=AQ= Love is Back in the Air! (Full Version)

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CarrionSpike -> =AQ= Love is Back in the Air! (2/9/2025 14:17:29)


SnuggleFest 2025
It's the season of love and friendship once again! Adventurers embark on selfless missions to assist those in need, forming new relationships and strengthening old ones. For those yearning for a unique connection, the chance to assist a friend and reap delightful rewards beckons! This season introduces new Cherub armors, featuring optional color-customization, and the breathtakingly beautiful Forevermore.

Current Limited-Time Shops:
  • Lunar New Year
  • General (Hedgemog Pets/Guests; Groundhog Pets; Superb Owl Pets)
  • Winter Season
  • Z-Token Packages: Heart's Crusher Arsenal - Available Until March
Newsletter Link: https://mailchi.mp/artix.com/2025-snugglefest

Looks like a lovely release. Tag you're it. ~Anim

sunblaze -> RE: =AQ= Love is Back in the Air! (2/9/2025 14:33:12)

Love is in the air. It seems suitable to invite everyone that has ever been in Love to this festival.
Like "some" of the quest rewards into modern time for example. [;)]

chaosnecro -> RE: =AQ= Love is Back in the Air! (2/9/2025 15:20:11)

NEW Cherub armors? We are eating a veritable feast this year! I can't wait to see what elements are covered.

1stClassGenesis -> RE: =AQ= Love is Back in the Air! (2/9/2025 18:01:07)

Is asking for the previous SnuggleFest quests to be playable by adventurer characters who possess the painting, something actually feasible? Been asking for years.

battlesiege15 -> RE: =AQ= Love is Back in the Air! (2/10/2025 22:36:13)

The weapon looks beautiful but I can't tell if it's a dagger, bow, or a pointy wand

chaosnecro -> RE: =AQ= Love is Back in the Air! (2/11/2025 11:50:10)

^ It could conceivably be any of those, which often suggests it might be an MRM toggle item. It really is gorgeous, though, and it reminds me of some similarly-themed weapons from old-school MMORPGs. Even if it ends up being incompatible with my BMM, I might just pick it up for its aesthetics! [;)]

NightofLight -> RE: =AQ= Love is Back in the Air! (2/13/2025 16:23:24)

Can always make another character if you really want to use said item and build arround it.

Andlu -> RE: =AQ= Love is Back in the Air! (2/13/2025 22:52:33)

I don't understand, why are we locking the panic misc to both fire resistance scaling AND requiring a fire weapon, while the burn misc only scales with wind res(on burn damage)?

Could you guys please reconsider making the panic on the misc toggle on any elements of weapons?

J9408 -> RE: =AQ= Love is Back in the Air! (2/14/2025 2:05:14)

I really like the weapon. The effects are useful, however it is a shame that you can't stack the poison or burns with other burns, because the status effects are renamed.

Ianthe -> RE: =AQ= Love is Back in the Air! (2/14/2025 5:10:09)

Fixed the panic misc so that it works with all attacks.

Also what's some really old Snugglefest items that need updating? I can probably get one or two done this weekend.

CH4OT1C! -> RE: =AQ= Love is Back in the Air! (2/14/2025 6:38:44)

Thanks @Ianthe! I've heard several people say that they'd like Amoria to be updated over the years. It also wouldn't hurt to fix up Candy Hearts.

sunblaze -> RE: =AQ= Love is Back in the Air! (2/14/2025 11:00:45)

Thanks you two.

Yes Ianthe you said yourself during the CHA-update that summon Amoria works with ferocious strikes but its still a regular 20 round cast so has slightly off MP cost (assuming 1 round of player damage gone) and is not quickcast so far.

That would be a blast! [:)]

JhyShy -> RE: =AQ= Love is Back in the Air! (2/14/2025 11:01:24)

In the shop specifically? Would be nice if the pets, Happy cloud and Cupid got updated, so does Heartana

If we're talking in the seasonal quests, Khandie's Gown from Obsession is 6 years old, I think we can consider that old. Something much older would be Love's Grip Longbow from What does Igeanox say?

1stClassGenesis -> RE: =AQ= Love is Back in the Air! (2/14/2025 11:01:45)

This one, please.

