We need changes to gold storage (Full Version)

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Sapphire -> We need changes to gold storage (12/21/2024 10:41:05)


I noticed the Frostval SEason Begins thread is locked, with no edit by a Mod on the last post. So I am completely in the dark as to the justification. I had hoped to bring this up there, but since this is related to some of the stuff discussed over there, I wanted to bring up something that I think needs to change since the account based system is there.

But first, I wanted to explain what happened to me with this change.

I had decided to donate gold this year and try for the top variant prizes, but only do so on an ALT char that I don't play everyday. I actually had donated in excess of 4 bill gold. I was getting donos on all 10 chars and then buying gold chests and transferring them to storage, then grabbing them on the alt and selling and donating.

Then after being 4 bil+ deep, staff haphazardly changed this after the contest had begun. Now, I'm forced to play this char everyday in order to continue to go for a top ranking.

Making this change after the contest began has altered my plans/goals for one, but it also has altered how I choose to play AQ. This change has forced me to either abandon my plan (a waste of gold), or be forced to further deal with the implications of changes after-the-fact. The timing of the change was beyond ridiculous.

Since it is what it is, can the following change please be made? (Even if in the future)

Can we get rid of the storage chest system and simply just allow gold storage a la tokens with no cap? And any char can deposit w/e gold they have and any char can get w/e gold in there, subject to a level based-restriction? Maybe L135+ can only use this system? That would avoid using higher level players to buy everything for a lower level. You could even charge a % "fee" for removing gold . This would act in a same manner as the lower resale of gold chests.

This way, I no longer have to wait to have enough gold to buy a gold chest to move gold. If I happened to decide to play some alts and then get donations on them tomorrow, I can simply move it now. This account based change , IMO, has provided a need for some changes here. I usually just play my main most days, and people playing alts sparingly who get a gold dono cant really do anything with it as it pertains to the dono contest since they must now save up to buy a gold chest and move it.

Please discuss further if you think something with gold storage now needs changed as well.

Bu Kek Siansu -> RE: We need changes to gold storage (12/21/2024 14:43:36)

I hope someone has some free time to add
Vault Gold similar to Vault Z-Tokens.

If it's really necessary an option for Guardian Only?

And, we're willing to pay some Z-Tokens as a fee?

Taken from this reason: http://forums2.battleon.com/f/fb.asp?m=22419935

I regret to inform you but upon asking and looking into unfortunately we cannot release gold storage for free players due to data limits and maintaining server stability. ~Anim

So, some issues can easily be solved.

Sadly, in the meantime, may I get a reply from here?

Thanks in advance.

Heroes of the Scape -> RE: We need changes to gold storage (12/22/2024 1:44:04)


Can we get rid of the storage chest system and simply just allow gold storage a la tokens with no cap?

This is literally impossible as AQ is coded in 32-bit. The integer limit is 2,147,483,647 and it is impossible to change that. That's why the character gold limit is 2,000,000,000. The only option would be to scrap the entire game and start fresh at 64-bit which has a limit of 9,223,372,036,854,775,807, also not an option.

NightofLight -> RE: We need changes to gold storage (12/22/2024 2:40:33)

I was wondering how feasable would it be for the current gold chest to be lv135 instead of lv150, it would allow for adventurers to transfer gold without making a new chest entirely which is a no go. Also how come storing 100 of them in shared storage is not resulting in server issues figured it would cause more lag than adventurers having access to them. Also if the issues adventurers buying gold chest leaving it in the guardian tower would allow them to sell it but not buy them.

Rastaban -> RE: We need changes to gold storage (12/22/2024 6:46:07)

I requested that the gold chests be dropped to level 135 and received a response.


Gold storage topic: I regret to inform you but upon asking and looking into unfortunately we cannot release gold storage for free players due to data limits and maintaining server stability. ~Anim

Sapphire -> RE: We need changes to gold storage (12/22/2024 9:38:23)

Alright then.

What about adding inside the vault, changing the "Titles" button since titles cannot be moved, to a Deposit Box Category. You get the standard number of slots in the beginning and can buy more slots via tokens. Each slot can contain 2 bil gold. You can select any active deposit box and deposit or withdraw any amount of gold inside it. Once a slot has 2 bill gold, it cannot be added to and you will have to use a different Deposit Box.

The end goal has to be to allow your characters to deposit and withdraw gold at will, just like with tokens. And the gold storage box, which is taking up misc slots needs to then be removed from the Guardian Shop.

The Deposit Box can only be active if you character is L135+, and withdraw amounts are subject to the character's in-game cap. (I don't remember the new caps, as I don't farm gold ever)

If transferring gold cannot be rectified, all the account-based change has done is re-introduce the "need" to gold farm, which was much lessened with the dono contest change to a gold drive. Many players liked the QoL improvement that caused, and IMO, the account-based change undid that without rectifying this issue.

chaosnecro -> RE: We need changes to gold storage (12/22/2024 23:03:56)


This is literally impossible as AQ is coded in 32-bit. The integer limit is 2,147,483,647 and it is impossible to change that. That's why the character gold limit is 2,000,000,000. The only option would be to scrap the entire game and start fresh at 64-bit which has a limit of 9,223,372,036,854,775,807, also not an option.

not possible, not an option, but a very petty and therefore hilarious reason to uproot and destroy a game that's been around for over 20 years rather than just accept there's just some things this game can't do [:D]

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