Healing Seeds. Very Confused! (Full Version)

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rogerdooo -> Healing Seeds. Very Confused! (11/7/2024 13:52:40)

Dear All, I am returning to the game after a long break.

I think that healing seeds might have changed.

After I cast a healing seed sometimes it just switches to " Regeneration,level 153,0 rounds,power 0.5" rather than stay planted and regenerate after the 3 rounds. Sometimes it just behaves as it used to.

Am i doing something wrong now. I would like to ensure it simply regens at the end of the 3 rounds.

Thank to the responders help

Aura Knight -> RE: Healing Seeds. Very Confused! (11/7/2024 15:24:19)

That's lucky break activating. The heal is a self damage which triggers the effect added of luck clearing it and replacing with its own heal. Spell is better without luck.

dizzle -> RE: Healing Seeds. Very Confused! (11/8/2024 10:53:58)

Ye this seems like an unintended interaction. Lucky break (I assume) shouldn’t be cleansing *healing* seeds on the player. Its intention was to cleanse the player of any *hostile* status and since healing seeds isn’t a hostile status you can most likely chalk it up as a bugged interaction, one worth a bug report.

CH4OT1C! -> RE: Healing Seeds. Very Confused! (11/9/2024 19:20:28)

It is unintentional, Spirit Seeds are treated as negative statuses, and thus are cleansed by Lucky Break (the game doesn't distinguish whether a status is "positive" or "negative" based on whether it's attached to the heal element). It's already known about.

rogerdooo -> RE: Healing Seeds. Very Confused! (11/11/2024 10:52:35)

Thank you. I'd have spent forever trying to work that out

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