Character Level (Full Version)

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Windstar -> Character Level (10/23/2024 10:30:27)

Can someone tell me what is the fastest way to level-up a new character and what is the fastest to get high XP for leveling up?

stratuscone -> RE: Character Level (10/24/2024 10:23:16)

you could check out this guide:

it provides a comprehensive guide to maxing your new character

Windstar -> RE: Character Level (10/24/2024 12:37:40)

this guide tells you to fight neighbor monsters, and I don't have a house yet, because houses cost Z-Tokens and I don't have enough to buy a house right now.
Is there any other ways to level-up my character faster and easier?

Grace Xisthrith -> RE: Character Level (10/24/2024 17:32:53)

At level 35, continue fighting the darkness dragon listed in the 1-15 section. Do this until you either get sick of it, or get to level 55.
If you get sick of it but still want to level, you can fight Drakath using a light spell (at level 50 he switches stats and becomes more difficult, and you should then use a fire spell, destruction burst specifically). Drakath is found at Travel Map > Zorbak's Hideout > Twilly Vs Zorbak, or something very close to that.

If you die too much to either of these bosses, get the liquid courage misc. Found in Travel Map > East > South > Haven > Building with the red cross. It greatly reduces incoming dark damage.

After level 55, there are less actually effective methods that I know of. You'd greatly benefit from a house, the cheapest of which costs 188 Z tokens. You can probably do Xerxes at 55, but maybe not, but I'll paste a semi guide that was posted in a youtube comments section recently. Don't know for sure if it will work, but it'll be really close if it doesn't.

Xerxes Method for Lvl 55 Ranger:
Your best way to get a crazy XP value fight is probably going to be fighting Xerxes (Travel Map - Dragonspine - 8: Vartai Secrets). This monster is always level 140 no matter what level you are, and provides ~1.3M XP, and ~500K gold. Because of various monster nerfs and player buffs, you can now kill him in one turn using a combination of items. I haven't tested this on a level 55, and you'll want to hit level 55 before you do this, since that'll upgrade the tiers of all of your items, giving you a big boost in power. Also, I don't know for sure if it will work, but on a nearly identical setup on a level 45 I was only 300 damage short, so you should be okay

Gear required:
H Series Tempest Power Armor (Warlic - Quests - War Between Shadows - Once Upon A Scheme)
Kindred Armor (Travel Map - East - Kindred Set)
Blazing Argent Point (Warlic - Quests - The Last Ride - Quest 1)
Spear Master Emblem (Robina)
Olympax Medal (Travel Map - East - Paxia Clans - Olympax) (Igneus Aligned)
Retro Nightmare Armor (Yulgar)
Moonwalker's Grace Spell (Yulgar Memorial Items)
Celtic Set Shield (Warlic's Shop - Mastercraft Sets - Celtic Set (Inis Fáil path: Left-Up, Left-Up, Right-Up))
Howling Crest Shield: (Warlic - Quests - The Last Ride - Insurmountable)

0: Charge 400 stacks of kindred
1: Get to Xerxes with full SP (the last battle before him is a void dragon, so make sure you have full SP when that fight ends)
2: Win initiative (use H series for the initiative boost, and ideally you'd be maxing DEX LUK, although you have okay odds to win without LUK, but not great. He may one shot you at your level.
3: Use Retro Nightmare's 3rd ability, giving yourself celerity and boosting damage by 25%
4: Use Olympax Medal's Empower ability, boosting damage by 25%
5: Equip Kindred, Blazing Argent Point with autohit on, Spear Master Emblem, and any damage boosting pet, guest, or shield if you have it, to boost your damage as high as possible.
6: Cast Moonwalker's Grace by temporarily boosting your INT with your INT boost shield
7: Kindred Strike Twice, he should die
8: If he doesn't die and you survive, kindred strike again

Essentially, you'll be copying this clip when you get to Xerxes -

Let me know if this works, or if it doesn't work, cuz it would be great data. No pressure to try it out

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