=AQ= Guests that do not Ferocious(ly) Strike (Full Version)

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Ward_Point -> =AQ= Guests that do not Ferocious(ly) Strike (2/21/2024 0:13:09)

The AQ Team has been receiving feedback that there are some Guests which do not Ferocious(ly) Strike.

As Ianthe has put in a great deal of work into updating the code of Guests such that they can be modified at a baseline, there will be some old Guests which Ianthe purposefully left out (Mostly pre-2014). The rationale being that most Guests from pre-2014 have been powercrept so far that most players wouldn't use them. Generally, practically every Guest that has a proper Encyclopedia entry on the Forums probably aren't able to Ferocious Strike, and most of the Guests within the Guest Index should be able to Ferocious(ly) Strike. There are definitely some Guests that fall through the cracks.

If you have encountered a Guest released AFTER 2014 that does not Ferocious(ly) Strike, please post them here for Compilation purposes so that Ianthe can deal with them.

~None of the guests inside Necromancer armor work
~Werepyre bat swarm inside werepyre armor (vampire works)
~Creature 72
~Giant Horror
~Queen Agea
~Ice and Dark Dread Fiends (Essence of carnage backlash works, so just need to decide to kill EoC's FS or fix dreadfiends)
None of them work now, at least while not inflicting direct damage. ~Ianthe
~King Linus
~Exalted Drone (MP heal mode works, eleshield mode does not)
~Bun-Banneret (again, is this considered a booster or is staff saying 'damage' boosters?
Boosting defence is boosting. ~Ianthe
~Nezujimbo (I havnt tested this one, heard it completely broke..doesnt do *anything*)
Fixed; freeze rate is multiplied, so it might be harder to notice. ~Ianthe
~Legion Fenrir- This may be intended Working as intended. ~Ianthe
~Fan Cameo- Obv the harm boost shouldn't, but much like examples above should the backlash? (which doesnt) Adding to list just in case backlash is allowable. Working as intended. ~Ianthe
Solar Flair Staff Guest
Franken Twilly
Summon Mirror Ryussei does not FS it's TheCold status
Summon Starchy
Summon silk screamer doesnt FS on both modes
Giant Horror's Daze Mode
Cherub (Also needs a look at Upkeep)

Sapphire -> RE: =AQ= Guests that do not Ferocious(ly) Strike (2/21/2024 11:19:12)

As far as I can tell, almost everyone I have tested seem to FS in terms of damage, although some may not. But I have been testing guests specifically for statuses. So my list is for statuses, and I guess the damage side can be checked. Here's what I have found that cannot FS statuses:


~None of the guests inside Necromancer armor work
~Werepyre bat swarm inside werepyre armor (vampire works)
~Creature 72
~Giant Horror
~Queen Agea
~Ice and Dark Dread Fiends (Essence of carnage backlash works, so just need to decide to kill EoC's FS or fix dreadfiends)
~King Linus
~Exalted Drone (MP heal mode works, eleshield mode does not)
~Bun-Banneret (again, is this considered a booster or is staff saying 'damage' boosters?
~Nezujimbo (I havnt tested this one, heard it completely broke..doesnt do *anything*)
~Legion Fenrir- This may be intended
~Fan Cameo- Obv the harm boost shouldn't, but much like examples above should the backlash? (which doesnt) Adding to list just in case backlash is allowable.
Added to the list ~Ward

zoby77 -> RE: =AQ= Guests that do not Ferocious(ly) Strike (2/21/2024 21:30:09)


The Solar Flair staff when you click it summons a solar flair angle its a pure healing guest no damage toggle, when the guest ferocious strikes it's healing is not effected at all. Idk if no ferocious strike for healing was intended, but it should be for this guest I think since that's all he can do.

Franken Twilly has a healing mode with a status resistance buff and a damage mode with poison status infliction. For the healing mode FS is not boosting the status resistance buff and I don't think its boosting the regular heal, in the damage mode i think it is boosting the guest damage but the poison infliction is not being boosted at all.
Added to the list ~Ward

Sapphire -> RE: =AQ= Guests that do not Ferocious(ly) Strike (2/24/2024 15:16:12)


Summon Mirror Ryussei does not FS it's TheCold status

Summon Starchy- This begs the question, would freeze like effects have a chance to do a 2 turn or something? I can't tell if this guest can, or should FS it's effect.

Sapphire -> RE: =AQ= Guests that do not Ferocious(ly) Strike (3/1/2024 15:40:39)


Summon silk screamer doesnt FS on both modes

Sapphire -> RE: =AQ= Guests that do not Ferocious(ly) Strike (3/3/2024 21:38:57)

Sorry for double posting, I'm just hoping it doesnt get lost in the shuffle of older posts that may have been combed through.

But Werepyre bat swarm guests on elevuln/defloss modes are fixed, but not the SP heal mode.

Giant Horror's elevuln is fixed, but daze mode isnt

Dreiko Shadrack -> RE: =AQ= Guests that do not Ferocious(ly) Strike (3/4/2024 13:04:10)

^I'm not sure werepyre bats would gain anything from SP heal mode having FS, the sp heal is a fixed amount based on the cost of a skill, it's not based on the damage it deals.

Sapphire -> RE: =AQ= Guests that do not Ferocious(ly) Strike (3/4/2024 22:15:08)

Fair enough. However, it is an effect and fixed or not, I would think it should count towards the idea of FS. If it needs an update to comply, then IMO it should be made.

Sapphire -> RE: =AQ= Guests that do not Ferocious(ly) Strike (3/19/2024 8:05:38)

The Cherub guest that is summoned from the Angel Bell misc isn't likely FSing it's damage. Also, it's sp upkeep is only 82.

CarrionSpike -> RE: =AQ= Guests that do not Ferocious(ly) Strike (3/19/2024 9:22:51)

Not exactly related to FS's but more of a weird Guest edge-case:
Call/Summon Cosoma is still consuming Defence Boost based on a 60% melee core value (so consumes up to 120% melee) should probably be based on 45% melee core value (which would consume up to 90% melee).

Cosoma might also not be properly updated (I have no reasonable way to test this though).

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