=AQ= Mid->Full Lean Suggestions (Full Version)

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Lorekeeper -> =AQ= Mid->Full Lean Suggestions (3/4/2024 12:56:32)

Hello, everyone! With the introduction of Warrior Lean, there's an added emphasis on the gear gaps for that niche. While new FD armors will of course be released, and we need to meet coverage concerns for Spellcaster Lean as well, I would also like to compile feedback about any Medium Lean armors that players think would become good enough for the time being if swapped out of the obsolete mid-lean to Full Leans.

To qualify, an armor needs to have full level coverage and use the modern lean system (Visible in your status window) as opposed to old leans that were built into the armor's defensive stats.

Note: This isn't a statement that any armors changed like this won't be updated further, or a guarantee that they will, but a preliminary step in gear support. This is not a thread for other suggested changes to these armors -- Most such armors are bound to need more involved updates in their own releases, but this is strictly within the scope of a project I can chip away at in my free time. This a personal initiative to help out with a minimal change that I can perform myself without needing more than a double check from Ianthe and Kamui.

For an example, the first such armor I'm looking at is the Dragon Knight armor, which is MD by default and would be swapped to FD. What are other armors that you think could become serviceable with this change?

CH4OT1C! -> RE: =AQ= MD to FD Suggestions (3/4/2024 13:07:05)

Knight of the Fire Orb
Squire's Training Armour + other knight armours
Reflecting Plate

Dreiko Shadrack -> RE: =AQ= MD to FD Suggestions (3/4/2024 13:13:10)

I feel as though Dragon Knight is both neither particularly useful as it stands and that it should probably only be tackled on a year where it is the designated MC set & quest revamp.

Can we suggest armors that are stuck in the "old lean"? Things like the Sugar Rush Armor.

Ah the new edit has been made to disallow old lean suggestions.

Lorekeeper -> RE: =AQ= MD to FD Suggestions (3/4/2024 13:29:50)

Updated the thread to encompass mid leans in general due to their rather limited amount.

Mananite -> RE: =AQ= MD to FD Suggestions (3/4/2024 13:39:39)

Copying all the modern mid armours from the pedia page on leans:
Chimeran (both skills would require updates to be brought up to modern standards)
Cyclone Wyvern Form
(Legendary) Samurai Warlord O-Yoroi (skill has already been updated to modern standards)
Dragon Knight
Knight of the Fire Orb
Reflecting Plate (skill would also need to be updated to modern standards)

adding in other mid armours:
Frogzard Rider

Grace Xisthrith -> RE: =AQ= MD to FD Suggestions (3/4/2024 15:52:03)

Desert Conqueror Scales to 40% water res (level 138), and its skill should be affected by warrior lean and or DEX Proc bonus (not enough info on that to be sure tbh), (although of course it's range magic locked, so you'd have to use Chromatic channeling to deal melee damage)

NVM about non lean system
I'd also like to request staff to reconsider whether or not old lean armors truly should be banned from this update. Sugar Rush, Twilight, and uhhhh idk but there's gotta be more (crowdsourcing go!), presumably wouldn't cause many issues with an FD lean slapped on. Yes 2% dark resistance with .8x incoming damage, but 2% dark res already nullifies any risk in non-unbeatable situations, just as 3% dark res does, so not really a change.
One piece of evidence to support this idea is that all other MD leans listed cannot be used to accomplish anything significant for warriors. Knight of the Fire Orb has an MP spell type skill. Squire / Knight is underleveled (although underrated in level range). Dragon Knight Plate is... MC to 3 MRM. Reflecting Plate is magic ranged locked, (according to subs at least) Desert Conqueror is also magic ranged locked. Literally none of these could be used by for anything but basic attacking for STR builds, and none would be optimal in any situation (Goragog Form slightly beats out Dragon Knight Plate for fire earth compression I believe), but Sugar Rush armor has a weapon based skill already, it's perfect for the transition.

