=AQ= Victory Scroll (Update) & Champion of the Light Realm (Full Version)

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CarrionSpike -> =AQ= Victory Scroll (Update) & Champion of the Light Realm (4/21/2024 12:08:04)


Victory Scroll Overhaul
Gear up for an exciting update as the Victory Scroll undergoes a monumental transformation this week! With enhanced details and exciting new Battle Commendations to earn from Overkills, Decisive Victories and beyond, battles are about to reach a whole new level of fun. And for those players who prefer the classic aesthetic, we've included options to revert to the timeless look of the older scroll.

50K Z-Token Package Update - Champion of the Light Realm
Prepare for an illuminating upgrade to one of AQ's classic package bonus sets, Champion of the Light Realm! Featuring (but not limited to) four dazzling new helms and Melee/Ranged/Magic forms of the warhammer, this update is your chance to harness the radiant power of the light like never before!

Other Notes:
  • Limited-Time Z-Token Packages: Doomlight Sets & Sabertooth Grenwog - Leaving June 3rd!

    Newsletter Link: https://mailchi.mp/artix.com/2024-victory-scroll-light-realm-champion

    To victory! Tag you're it. ~Anim

  • The Holy Knight -> RE: =AQ= Victory Scroll (Update) & Champion of the Light Realm (4/21/2024 14:38:45)

    This is one of the best updates I am looking forward to this year so far! Very exciting! :) , for the light realm set if you already purchase this package would you get the updated features?

    CarrionSpike -> RE: =AQ= Victory Scroll (Update) & Champion of the Light Realm (4/21/2024 15:01:44)


    for the light realm set if you already purchase this package would you get the updated features?

    Yes. When the devs update Token packages in 99% of cases the original item features/effects are replaced with the new item features/effects.

    Aura Knight -> RE: =AQ= Victory Scroll (Update) & Champion of the Light Realm (4/21/2024 15:16:31)


    And for those players who prefer the classic aesthetic, we've included options to revert to the timeless look of the older scroll.

    Thank you because the new look of it is a downgrade. Simplicity is usually best.

    CarrionSpike -> RE: =AQ= Victory Scroll (Update) & Champion of the Light Realm (4/21/2024 16:46:40)


    Thank you because the new look of it is a downgrade.

    While appearance is subjective, I'd wager that the new version will come with some useful features.

    Aura Knight -> RE: =AQ= Victory Scroll (Update) & Champion of the Light Realm (4/21/2024 17:52:14)

    Already has the best feature possible: being optional. I don't want to dislike change but the existing scroll is too nice for me to want something different. The extra battle info it will have feels unnecessary for those who couldn't care less. Maybe I'm judging it too quickly.

    Sapphire -> RE: =AQ= Victory Scroll (Update) & Champion of the Light Realm (4/21/2024 19:05:59)

    Don't get the hate on the new design. But it is nice it's an option.

    The Holy Knight -> RE: =AQ= Victory Scroll (Update) & Champion of the Light Realm (4/21/2024 20:56:01)

    Personally its great progress like when they added music for Battelon hometown and fight music really was huge game change for being more interactive.

    For the victory banner is awesome because you get to track your daily caps and countdown timer for a reset is super important feature in my opinion so at least you know when you can hop on again and max more gold for the day etc, I know personally when I grind for gold I am always checking the NPC to see if I capped yet and can be agitating to know when you will finish so this super important feature in my books.

    Zennistrad -> RE: =AQ= Victory Scroll (Update) & Champion of the Light Realm (4/23/2024 14:57:40)

    It's not been commented on a lot, but I'm definitely very interested in seeing the Champion sets be updated since a lot of them are pretty under-powered for something you pay $100 for.

    Sapphire -> RE: =AQ= Victory Scroll (Update) & Champion of the Light Realm (4/23/2024 15:31:42)

    Yes, I agree

    Grace Xisthrith -> RE: =AQ= Victory Scroll (Update) & Champion of the Light Realm (4/23/2024 21:08:48)

    I'm quite excited for the victory scroll revamp and battle commendations! I hope they open the door to fun and interesting challenges, and it's possible to add more as the game ages and develops further

    The Hollow -> RE: =AQ= Victory Scroll (Update) & Champion of the Light Realm (4/25/2024 15:40:12)

    Update time folks! Kamui is finalizing the updates for Light Realm Champion set, which is scheduled to go live this afternoon, pending any unforeseen technical issues. We will also be releasing four new faces as part of the package, available from Ballyhoo in Battleon.

