=AQ= SnuggleFest Returns (Full Version)

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Bu Kek Siansu -> =AQ= SnuggleFest Returns (2/11/2024 1:32:01)

From the newsletter: https://mailchi.mp/artix.com/2024-snugglefest-returns

SnuggleFest Returns


It's the season of love and friendship once again! Adventurers embark on selfless missions to assist those in need, forming new relationships and strengthening old ones. For those yearning for a unique connection, the chance to assist a friend and reap delightful rewards beckons! This season introduces a fresh arsenal of Love Struck gear in the SnuggleFest event shop.

Thank you for posting the weekly newsletter. I have a tag right here to marry them up. I now pronounce this thread "Tagged". ~Anim
Happy Snugglefest all.

ming shuen -> RE: AQClassic: SnuggleFest Returns (2/11/2024 9:28:45)

Looking forward to seeing Thunder Groom return. Been waiting for it a few months now

Dardiel -> RE: AQClassic: SnuggleFest Returns (2/11/2024 14:24:54)

That's a really neat aesthetic for the weapons and shield, I'm interested to see what the connecting thread is.

1stClassGenesis -> RE: AQClassic: SnuggleFest Returns (2/13/2024 8:40:49)

May I ask for the SnuggleFest Portal Painting to have its quests be made accessible by Adventurers as well please?

Strange Doctor -> RE: AQClassic: SnuggleFest Returns (2/14/2024 2:04:55)

Is it gonna be live on the actual Valentines day?

Rastaban -> RE: AQClassic: SnuggleFest Returns (2/14/2024 12:51:43)

If it is, I would be surprised.

Grace Xisthrith -> RE: AQClassic: SnuggleFest Returns (2/14/2024 22:31:01)

I would like to second making snugglefest (painting at least, but ideally main event as well) adventurer accessible, so many fun quests (and items) guardian locked in 2024 seems like a downer.

As a secondary request, is there any chance the summon amoria guest could get an update? I can't tell if she got a once over during the stat revamp (since it hasn't hit yet so I can't check her upkeep etc), she seems to have not gotten her once over from the stat revamp, as her upkeep is still 114 MP. The spell to summon her still takes a turn.

Either way, excited for snugglefest :)

sunblaze -> RE: AQClassic: SnuggleFest Returns (2/14/2024 23:23:59)


As a secondary request, is there any chance the summon amoria guest could get an update? I can't tell if she got a once over during the stat revamp (since it hasn't hit yet so I can't check her upkeep etc), but the spell to summon her still takes a turn.

excellent priorities [:)]

Sapphire -> RE: AQClassic: SnuggleFest Returns (2/15/2024 6:53:38)

^Especially since all the guests must be on standard before stat revamp changes go into effect

decimallow -> RE: AQClassic: SnuggleFest Returns (2/15/2024 8:49:08)

I would like to be the third to support the idea of making the snugglefest painting quests to be accessible to adventurers. Being an adventurer myself, I purchased the painting last year in the hopes that I could access the previous years quest like the mogloween painting I own. However that was nit the case and I had to sell the painting immediately to not lose more tokens on the sell back. I would buy the painting again this year in a heartbeat if this was fixed. I understand that the previous year quest accessed through the new updates page is accessible to guardians. Please consider this for those who buy the paintings. Thanks and regards.

The Hollow -> RE: AQClassic: SnuggleFest Returns (2/16/2024 1:05:34)

Alright folks, stop by the SnuggleFest event shop and pick up your new arsenal of Lovestruck gear! Armor and faces will be arriving next week to complete the set.

decimallow -> RE: AQClassic: SnuggleFest Returns (3/1/2024 0:31:31)

I hope the messages regarding the Snugglefest painting was not ignored. It would be nice if AQ team can provide some clarity regarding the situation.

taz_td88 -> RE: AQClassic: SnuggleFest Returns (3/5/2024 3:59:26)

I’ve been playing with LoveStruck set. But maybe I overlooked this, how are warriors supposed to take advantage of the bleed potence? Both the range and magic weapons cause bleed. The melee weapon does not. ( and using QuadMod to get the bleed is super expensive that’s 392 sp from the range weapon plus another 76 sp to equip the Quad Mod then another 236 so to get the DEX to have more than a wet noodle. 704 sp for a bleed seems off.) Nothing else in the set causes bleed. But the warrior’s weapon is supposed to eat bleeds, but bleeds from what?

I’ve tried a few set ups and well… feels like there was no point in having a melee weapon to go with the set bonus if nothing in the set can activate the set bonus.. Incidentally, if there wasn’t a melee weapon I wouldn’t have bought the armor. Buyer’s remorse. Now I’ve got a z-token light armor that doesn’t serve the only purpose it could have in my inventory.

