RE: Cross-Game Golden GiftBox Extravangza Suggestion Thread (Full Version)

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Ninjaty -> RE: Cross-Game Golden GiftBox Extravangza Suggestion Thread (1/17/2024 3:54:40)

Alrighty, I think this could make for an interesting new armor:

Chaos Champion armor (art based on, with some nice chaotic effect(s) and/or skills. Perhaps passively (or by using a skill) placing a wide array of statuses on both player and monster (which can be both positive and negative for the entity), inflicted/resisted with random stats, which could change the strategy used from turn to turn. This could also justify some quite strong effects, at the risk of being the victim of them yourself as well.

I really like Drakath's design and powers in the Chaos Saga. And AQW's Chaos classes released during the saga also messed around with random effects, that could be both beneficial and detrimental. I think that same concept could easily be applied here.

I would also love to see the Necrotic Blade of Doom that Sepulchure used in DragonFable, potentially as a weapon that can either turn foes undead or make them more vulnerable to Darkness, either of which could be inflicted during a powerful low-chance special.

Zeldax -> RE: Cross-Game Golden GiftBox Extravangza Suggestion Thread (1/23/2024 9:59:45)

Blade of the Fallen

Jack Frost (as an ice clone of Queen Aegea guest maybe)

Fallen Frostspawn Warrior (since the helm of this armor is in AQ)

GwenMay -> RE: Cross-Game Golden GiftBox Extravangza Suggestion Thread (1/23/2024 20:55:34)

Here are my three suggestions:

1. I fourth @Bolter, @Martin the Protector, and @Korriban Gaming's suggestions of Phoenix Blade, which is such a classic AQW weapon.

2. I third @Martin the Protector and @Korriban Gaming's suggestions of Star Sword, another iconic AQW weapon.

3. And for my armor suggestion, I'm going to suggest MechQuest's Star Captain Outfit once again (which Lae recently converted to AQW/AQ style here)

I also strongly agree with MetalKnight's Warp Guardian suggestion. I love Warpforce and that would be a cool callback with items already in AQ style.

kreem -> RE: Cross-Game Golden GiftBox Extravangza Suggestion Thread (1/30/2024 20:46:52)

Love anything oversoul, always stunning art and animations. if you need animations could use this monster and/or yami no ronin

choas312 -> RE: Cross-Game Golden GiftBox Extravangza Suggestion Thread (2/1/2024 1:51:36)

I'd like to second a Moglomancer/Master of Moglins armor; with the Plush mogs being restocked recently and all the twilly/zorbak variants it's a great opportunity to boost the roleplaying aspect, heck it would even give a reason to spend tokens on 143 hedgemogs over mimics

If Canine Warrior/SuperZard/ZardHunter Ultra could have a discerning pet boost in 2005/8 why can't we have one 19/16 years later? [8D]

or maybe add it to the Plush Mog Master Shop

Bolter -> RE: Cross-Game Golden GiftBox Extravangza Suggestion Thread (2/1/2024 8:39:57)

Eye of the Underworld Scythe (It doesn't need to have similar effects to the staff version, it can have a completely different effect like as if it's a completely different weapon after all)

Jue Viole Grace -> RE: Cross-Game Golden GiftBox Extravangza Suggestion Thread (2/4/2024 1:15:10)

Please a wind lust pet or water (tired of just fire and earth)
Baby dragon pet from dragonfable (multiple effects hard to do I know but it is the year of the dragon)
Ebony voidcaster armor from aqw (maybe for warrior since mages had darckcaster)
Also can rangers plz get a armor in ggb all we get is bows

Bolter -> RE: Cross-Game Golden GiftBox Extravangza Suggestion Thread (2/11/2024 8:12:48)

Would it be possible to at least some of the past year crossover GGB items that went rare back into the GGBs for this month of February? I am aware that some of the crossover GGB items are seasonal, although there is no time right now to implement new ones which results in it being postponed to April, would it at least be possible to just re-release some of the old seasonal ones from previous years?

ming shuen -> RE: Cross-Game Golden GiftBox Extravangza Suggestion Thread (2/11/2024 9:25:25)


I love the idea! Re-releasing old GGB items in Feb and then having a few new ones in April. . . well, it just sounds like an optimal plan for everyone, both the devs and players. The devs can have a lighter release in Feb - since they worked so hard on the stat revamp. And well, players get old GGB items. [:)]

Kaizoku -> RE: Cross-Game Golden GiftBox Extravangza Suggestion Thread (2/11/2024 11:10:53)

Great Pumpkin Pet I just think the design is really cute.
Hydra Armor Need more FO Water armors to use.
Azure Dragon Knight Same as above, I think it would be cool.
Mystic Pencil of Endless Scribbles Funny tome/staff design with a motif that lends itself to creative effect ideas.
Summon Illumina Defensive spell art? All the summon gems are great.

zoby77 -> RE: Cross-Game Golden GiftBox Extravangza Suggestion Thread (2/11/2024 11:39:02)

Could you bring back the Void Awakening Skull set please

VileReptile -> RE: Cross-Game Golden GiftBox Extravangza Suggestion Thread (2/12/2024 1:53:49)

Dharmahp Subgun

Nubertron's Slug Gun

Derpmachine's Derpfish

Uskius -> RE: Cross-Game Golden GiftBox Extravangza Suggestion Thread (2/13/2024 0:43:22)

Seconding some other suggestions: Unnecessarily Ornate Useless Weapon Just For Show(maybe as a simple 0-proc weapon in the Common shop, or with fancy effects in exchange for low damage in the Rare or UltraRare shops), Sword of Purity, and also Kezeroth's Armor, which if I remember right has been suggested in previous years.

Andlu -> RE: Cross-Game Golden GiftBox Extravangza Suggestion Thread (2/16/2024 19:33:36)

Definitely want to see this one in AQ as an UR or R armor or guest

Bright Warlord of Nulgath

Avatar of Time (Original or Reforged)

Alien Zard (Pet and/or Guest)

squeazylemon -> RE: Cross-Game Golden GiftBox Extravangza Suggestion Thread (2/17/2024 13:13:24)

It's been forever since it was released, but it'd be amazing if the "Grim Scythe" from AQW returned! [8|]

Red Blood -> RE: Cross-Game Golden GiftBox Extravangza Suggestion Thread (2/27/2024 3:39:12)

Drakonnan, the Forge of Vengeance, Port from the Inn Challenges I'd love to have this as a spell caster form, or guest summon. An iconic character in Aq we never got on our side that could give quite a few arguments for various effects on your side. Reasonably burn pot, thermal shock, and spells that could risk the caster's life/ damage an ally (you) all could fit him. We aren't exactly with many fire caster options after all but I know Df content is often better used in guest/ pet slots so he could fill a role there instead to tax things less.

Bu Kek Siansu -> RE: Cross-Game Golden GiftBox Extravangza Suggestion Thread (3/2/2024 18:37:51)

Please a wind lust pet or water (tired of just fire and earth)

+1 Yes, another elements of Lust/Envy and also as guest versions of them as well? [:)]

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