PS: I think underleveled armors should be tackled too if it's not inconvenient (does almost max level for adventurers even count as underleveled?). As someone who gives advice to players often, it's just easier to say -there are no MD armors- than say- there are no MD armors except armors that don't quite scale to 150 because it didn't seem worth it to change those with limited staff time-
Given there are only a few, ( Falerin's Suit and Boreal Bolt Plate ), that I know of at least. Although Falerin's bespoke bedizen doesn't have a lean in game, so it might fall into that old lean issue, if staff stay on that position. It is fire dark compression that's slightly different from Wicked King, so niche use case in theory.

Lorekeeper -> RE: =AQ= MD to FD Suggestions (3/4/2024 16:01:14)

The limitations in place aren't currently up for reconsideration because they're not arbitrary ones. This isn't a matter of a staff position not wanting to do it -- I'm not a coder, and I'm doing this myself by altering a variable in armors that use the modern lean system. A sweep of armors in the old lean system would be a fundamentally different matter.

Grace Xisthrith -> RE: =AQ= MD to FD Suggestions (3/4/2024 16:09:52)

Ah I see, thank you for the clarification, I'll edit the post

Lorekeeper -> RE: =AQ= MD to FD Suggestions (3/4/2024 18:58:53)

It looks like Knight armors would take some digging from Ianthe and Kam's side of things, so I can't make that tweak myself, but I hope to have news on the other posted mid leans soon.

Corvid -> RE: =AQ= MD to FD Suggestions (3/4/2024 19:03:39)

I’d like to see void awakening form be updated to FD (it’s currently N lean)


Lorekeeper -> RE: =AQ= MD to FD Suggestions (3/4/2024 20:14:32)

This thread is specifically for updating mid-leans. Neutrals would have to be a separate, larger project with a longer discussion.

Sapphire -> RE: =AQ= MD to FD Suggestions (3/4/2024 20:29:46)


I’d like to see void awakening form be updated to FD (it’s currently N lean)

Boy am I glad LK thwarted this one. Updating this UR GGB armor says "Make this good for my warrior, but worse for your MAge/Ranger"

The design of this armor as a whole being nuetral is 100000000000000% fine because it is supposed to be used with the accompanying pet and guest, which provides barriers. So the fact the lean is nuetral isnt a huge thing, as you use barriers to provide defense. In addition, those barriers are potent. By having it be neutral lean, Mages etc can get nuetral lean offense while staying very defensive due to the barriers. This is actually a perfect example of nuetral lean item design that is quite good.
I would have a major issue with changing this thing.

But I do think some nuetral leans should be up for discussion, as a whole. But maybe LK is hinting at something of a redseign for them somehow w/o breaking models? We'll see

Lorekeeper -> RE: =AQ= MD to FD Suggestions (3/4/2024 20:44:01)

It's not a hint about a wider upcoming redesign, but a simple matter of how it'd be a much more involved project to update neutral armors -- This would go beyond a quick/simple QoL fix, and involve a much bigger backlog of items.

Corvid -> RE: =AQ= MD to FD Suggestions (3/4/2024 20:52:58)

My assumption was that mages/rangers would benefit from a FD instead of MD lean, since they’d be casting spells/using 100 procs, anyway. But point taken & I understand this thread is for MD only.

Lorekeeper -> RE: =AQ= MD to FD Suggestions (3/7/2024 17:02:27)

The following armors are now updated to full leans:

From MD to FD:

  • Knight of the Fire Orb
  • Reflecting Plate
  • Dragon Knight


    - Knight class armors are currently exempt from this pass due to needing a different kind of tweak to properly change their lean.

    From MO to FO:
  • Hippocampus
  • Samurai Warlord
  • Zardhunter (2017 version)
  • Demonic/Devilish
  • Frogzard Rider


    - Chimeran, Lightbringer, and Cyclone Wyvern are clear for the change, but need some old stuff tracked down before the change can be applied.

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