and his cousin Tibbles have returned to spread holiday cheer with new Season of Gifting contests! This merry elf duo collects gifts and randomly gives them to your fellow players - meaning you could receive gifts up to 5000 Z-Tokens or 100 million Gold just for playing! Embracing the generosity of the season, Kibbles is gathering gold to distribute community prizes to all! As Kibbles accumulates increasing amounts of gold, reaching every milestone will unlock incredible rewards for the entire AdventureQuest community, promoting a spirit of unity and shared accomplishment! The Heroic Titan community prizes will release at the same time as the Spirit of Autumn gear, after the contests end.

This year Kibbles is crafting powerful Heroic Titan items for our amazing community, with a special Giftmaster variant for the top 100 generous players!
Not to be outdone, Tibbles is introducing Spirit of Autumn gear exclusively for the top Z-Token giftmasters.
That means for crazy generous players there are 14 possible prizes to win!
10 Frostval Crown Misc items are being given away DAILY for everyone that gifts either gold or Z-Tokens (5 daily for gold, 5 daily for Z-Token). You can double your chances of winning if you gift both gold and Z-Tokens in a single day!

~'Time to practice your Giftbox-Fu! Tag you're it.. ~Anim

ruleandrew -> RE: AQ Newsletter-The 2023 Frostval Season Begins (11/27/2023 18:04:41)

This week is the start of Frostval 2023 Season of Gifting Contests.

Broccoli -> RE: AQ Newsletter-The 2023 Frostval Season Begins (11/28/2023 8:27:04)

Can I get an ETA on those Mermazon changes?

Sapphire -> RE: AQ Newsletter-The 2023 Frostval Season Begins (11/28/2023 10:01:18)

BF sale ends this Friday

davesf989 -> RE: AQ Newsletter-The 2023 Frostval Season Begins (11/30/2023 15:44:40)

how do you donate ?

TheKingofDoom&Gloom -> RE: AQ Newsletter-The 2023 Frostval Season Begins (11/30/2023 17:09:41)

Shouldn't Nail of the North Pole be discounted due to Z-Token items being on sale still? It displays as full price for me.

arcblitz1609 -> RE: =AQ= The 2023 Frostval Season Begins (11/30/2023 19:02:30)

Are there any posts about all of the items that are available in the Frostval 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, and 2022 paintings? I tried searching but I only found 2014, 2015, and 2016. I'm trying to see what items I could like for my characters or if I just buy all of them.

KuronekoAlchemist -> RE: =AQ= The 2023 Frostval Season Begins (11/30/2023 22:39:25)

Frostval 2014-2022 and Tree Decoration items

arcblitz1609 -> RE: =AQ= The 2023 Frostval Season Begins (11/30/2023 23:04:10)


kreem -> RE: =AQ= The 2023 Frostval Season Begins (12/1/2023 3:35:53)

Only Today's Events has the Frostval LTS currently so go click Today's Events then on the right click Limited Time Gear. Hopefully staff can fix it soon. Less than 21 hours left to buy stuff at a discounted rate.

If you are looking for item info or want to find an item that fits what you're looking for the item index will help: https://forums2.battleon.com/f/tm.asp?m=22403711
I'd recomend using Data, Filter views to narrow down what kind of gear you're looking for and downloading the indexes if sheets is being laggy or taking up a lot of resources.

Black Friday guides: Grace's Video(highly recommended) Token Sheet, Wiki GGB guide, 2nd GGB guide

It would be cool if we could get a frostval giftbox painting that lets us buy the current year's items anytime in the future. Buying items from this painting shop should probably have some kind of lock so you can't just buy something from the painting shop without owning the painting.

Bolter -> RE: =AQ= The 2023 Frostval Season Begins (12/1/2023 8:57:08)

Could we also have the info subs of the Scythe of Serenia from the Harvest LTS before it leaves?

Ianthe -> RE: =AQ= The 2023 Frostval Season Begins (12/1/2023 14:03:18)

Broccoli: Before the next donation contest rewards.
Bolter: sure

Primate Murder -> RE: =AQ= The 2023 Frostval Season Begins (12/5/2023 22:52:54)

The transition between the quest and the post-quest dialogue is rather jarring.

