Zennistrad -> RE: Classic Uber Sets (4/3/2024 1:23:21)
I posted some suggestions for the Overlord/Twilight set revamps a while back in my suggestions thread, so I'll just repeat what I put in there here. There might need to be some changes to the calculations done due to the stat rework, but I think the general idea still holds. quote:
Overlord's Dynasty Fully offensive Fire armor with Energy and Light secondaries (39% Fire and 42% Light/Energy at Level 150.) Primarily weak against Ice, secondarily weak against Water and Darkness. Mastercraft; causes weapon attacks to burn your foe. Lower-than-average MRM, focused mainly on melee. It then gets an additional -3 MRM to increase the burn power of its Mastercraft ability. 4-hit attack at a -3 BTH lean. Base damage is higher than average. Description: The mighty armor of kings long forgotten! This armor will infuse your weapon attacks with the will of the Overlord, burning them with your radiant authority! With the full set, you can occasionally command your foe to give you an extra turn! Mastercraft Bonus: Every time you perform a weapon attack, weapon special, or weapon-based skill, you attempt to inflict Burn* on your opponent (Power 2*85/82*[Hits/Attempts], Equipped Weapon Element, 1 Turn.) The opponent can save at a +0 Bonus (MainStat/LUK vs. DEX/LUK)**. Mainstat is the higher of STR, DEX, or INT. Full Set Bonus: At the end of each turn, if you have the Overlord Weapon + Shield equipped, you have a 10% chance of granting yourself Overlord's Privilege, a renamed Celerity***. This only affects you, it does not affect pets and guests. Your opponent does not get a save. *Your radiant authority burns your foe! **Your foe resists your burning might. ***You invoke the Overlord's Privilege! quote:
Overlord's Legend Fire shield with light and energy secondaries. (-25% Fire and -12% Light/Energy at Level 150). Mastercraft; damages foes who hit you. Even MRM, fairly low to help pay for secondary resists. Description: The sturdy shield of kings long forgotten! This shield's surface is burning hot to your opponents, making their own attacks harm them! Mastercraft Bonus: At the end of the opponent's turn, if they hit you with at least one attack, they take Harm damage equal to (5/0.85/1.4)% of the total damage they dealt. quote:
Overlord's Conquest/Supremacy/Ascendancy 0-Proc Fire weapon. Mastercraft; inflicts a powerful burn on a lucky strike. Conquest is a Melee sword with a -3 BTH lean, Supremacy is a Ranged spear with a -1 BTH lean, and Ascendancy is a Magic sword with a -3 BTH lean. Description: The fiery weapon of kings long forgotten! This sword's/spear's radiant flames will melt through your resistances, but will deal extra damage. When you land a lucky strike, it will inflict an especially potent burn! Effect: You take +(10/1.4)% damage but deal +10% damage with all weapon attacks. For the Magic version, you take +(7.5/1.4)% more damage instead. Mastercraft Bonus: Whenever you land a Lucky Strike with a weapon attack, you attempt to inflict Burn (Power 10*[BTH Lean Multiplier]*[# of LSs/# of Hits Attempted], Fire Element, 1 Turn)*. Opponent can save at a +0 bonus (Mainstat/LUK vs. DEX/LUK)**. Mainstat is STR for Overlord’s Conquest, DEX for Overlord’s Supremacy, and INT for Overlord’s Ascendancy. For the Magic version, the power of the burn is reduced to 7.5*[# of LSs/# of Hits Attempted]. Lean multiplier is 85/82 for Conquest and Ascendancy, and 85/84 for Supremacy. *Your weapon burns your foe with imperial fire! **Your weapon attempts to burn your foe, but they manage to dodge the flames. quote:
Overlord's Reincarnation Ranged Fire pet. Mastercraft; Grants Burn Potence Description: Much as the legacy of the kings of old will live forever, so too will their phoenix pets! This phoenix is covered in powerful flames that will scald your foes! Has two modes; damage mode and status mode. Click to swap between the two. Deals 1 hit of damage at a -3 BTH lean. In damage mode, it deals standard pet damage. In status mode, it deals -25% damage and attempts to inflict Burn (Power 1, Fire Element, 2 Turns)*. Opponent can resist at a +0 bonus (CHA/LUK vs. DEX/LUK)**. Mastercraft Bonus: You get the Overlord's Divinity intrinsic, which grants you +20 to any roll to inflict Burn. Set Bonus: If you have the Overlord Armor + Shield equipped, the pet’s attacks heal you equal to (10/0.85)% of the damage dealt in damage mode. In Status Mode, instead the power of the Burn it inflicts is increased to 1.47. *Some of your Phoenix's undying flames set your foe ablaze! **Your foe manages to avoid the worst of your pet's flames. Also not technically part of the Overlord Set, but... quote:
The Erupting Liquefactor 0-proc Melee Fire mace with a -3 BTH lean. Mastercraft; can permanently reduce an opponent's MRM. Description: Within the hollow head of this mace is a portal to the Fire Lord's domain. The heat escaping superheats tough metal -- melting away the defenses of both you and your enemy! Effect: You lose 6 MRM as long as the weapon is equipped. This cost is used to strengthen the weapon's Mastercraft Bonus. Mastercraft Bonus: After every weapon attack you make, if you hit the opponent at least once, your opponent makes a save at a +10 bonus (STR/LUK vs. DEX/LUK). If they fail*, they permanently lose 1.6 * Hits/Attempts MRM, rounded stochastically. (E.g., if you hit one out of four attempts, your opponent loses 0.4 MRM, with a 60% chance of rounding to 0 and a 40% chance of rounding to 1.) If they succeed the save, or the MRM loss randomly rounds to 0, then they do not lose any defenses.** *Your Liquefactor has melted your foe's defenses, reducing their blocking by [amount]! **Your opponent resists the molten heat of your Liquefactor. Calc: 15% melee value, /0.4 for save gives 37.5% melee. *0.85 to convert damage to bonus BTH, then /0.85 for requirement to hit the monster. /1.4 for affecting your entire side then gives 26.7857142. *0.6 for omni-elemental gives 16.0714285, then divided by 10 for ten turns gives 1.6. And for the Twilight set: quote:
Twilight's Mantle Fully defensive Darkness armor with Light secondary. Mastercraft; has -5% to all elemental resistances. MRM is average overall, with a slight focus on melee defense at the expense of magic. 1 hit standard attack at a +3 BTH lean. Base damage is lower than normal to help pay for resistances. In addition, all weapon attacks and specials in the armor deal *0.98 damage. Description: The Forgotten are but shadows of life itself. Taking their form grants you Darkness resistance beyond any other armor, and with the full Twilight set you have a chance of automatically evading any hit! Mastercraft: The MC bonus and the 2% penalty from armor attacks pays for a -(7/1.4)% reduction to all damage taken, or -5%. This is represented in the armor's listed elemental resistances. At Level 150, these are: Darkness 37%
Light 55%
All Others 80% Without the armor attack penalty and the mastercraft, each resistance would be 5% higher. While it is not displayed, you also take -5% damage from the Harm element (but not from Void.) Full Set Bonus: When wielded with the Twilight's Regalia and the The Twilight's Dread/Twilight's Horror/Twilight's Foreboding, you have a (10 * [Monster Dark Resist] /1.4)% chance of automatically evading any attack not marked as auto-hit.* *The full power of the Twilight Set pulls you into the shadows! quote:
Twilight's Regalia Darkness shield with light secondary (-25% Darkness and -14% Light at Level 150). Mastercraft; can reduce your foe's effectiveness each turn. Decent melee and ranged blocking but low magic blocking. Description: These shields are fashioned from the undead legions that protect the Forgotten, acting as their battle standard. So frightening is the sight of this symbol that many attackers lose their nerve, reducing the damage they deal! Mastercraft Bonus: At the beginning of your turn, your opponent makes a save at a -10 penalty (Mainstat/LUK vs. CHA/LUK). If they fail*, they are inflicted with Trembling (renamed Choke, -5.95% effectiveness, 1 Turn). Otherwise, they resist the status.** Mainstat is the highest of your STR, DEX, or INT stats. *Your foe is left trembling by the terrifying sight of Twilight’s Regalia! **Your foe is disturbed by your shield, but shakes it off. Calc: 5 / 0.6 / 1.4 quote:
Twilight's Dread/Horror/Foreboding 50%-proc Darkness weapon. Can inflict Fear with its special. Mastercraft; increases the potency of the Fear effect. Dread is a ranged spear with +5 BTH lean, Horror is a melee mace/scepter with a +0 BTH lean, and Foreboding is a magic staff with a +3 BTH lean. Description: This spear/scepter/staff of rigid bone is fashioned from the undead legions that protect the Forgotten! It has a very high special rate, and its special can terrify your foe into inaction! The special deals two hits of Magic Darkness damage at a +3 BTH lean. It then takes -16.667% damage, but attempts to inflict Fear ([42*DarkResist*Hits/2]% chance of not acting, 1 Turn)*. Opponent can save at a -20 Penalty ([Mainstat]/LUK vs. CHA/LUK)**, where Mainstat is DEX for Twilight's Dread, STR for Twilight's Horror, and INT for Twilight's Foreboding. For Twilight's Forboding, the power of the Fear effect is instead ([27*DarkResist*Hits/2]% chance of not acting, 1 turn). *Your weapon’s dark energy fills the enemy with dread! **Your foe resists your weapon’s dark energy. Calc: 20% melee worth of damage reduction for the special +(5% mastercraft bonus/ 0.5 special frequency) = 35% melee worth of fear. /0.7 for save, /1.4 for monster power, /0.85 for requirement to hit. For the magic version the fear effect is worth 15% + (3.75 /0.5)% melee, /0.7, /1.4, /0.85, giving 27%. quote:
Twilight's Harbinger Ranged Darkness Pet. Mastercraft; inflicts Blind Description: A bird-like companion of the Forgotten that is a sign of the horrors yet to come. It tends to focus on the eyes of its enemies, plucking them out and leaving them Blind. Has two modes, damage mode and status mode. Can be changed by clicking the pet. 1-hit attack at a +3 BTH lean. In damage mode, this attack gets +5% damage. In status mode the attack deals -26.875% damage, but attempts to inflict Blind if it hits (-7.5 BTH, 2 turns).** Opponent can resist at a -10 penalty (CHA/LUK vs. DEX/LUK)** Mastercraft Bonus: Makes the Blind effect more powerful. Full Set Bonus: If you're equipped with the Twilight's Mantle, and Twilight's Regalia, the pet instead deals +15% damage in damage mode. In status mode, it instead attempts to inflict Trembling when it hits (renamed Choke, -5.6% effectiveness, 1 Turn).^ Opponent can resist the Trembling at a -10 penalty (CHA/LUK vs. CHA/LUK).^^ *[Pet Name] has landed a blinding strike on your foe's eyes! **Your opponent manages to avoid being blinded by your [Pet Name]. ^The sight of [Pet Name] causes your foe to tremble! ^^Your foe is unnerved by [Pet Name], but shakes it off. Calc: 26.875 + 5% MC = 31.875% of a pet attack. *0.4 gives us 12.75% melee value, /0.6 for save gives 21.25. *0.6 to convert melee value to MRM = 12.75, then /0.85 for requiring to hit = -15 BTH divided over two turns is 7.5. For Trembling, calc is 10% FSB, *0.4 pet damage, /0.6 for save, /1.4 for monster damage, /0.85 for requirement to hit. And again, not technically part of the set, but: quote:
Forgotten's Harrowing Totem 100%-proc Magic Darkness wand. Mastercraft; causes Darkness spells to inflict Fear. Split evenly between two wand attacks: 50% chance of one hit for *(2/3) damage, and a 50% chance of two hits for *(4/3) damage. Both attacks have a +5 BTH lean. Description: This grisly totem is fashioned from the bones of the dead, a symbol of the power the Forgotten wield. Its dark power enhances Darkness spells, granting them the added ability to strike fear in your enemies' hearts! Mastercraft Bonus: Whenever you cast a Darkness spell, that spell attempts to inflict Fear (19.7 [Hits/Attempts]*[MonsterDarkResist]% chance of not acting, 2 Turns)*. Opponent can resist at a +10 bonus** (INT/LUK vs. CHA/LUK). *The dark energies of your spell resonate with those of your Forgotten's Harrowing Totem, filling the enemy with Fear! **Your spell's dark nature is frightening, but your foe stands strong! Calc: One MC for a spell boosting item typically increases spell damage by 9.375%, or 18.75% melee value. /0.4 for 40/60 save gives 46.875. /0.85 for requirement to hit gives 55.1470588, then /1.4 gives 39.3907563. /2 for two turns gives 19.6953781. And finally, one for the Insurmountable Gatekeeper armor in the Z-Token shop: quote:
Insurmountable Gatekeeper Multi-element armor that can switch between Fully-Offensive and Fully-Defensive leans. Resistant to Fire, Energy, Light, and Darkness (45% resistance to each at Level 150.) Mastercraft; takes less damage in defensive mode and inflicts Burn in offensive mode. In defensive mode, average MRM is higher than normal. In offensive mode, it’s lower than normal. In defensive mode, attack is a one-hit attack at a +3 BTH lean, which has lower base power than average. In offensive mode, the attack is a two-hit attack at a -3 BTH lean, which has higher base power than average. Description: The preferred armor of Halliphax, gatekeeper of Alnaphar. Switch between a defensive form that takes reduced damage, and an offensive form that burns your foe. When used with equipment from the Overlord and Twilight sets, you get further bonuses! Effect: Comes with a skill that lets you toggle between two modes: “Gatekeeper’s Lament,”* and “Gatekeeper’s Might.”** The former option switches your lean to fully-defensive (referred to elsewhere as ‘defensive mode’), while the latter switches your lean to fully-offensive (referred to elsewhere as ‘offensive mode’). Mastercraft Bonus: In defensive mode, you take -(5/1.4)% damage from all attacks. In offensive mode, all of your weapon attacks, specials, and weapon-based skills have a chance to inflict Burn (Power 1 * [Hits/Attempts], Equipped Weapon Element, 1 Turn). Mini-Full Set Bonus: While wielding the Twilight’s Regalia shield and a Twilight's Dread/Horror/Foreboding weapon, you have a 3.57% chance of evading any attack not marked as auto-hit.^ While wielding the Overlord’s Legend shield and an Overlord's Conquest/Supremacy/Ascendancy weapon, you have a 5% chance of automatically granting yourself Gatekeeper’s Privilege, a renamed Celerity, without giving your opponent a save.^^ Note that the pets from the Overlord and Twilight sets do not count the Gatekeeper Armor as part of their own Full Set Bonuses. *Call upon the lament of the Forgotten to switch your armor to a defensive lean, taking less damage from attacks. **Call upon the might of forgotten kings to switch your armor to an offensive lean, leaving your foe burning with every attack. ^Your weapon and shield resonate with your armor, pulling you into the shadows! ^^You invoke the Gatekeeper’s Privilege!