RE: =AQ= Ask Zorbak! (Full Version)

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Slonder -> RE: =AQ= Ask Zorbak! (9/21/2024 18:00:23)

are we allowed to have our choice of monster be a (4) type of fight?

If so, I choose the ''Drakelon Steam Megadragon (4)'' ! C:

Thegreenmoglin -> RE: =AQ= Ask Zorbak! (9/21/2024 21:57:32)

So Zorbak how mad is Safiria at you for creating and cursing Lil' Dracula.

As for a mob to fight the retro/updated versions of the Undead Ribber and Undead Giant would both be good choices

Emo Archfiend -> RE: =AQ= Ask Zorbak! (9/22/2024 19:58:58)

Is the Darkovia log cabin ebil enough? Revenant.

Lorekeeper -> RE: =AQ= Ask Zorbak! (9/22/2024 22:55:22)

Submissions are now closed! Thanks for all the questions, folks! We'll send these to your favorite ebil Moglin soon!

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