I know it's shameless but anyone willing to help give me artix points to upgrade to guardian? (Full Version)

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Demonlordhal -> I know it's shameless but anyone willing to help give me artix points to upgrade to guardian? (12/27/2024 17:29:45)

I know it's shameless but I want to get guardian and I haven't been able to get z tokens while playing. I saw someone mention helping out in a previous forum thread and I left a reply but never got an answer. Can't really spend money on any games

I know it's the season of giving, however unfortunately this is against the rules.

Do not share, trade, give or sell your game account to anyone. Do not beg for or offer upgrades.

Thus locked. ~Anim

Ninjaty -> RE: I know it's shameless but anyone willing to help give me artix points to upgrade to guardian? (12/27/2024 17:56:29)

Sure! I just sent you a PM with a code for 5000 Artix Points.
Happy holidays.

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