Grace Xisthrith -> RE: AQClassic: SnuggleFest Returns (3/5/2024 15:48:21)

For reliable Warrior Bleed:

You want:
Shark Sabre (water weapon bleed toggle) ~Power .3 Bleed
Master Archer Bleed Arrow with one of 5 melee 100 Procs (extremely scuffed do not recommend) Power 1 Bleed
Werepyre subrace claw skill w/out hybrid stat toggle, Power 1 Bleed (may require mana healing sources, FGM is enough, can also toggle and untoggle stat drive toggle)
Werewolf Subrace claw skill (forget which name) Power 1 Bleed
74th Law SP Skill / Spell (mogloween)
Legion Fan
Kitsune Fan

For beastmaster bleed that warriors can use:
Neko Subrace Bleed Toggle
Various bleed pets and guests (there are several options, check Ward's Spreadsheets
Shark Week Potency Pet
Scarab Osiris Potency Pet
Pet and guest celerity of any kind will increase bleed infliction of course

There are other options, but these are the ones I know of off the top of my head

Yes, it's definitely true the warrior weapon has no way to inflict bleed, and it's generally harder for warriors to inflict bleed than rangers or mages. Not really as much anymore though given they can use beastmaster items at full power since Pet and Guest accuracy scales half off STR half off CHA now where it used to require DEX

taz_td88 -> RE: AQClassic: SnuggleFest Returns (3/6/2024 4:38:41)

It is very disappointing the a set revolves around bleed but provides no way to bleed. It’s not just a matter of a reliable bleed, the strength and consistency of the bleed matters because the armor and misc item consumes bleeds. The LoveStruck caliber 33% melee as bleed roughly a 1.0 strength bleed in one turn. It takes the Kisune fan 5 turns to get there. Nevermind stacking the bleed, there is so little flexibility, with the initial bleed being .23. So smaller bleeds (I just bought and play tested the Kisune fan[couldn’t find a legion fan or an info subs for one]) means that sp skill even becomes less usable for warriors. I don’t understand why the melee weapon doesn’t do a bleed on par with its counterparts.

bleed potency pets don’t inflict bleed, so they aren’t actual options to level the playing field. (Would help with a weapon that inflicts bleed) And even if they did, rangers and mages could just stack those bleeds on top of the spell bleeds and ranged weapon bleeds they get still leaving warriors behind. Additionally per the spreadsheet and a google search 3 pets inflict bleed(one rare, the other two seasonal) and 4 guests. None of them inflict a .5 bleed. (.34 for the guest) So they can’t keep up with bleed as a resource or damage instance. When compared to one turn of the caliber.

If I’m using the Neko sub race armor, I’m not using the ztoken bleed armor I just bought. TBH unless bleed is big it’s not really good. Harm is pretty easy to come by. So the strength of bleed is being a stacking dot. But if it takes so long to stack that the monster is half dead or more by the time I get to the 1 bleed threshold (and that’s assuming I keep the bleed active) what would be the point in filling two armor slots for the sole purpose of bleed. And would I really want to consume any charges when it took me so long to get a decent bleed? 0.42*[Hits/Attempts] Bleed until the monster makes a save. This has a +10 Save Bonus, player MainStat/LUK vs. monster END/LUK. So it’s impossible for the Neko skill to give more than .42 bleed on any given turn. Under ideal circumstances it takes 3 turns to do what the Caliber can. I’d rather the strength and luck bleeding triggers be gone so the weapon can actually be a melee clone of the bayonet.

Could maybe the weapon be changed, does a bleed triggered strength and luck boost serve a function, and are we honestly implying that the melee and ranged weapons are in the same ballpark of usefulness. They absolutely are not. Which brings me back to why create a melee weapon only to make it functionally the worst weapon of the three. It creates the appearance the set is for everyone, but clearly it’s not for warriors as they simply cannot keep up with the other builds and knowing the set was designed for bleeds you have to jump through multiple hoops to get an inferior version the compressed spell of leaves a bad taste.

Tl:dr The Caliber causes a bleed that is worth 100% melee damage. And the set treats that bleed as a resource similar to mp or sp. Pets and guests aren't strong enough to bridge the difference, nor are they mutually exclusive to warriors. Why design a complicated ranged weapon and then slap a simple 5% damage increase on the melee weapon.

sujin6614 -> RE: AQClassic: SnuggleFest Returns (3/7/2024 19:22:57)


It is very disappointing the a set revolves around bleed but provides no way to bleed.

First time?[:D] haha jk. I had the same problem with Vengence of Nulgath set. Both the shield and pets are dodge related
but the weapon causes fear. Why would u ever fear a monster if u want to dodge their attacks?
as Omni man said Think mark Think!!!![8|]
And Legion fan is now available.

Irrelevant comments removed. For the record, Devs have always been consistently reading the forum. It was insisted that the entire stat revamp feedback stay on the forum for a record so that Devs could refer to main points easily. ~Ward

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