    In response to player requests, we have decided to release the returning Crossgame GGBs ahead of schedule, acknowledging the unusual scheduling challenges this year. We appreciate your patience and understanding! The returning Crossgame GGBs will be made available later today, alongside the Light Realm updates.

    Captain Rhubarb has been occupied with a last-minute project in AQW, resulting in an additional workload this week. Captain Rhubarb and Spider continue to toil away on the new victory scroll update, and we are aiming for its release tomorrow. Some of the fun new features to look forward to are:

    Battle Commendations:
  • "Decisive Victory" Win a battle with 75% or more HP remaining.
  • "Overkill" If your final attack causes a mob to go below 25% of their total starting HP (Ie. a mob starts with 100 hp. If the last hit causes the mob's HP to drop to -25, that unlocks the Overkill badge.)
  • "Perfect Kill" Win a battle with full HP and MP.
  • "No Potions" Win a battle without using potions.

  • Sapphire -> RE: =AQ= Victory Scroll (Update) & Champion of the Light Realm (4/25/2024 15:53:37)

    A positive turn of events....

    I know we are, and should be grateful for the Captain's time. But this does make me wonder while he's already going to be involved with AQC , if LazyQuest could be looked at? Anyway appreciate their efforts (along with Spiders) and the decision to bring back older GGB crossover items at this time.

    Ninjaty -> RE: =AQ= Victory Scroll (Update) & Champion of the Light Realm (4/25/2024 16:23:04)

    Very excited for the Champion of the Light Realm update and returning GGBs!
    A few months ago, I decided to make myself a new character, that would focus on the Champion package sets. I had already planned for Champion of the Light Realm to be her next set, so it's perfect timing!

    The Hollow -> RE: =AQ= Victory Scroll (Update) & Champion of the Light Realm (4/25/2024 17:09:26)

    Champion of the Light Realm updates are now live! If you already own the package, thank you! and you can pick up your new helmets from Ballyhoo in Battleon. The following Golden Giftbox prizes have also returned:

    Rare Shop:
  • Prometheus Helms
  • Human Fisher Armor
  • Infinita Staff
  • Void Awakening Faces
  • Void Awakening Wall
  • Summon & Call Pridelord Guest
  • Pridelord Pet
  • Zurvana's Pity
  • Zurvana's Wrath
  • Zurvana's Blessing
  • ShadowFlame Glaive
  • Illustrious Saviour of Battleon Armaments
  • Illustrious Savior of Battleon Faces
  • Illustrious Battleon Saviour Defender
  • Snake Master Strike MP & SP Spells
  • Summon & Call Cosoma Guests
  • Cosoma Pet
  • Summon & Call Finnona Guests
  • Finnona Pet

    Ultra Rare Shop:
  • Seraphim of Ver Armor
  • Prometheus Armor
  • Timekiller's 3:10 MP & SP Spells
  • Maw of Chaos
  • Legion Spawn Bonker
  • Call Blood Hawk P Spell
  • Randor Pet
  • Graves End Blade
  • Graves End Axe
  • Graves End Dagger
  • Void Awakening Armor
  • Summon & Call Void Awakening Skull Guests
  • Called & Summoned Void Awakening Skull Pets
  • Illustrious Battleon Saviour Garments
  • Twisted Dragonfire Sword
  • Titan's Mug Misc
  • Infinite Dark Caster Armor
  • Summon & Call Exalted Defense Drone Guests
  • Exalted Defense Drone Pet

  • Ninjaty -> RE: =AQ= Victory Scroll (Update) & Champion of the Light Realm (4/25/2024 18:37:40)

    Seems like the Light Realm Champion armor is slightly bugged. The helm toggle has disappeared.
    Besides that, the changes to it seem really good!