You hunt down the decorations, then dialogue starts and Robina talks about how she did all the decorating by yourself. Like, what? Then you realize: oh, yeah, I'm War now, so I can't be doing the decorating - except I just spent a quest doing just that!

The dialogue is fine, and the message is funny, but it clashes with the mechanics of the preceding quest in a way that disturbs any immersion you built up.

Strange Doctor -> RE: =AQ= The 2023 Frostval Season Begins (12/6/2023 2:08:21)

I just noticed we are almost at 800 billion gold donated (as of writing). I was just wondering why there isn't any shop for the unlocked (just like with the Wingweavers before).

Lorekeeper -> RE: =AQ= The 2023 Frostval Season Begins (12/6/2023 2:10:07)

That's actually still diegetic, and addressed when Robina explains in the first line of the dialogue:


...and that's how we used to do it.

The gameplay is Robina telling Nimrod the story of how you two used to decorate.

Primate Murder -> RE: =AQ= The 2023 Frostval Season Begins (12/6/2023 22:50:43)

Oh, I see. It just didn't quite click for me.

Thanks for the answer!

Lee -> RE: =AQ= The 2023 Frostval Season Begins (12/6/2023 23:40:43)

@Strange Doctor: The Team have changed how the community prizes will release, which is mentioned on the Newsletter.

The Heroic Titan community prizes will release at the same time as the Spirit of Autumn gear, after the contests en

Primate Murder -> RE: =AQ= The 2023 Frostval Season Begins (1/18/2024 22:51:59)

Woke up this morning to two 5k token donations.

Many thanks to all ye generous folk!

Ninjaty -> RE: =AQ= The 2023 Frostval Season Begins (1/27/2024 15:03:35)

I just purchased the Frostval paintings, and that got me thinking about how there aren't any for the older events. If the only thing preventing portal paintings to Frostvals prior to 2014 are the files pertaining to those quests being old and potentially uncooperative with the current game code, then why not just skip the quests entirely and go straight to the shops? It's not like portal paintings to shops do not already exist, so just make a hub screen like the other Frostval paintings have, except these buttons will just go directly to the shops. From a collection perspective, the end result would be the same regardless of whether the items be available directly or through their old quests, even if part of the charm would be lost.

If nothing else, this could just be a temporary solution, in case the staff actually decides it will be worth it to properly fix the quests in the future.

@Rastaban: I would as well.

Rastaban -> RE: =AQ= The 2023 Frostval Season Begins (1/27/2024 17:40:42)

If the paintings would just open up shops until the quests can be fixed, I would still buy them all.

Primate Murder -> RE: =AQ= The 2023 Frostval Season Begins (1/31/2024 22:00:52)

One hour left until the end of donations contests!

Edit: Wait, forgot to account for winter time.

One hour left now ;)

Ogma -> RE: =AQ= The 2023 Frostval Season Begins (2/1/2024 0:04:21)

^ Barely got in the 100. Man, I was thinking 8k token was gonna be enough but it shot right up. This is the last time I'm gonna be "competitive" over Z donation haha.

King Darxonic -> RE: =AQ= The 2023 Frostval Season Begins (2/1/2024 0:33:37)

I definitely thought I was gonna get knocked out of Top 100 for Gold the way I dropped from around the mid 40s all the way to 70, sheesh! Congratulations to all top winners, and I look forward to see how these items turn out as well.

The Hollow -> RE: =AQ= The 2023 Frostval Season Begins (2/8/2024 18:18:43)

A brief update: we're in the testing phase, and barring any unforeseen setbacks, all prizes are slated for delivery later today!

Edit: Prizes are live!

Sir Cloud -> RE: =AQ= The 2023 Frostval Season Begins (2/8/2024 18:55:56)

It seems the Nightfall Heroic Titan items do have a color variation except on the weapons. Can anyone from Staff verify this issue/bug as in the Shops the weapons look exactly like the regular Heroic versions currently. [8D]

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