150 Warrior looking for end game recommendations. (Full Version)

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Annihlu -> 150 Warrior looking for end game recommendations. (2/3/2024 23:31:02)

Heyo all,

Title. I recently hit 150 and I'm kind of lost on what gear I should be going for. Some of my equipment is still 120 or 135 but I'm currently on working on getting those to their highest level. I used to use the Ultimate Warrior Guide but it seems like that hasn't been updated in awhile so I was wondering if there other guides I could use.
If not this is my character page. https://aq.battleon.com/game/flash/charview?temp=31551947
Thanks in advance!

zoby77 -> RE: 150 Warrior looking for end game recommendations. (2/5/2024 19:24:33)

Yo g you are endgame you have 2 dunamis's, bloodzker weapons and armour, prime chaos orb, blood contract. Unless you want spend more money on things you don't necessarily need but would probably have fun using, I would say your all set and up to date. you could kill like 99% of the things in the game with your inventory

Annihlu -> RE: 150 Warrior looking for end game recommendations. (2/6/2024 11:34:34)

Oo okie. I figured there would've been more stuff at 150 I would need but I guess not. Thank you!

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