Andlu -> RE: =AQ= Love is Back in the Air! (2/14/2025 11:47:13)

I have a few suggestions, amoria is definitely a must like chaotic said

BUT I have a few others

Maybe Deck of Hearts could be updated with a MC and transformed into a efficient CHA SPell? We don't have a lot of those

Love Machine could be updated into a cool afraid pet that always attempts to inflict a lower value of fear?

Marsh Troll is a really unique looking armor that could be made into a FO earth armor, with 39 to earth, 42 to water and 42 to darkness

Baby Klang and Banjo are two pets that could see some love

Charm of Adoration is an interesting misc that could be useful if updated aswell.

NightofLight -> RE: =AQ= Love is Back in the Air! (2/14/2025 20:43:23)

Galliant's Heart could be a nice option to fix up make it 150 give it an actual mc and maybe up the resistance to 15 so its better than all res but worse than a normal resistance shield.

GwenMay -> RE: =AQ= Love is Back in the Air! (2/14/2025 23:07:11)

@Ianthe we would definitely appreciate some Snugglefest item updates, thank you :)

I second @CH4OT1C!'s suggestion to update Candy Hearts, and specifically Psycho Candy Hearts. A simple, max-level omni-compression damage spell would be a gamechanger, especially with mages now trending towards more spellcasting. Given our limited spell slots, mages generally have to choose between focusing on damage spells or buff/effect spells as a primary strategy; there often just isn't enough space for both. An updated Candy Hearts would mitigate that dilemma and allow mages to focus more on spellcasting. It also would not unduly upset balance or build specialization considerations because relying on Candy Hearts as your primary damage spell is just not as good as creating a damage-focused setup (e.g., four burst spells, or armor or tome compressed spells, or even just normal damage spells).

I also think an updated Candy Hearts would not need any damage penalties. Paying SP/HP for increased "damage" that is spent on compression is enough, especially as Candy Hearts requires the player to equip a weapon in the element they wish to use. The latter requirement alone makes Candy Hearts much more difficult to use to its full effect than Fathershed, its recently released weapon equivalent.

Dardiel -> RE: =AQ= Love is Back in the Air! (2/15/2025 0:33:22)

I know of at least one user that has been hoping for an Amoria update for a while, so I feel I should at minimum support that to boost the odds they finally get their wish.

sunblaze -> RE: =AQ= Love is Back in the Air! (2/15/2025 14:21:20)


I know of at least one user that has been hoping for an Amoria update for a while, so I feel I should at minimum support that to boost the odds they finally get their wish.

I think this is the 10'th year. I might have missed one 3 or 4 years ago so likely not in a row.
I think I mean you have to stay commited [8D]

Jakau Ryuu -> RE: =AQ= Love is Back in the Air! (2/16/2025 0:43:08)

Echoing the desire for updates to Candy Hearts and Marsh Troll. The former would have its uses as an universal gap-filler while undeniably never being optimal (and in my head at least it feels like kind of a classic as far as seasonal items go so it maybe deserves some, ah, love); could see it maybe also gaining an HP cost alongside or in place of the SP one to mitigate some of the inevitable damage penalty (that much sugar surely rots your teeth after all) but that certainly wouldn't be necessary. The latter, meanwhile, seems easy enough to update into a no-frills FO compression armour, at most maybe gaining a Berserk toggle or something for flavor. An Amoria update wouldn't go amiss either, but I'm not as invested in that as some.

Edit: I would also love to see the Cupid pets brought up to date, actually, but I feel they're lower-priority than the main two as well so my votes still go to those.

ruleandrew -> RE: =AQ= Love is Back in the Air! (2/20/2025 3:49:41)

SnuggleFest (hero quest) is too hard for characters that are lower than level 55. SnuggleFest (hero quest) is too easy for characters that are higher than level 74.

Please review the encounters in SnuggleFest (hero quest).

Jakau Ryuu -> RE: =AQ= Love is Back in the Air! (2/20/2025 20:01:15)

The Marsh Troll series, at least, appears to've been updated! Now only compresses Earth and Water, but it has versions up to 150, and has a proper FO lean and a small chance of attempting 100% Daze on-hit... at least, that's the number I'm seeing against the Combat Practice guy. Not sure if anything else's been touched up yet.

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