    As for the GGBs, I had kind of hoped for some other items to return, so I'm a bit sad they weren't included. I did pick up the Void Awakening set and Prometheus armor for one of my characters however, so yay on that front.

    KhalJJ -> RE: =AQ= Victory Scroll (Update) & Champion of the Light Realm (4/25/2024 19:12:06)

    I think it is really positive that staff take on board player feedback on something like this, and whilst postponing returning GGBs, saw fit to bring back returning crossover items early based on this feedback!

    Genuine thanks to all who contributed/worked towards that, it is hugely appreciated.

    Having said that, it has raised a really significant issue imo. If this follow on point needs its own thread or place for discussion, please let me know, otherwise, I'm happy for it to just be a standalone piece of feedback here.
    Full disclosure, I'm a bit put out because I was super excited for some things to come back which didn't (Snake Master strike, Pridelord), (hence me previously asking about the returning GGBs) which has definitely contributed to this feedback but I don't think invalidates the points made.

    There are two main, related broad points:

    1) The communication to players feels quite broken (understandable, due to staffing/resources)

    2) This impacts of this on player enjoyment can be significant, especially when it comes to premium items.

    On 1 - it seems we have the perfect amount of comms for significant issues to occur (I've heard re: dono contests being a mess, but was not properly around then). Enough to get players excited, but not always very clear. Some comms is good but I think it needs to be done very carefully. LK deos a good job from what I have seen in Discord.

    And then on 2, my own experience has been:
    - find out about cool gear
    - find out it is rare and I just missed it (although it was supposed to technically leave the GGB shop in May, from staff comms, but this was extended to June)
    - find out it is coming back (through discord)
    - have this delayed (again, stat revamp, understandable)
    - have this delayed a 2nd time, much more severely (august)
    - request consideration that returning boxes come earlier if possible (with some other players)
    - have confirmation that this has been passed on (very positive comms)
    - Hear nothing for 3 weeks (a fine amount of time, would not expect anything quicker than this, but the then lack of any staff comms on this was confusing)
    - Surprise release along with today (very cool)
    - Many of the returning items I personally was excited for don't return!

    Bit of a rollercoaster, and not very enjoyable for me. I appreciate that I'm fairly responsible for this too, but hey, I'm excited by the game! I want to play it, try out the cool items, have fun..

    I also understand that the staff state that items only "may" return in following years, but it seems a large amount of items didn't make it back.

    There are a couple questions and key points from this:

    - What is the point in doing this for so many items? (I assume financial?) Especially some of the most interesting/novel items in-game? It seems a massive waste of staff time, to make a large number of complex items that are not permanently in-game.

    -Clarity in expectation management is really key in a staff-player discourse. (This sounds along the same lines as the dono contest stuff)
    It feels like half of the game is temporary, and it has become increasingly difficult to keep track of what is coming and going (especially with oft-changing deadlines), as a player, to the point that it impacts one's enjoyment. This is a feature for lots of things in game now (LTS, void rotation) with some being less of an issue imo (void rotation) due to at least consistency.

    - Doing this for premium items, specifically the only gacha-style items in game, starts to feel a bit icky. Time-gating the gamble items is never going to sit well with personally, but even putting that aside I think that it really drives home the need for good expectation management and clear comms around this stuff. (Okay, I could see the argument for having them only available 2-3 months a year to build excitement, but this needs to be a) clear and b) consistent.

    KhalJJ -> RE: =AQ= Victory Scroll (Update) & Champion of the Light Realm (4/25/2024 19:27:56)

    For comparison, left last time:

    Rare Shop:
    Prometheus Helms
    Steampunk Love Bow
    Human Fisher Armor
    Infinita Staff
    Void Awakening Faces
    Void Awakening Wall
    Pridelord Pet & Guest Summons
    Zurvana's Pity
    Zurvana's Wrath
    Zurvana's Blessing
    ShadowFlame Glaive
    Illustrious Savior of Battleon Arsenal
    Illustrious Savior of Battleon Sheild
    Illustrious Savior of Battleon Helms
    Snakemaster Strike MP & SP Spells
    Cosoma Pet & Guest Summons
    Summon & Call Finnona

