=AQ,Dev,Balance= Game Engine v46 (Full Version)

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Ianthe -> =AQ,Dev,Balance= Game Engine v46 (2/15/2024 22:47:52)

Mechanics Changes

Ranged Attacks
Ranged no longer starts at low damage and increases as the battle progresses. Instead, it keeps track of how many hits connected or missed, and adjusts your accuracy+damage based on this. The adjustment depends on the number of hits connected minus twice the number of hits that missed, and your BTH modifier becomes -85*(total) / (total^2 + 32*total).

This has no cap, but if the BTH modifier exceeds +20. then there's a further penalty. Also, it doesn't affect attacks that autohit in any way.

Pets and Guests
Guests have had their damage lowered and their upkeep costs increased.
- Old: 60% Melee worth of effect for ~21% SP/MP in upkeep.
- New: 45% Melee of effect for 30% in upkeep.

Both pets and guests now use [MainStat]+CHA for BTH instead of DEX+CHA. (Oops, forgot this)

Lucky Breaks
At the start of your turn, there's a chance of you converting one condition on you into a boon.
- Bleed, Burn, Disease, Poison, Prismatic Burn, Spirit Seed: Regeneration (1 turn, power:5)
- Blind, Choked, The Cold, Panic, : Empowerment (1 turn, x1.357 damage, all elements)
- Brain Drain, Buffet, Cripple, Entangle, Offbalance: either Strength Boost, Intellect Boost, or Smooth (+DEX), based on your highest stat (with your nodrop being a tie-breaker) (1 turn, a max of +156.33 stat)
- Control, Daze, Fear, Freeze (and variants), Paralyse, Sleep: 50% chance of Celerity (player only, 1 turn)
- Defence Loss: Defence Boost (1 turn, +30 blocking)
- Element Vulnerable: Element Shield (1 turn, x0.643 damage, same element as the vuln)
- Mindlock: Regain Mana (any element, worth 40% of a standard spell cost in MP)
- Fragile: Tenacious (1 turn, a max of +156.33 END)
- Repulsive: Suave (1 turn, a max of +156.33 CHA)
- Unlucky: Lucky (1 turn, a max of +156.33 LUK)

The chance is equal to LUK/50, to a max of 5%.

Attribute Updates

Attributes now have Style Bonuses that kick in when you have 155 in that attribute. They scale linearly and reach their full value at 250. For brevity's sake, all the values listed are at 250 stat.

- Full Defensive armours now convert to Warrior Lean, increasing outgoing damage based on your Strength. At 250 STR, said armours will deal x1 outgoing weapon damage and take x0.8 incoming damage.
- Style Bonus: weapon attacks deal +10% damage. This doesn't affect weapon special nor bow attacks.
- Style Bonus: Backhand. When attacked, you hit your foe for a single hit that follows your weapon type and element, worth 2.5% Melee per hit.

- Removed: No longer grants a bonus to your blocking.
- Style Bonus: weapon specials and bow-type attacks get a bonus based on the item's proc rate: +15*LOG(rate)/LOG(100).
- - Attacks that are tagged as weapon attacks/weapon specials but don't receive effects from your weapon (e.g. Lt. Lore's Shield) are also boosted by this, with an assumed proc rate of 100.
- Style Bonus: Attacks gain +4.25 BTH

- Style Bonus: Wallbreaker. Spells receive a bonus when hitting an element below 100% resistance. The bonus equals +[ (100-resistance)/1.3 ]% damage.
- - This directly affects the resistance. Effects that depend on the monster's resistance... usually won't respect this. Though they probably should.

- Style Bonus: Guest baseline is increased by 5% to 50% Melee.
- Style Bonus: At the start of the guest's turn there's a 20% chance of the guest performing a Ferocious Strike this turn and having its output doubled. This affects everything the guest does.
- - This doesn't affect booster guests.

- Style Bonus: Once per 10 turns, break out of a stun. This is applied first, before any other Unstoppable effects.

- Removed: No longer grants a bonus to your blocking nor BTH.
- Style Bonus: +15% Lucky Break chance

Misc Changes

- Monsters with END now have less HP.
- Updated many combat log messages.
- Attacks that autohit now have their BTH lean is to a max of +20.
- Spellcaster Lean no longer affects healing spells
- Attack hit chance can no longer go below 5%

Ianthe -> RE: =AQ,Dev,Balance= Game Engine v46 (2/21/2024 3:40:16)

Game Engine v46.1
- Implemented the "pets+guests use mainstat instead of DEX" and "LUK no longer contributes to BtH" updates that I completely forgot about.
- Fixed some guest stuff:
- - Booster guests no longer get FerStrikes, like they should.
- - Fixed some bugs with applying the guest baseline modifications
- Warrior Lean no longer scales off STR and now only applies to Melee attacks.
- INT Wallbreaker no longer applies on negative resistances, nor Heal-element attacks, nor spells that target the player.
- Pet Hypercritical now decrements on the pet's turn, not on the player's.
- END's Heal Resistance modifier has been moved from a baseline effect to a Style Bonus. It still grants -12.5% Heal Resistance at 250 END.

Oh and a clarification: You check for Lucky Break first before END's Unstoppable effect.

Ianthe -> RE: =AQ,Dev,Balance= Game Engine v46 (3/14/2024 0:49:21)

Status System v128
- Split Berserk into separate player/pet/guest version. Previously it affected everything on the player's side.
- - Updated Legion Fenrir to affect both player and pet, but not itself beyond its own internal -15 BTH lean. Other items may be updated if you can convince us.
- Updated support for Blind.

Ianthe -> RE: =AQ,Dev,Balance= Game Engine v46 (5/13/2024 13:23:15)

Game Engine v46.22
- Autohit attacks are no longer affected by BTH leans.
- Added additional support for making statuses un-Lucky Break-able.
- Several bugfixes.

Status System 129
- Added additional support for making statuses un-Lucky Break-able.
- Added proper support for Dazzle as its own status, instead of being a weird niche case of Blind that causes many, many, many bugs.

The following self-inflicted negative conditions are no longer Lucky Breakable, with more to come:
- Edge of Defiance weapon
- Hexbound Prominence weapon
- Purple Rain spell

Ianthe -> RE: =AQ,Dev,Balance= Game Engine v46 (9/5/2024 12:40:43)

Balance Engine v60
- Warwolf Prime stuff

Ianthe -> RE: =AQ,Dev,Balance= Game Engine v46 (9/17/2024 23:20:05)

Balance Engine v61 / Status System v131
- Warwolf Prime stuff

Ianthe -> RE: =AQ,Dev,Balance= Game Engine v46 (1/5/2025 2:48:54)

Status System v136
- Adding some updates for the Frostval boss. I've had to update pretty much every status to get this working, so if there's any bugs with statuses not appearing let me know.

Ianthe -> RE: =AQ,Dev,Balance= Game Engine v46 (1/30/2025 14:28:43)

Status System v137
Updated how Daze and Fear Immunity work so that you can now inflict them, but now they just prevent its effects from applying. This is experimental and subject to change.

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