    Ultra Rare Shop:
    Seraphim of Ver Armor
    Prometheus Armor
    Timekiller's 3:10 MP & SP Spells
    Maw of Chaos
    Legion Spawn Bonker
    Call Blood Hawk P Spell
    Randor Pet
    Graves End Blade
    Graves End Axe
    Graves End Dagger
    Void Awakening Armor
    Summon & Call Void Awakening Skull Guests
    Called & Summoned Void Awakening Skull Pets
    Twisted Dragonfire Sword
    Titan's Mug Misc
    Illustrious Battleon Saviour Garments
    Infinite Dark Caster Armor
    Exalted Drone Pet/Guest

    and returning:

    Rare Shop:
    Prometheus Helms
    Human Fisher Armor
    Infinita Staff
    Void Awakening Faces
    Void Awakening Wall

    Ultra Rare Shop:
    Seraphim of Ver Armor
    Prometheus Armor
    Timekiller's 3:10 MP & SP Spells
    Maw of Chaos
    Legion Spawn Bonker
    Call Blood Hawk P Spell
    Randor Pet
    Graves End Blade
    Graves End Axe
    Graves End Dagger
    Void Awakening Armor
    Summon & Call Void Awakening Skull Guests
    Called & Summoned Void Awakening Skull Pets

    Ninjaty -> RE: =AQ= Victory Scroll (Update) & Champion of the Light Realm (4/25/2024 19:31:56)

    @KhalJJ: Very much agreed, I was also looking forward to specific items, Pridelord actually being one of them for me too. I can also very much relate to the emotional rollercoaster feeling, I felt pretty much the same point for point.

    Personally I would just like to see all GGB items returned (with "Legendary" slapped on old ones where appropriate), and either remain permanently (which I think would be by far the best option), or be put on a rotation schedule that swaps items in and out on a weekly or monthly basis (which could even be automated) until all items have been cycled through, and then return to the first batch again.

    The Holy Knight -> RE: =AQ= Victory Scroll (Update) & Champion of the Light Realm (4/25/2024 19:33:32)

    Battle Commendations:
    "Decisive Victory" Win a battle with 75% or more HP remaining.
    "Overkill" If your final attack causes a mob to go below 25% of their total starting HP (Ie. a mob starts with 100 hp. If the last hit causes the mob's HP to drop to -25, that unlocks the Overkill badge.)
    "Perfect Kill" Win a battle with full HP and MP.
    "No Potions" Win a battle without using potions.

    Will all these be on our character pages as total record?

    ming shuen -> RE: =AQ= Victory Scroll (Update) & Champion of the Light Realm (4/25/2024 19:48:53)

    Some anticipated items may be missing, yes, but maybe they, alongside more nice items, will be coming in Aug. The early release of some GGBs is a bonus, a nice thing the staff decided to do for us. It isn't the main event.

    legendd -> RE: =AQ= Victory Scroll (Update) & Champion of the Light Realm (4/25/2024 20:16:51)

    Grateful to have staff listening to our feedback and brought back certain crossover items.

    @KhalJJ, if you are more recent returning player, AQC runs on a FOMO model (this is how I feel after returning for over 2 years now). We get seasonal events and LTS (pretty much always gets the oh shyt need to wait another year when I miss it). So I personally think staff keeping the rest of older crossover items for later date for the "stay tuned".

    @Hollow below, woah really exceeded expectations! Much love!

    The Hollow -> RE: =AQ= Victory Scroll (Update) & Champion of the Light Realm (4/25/2024 21:23:04)

    The inclusion of battle commendations on character pages may become a possibility in the future. More prizes have made their return, and I have updated the list accordingly. Thank you for your assistance folks!

    Rastaban -> RE: =AQ= Victory Scroll (Update) & Champion of the Light Realm (4/25/2024 22:09:16)

    Thank you!

    ming shuen -> RE: =AQ= Victory Scroll (Update) & Champion of the Light Realm (4/25/2024 22:49:23)

    Thanks Hollow! Your updated list of items brought back many things I was looking forward to.

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