Citrion -> [DF] Despite Everything, It's Still You (2/14/2025 22:06:31)
Shadows. Shadows and Salt. Those were the first things that came to mind when she stirred. For those first few fleeting moments of the day, she couldn't remember anything. Where she was, what day it was. Not even her dreams. That wasn't to last, unfortunately. The crack of a misfiring pistol rent the air, leaving the single occupant of the room to groan, a hand coming up to rub at her face. Right. Osprey Cove. And judging by the way her head was throbbing, she had an idea of how she'd spent the previous night. Maz must have been in town. Right, that was what had brought her this way in the first place. Still, now that she was awake enough to remember where she was, there was no point in remaining in bed. With a bit of another groan, she lifted her legs up and swung out of the bed. First things first, it was too dark in here. She strode over to the window and threw the heavy curtain open, wincing at the bright morning light. "Ugh..never letting Maz talk me into that many Moglinberry Juices again.." She mumbled, running a hand through her rough and short hair. The stylist had called it 'Avant-Garde'. Really, it was more or less rebellious. Well. She couldn't spend all day in her room. Might as well start getting ready. With that, she spun on her heel and walked into the complimentary washroom that the inn had been kind enough to give her. Uncorking the jug of water that had been left for her, she dumped it into the washbasin. Dunking her hands in, she cupped them together. Dipping her head down, she brought them up to her face. It wasn't very cold anymore, but that wasn't a problem. It was still bracing enough to shock her system back awake. With a soft gasp, she snapped her head back up. Her eyes hit the mirror. That was when she saw it. Blue eyes. Long, black hair. The face of a man. All at once, a thousand memories hit with the weight of the world, memories that long felt like they belonged to some previous life. The scent of smoke and the feeling of heat. The sting of betrayal. The Fire war. The clawing chill of ice, the way the earth shook under the footsteps of dragons. Dragesvard. The scent of bone and the rattling of teeth. The Necropolis. That..thing. The voices. Time under the ocean. The hunt for the Water Orb. The darkness. The sun disappearing. Her breathing was shallow and ragged, her whole body racked with a cold sweat. The edges of the basin were digging into her palms, her fingertips pressing hard into the stone bowl. The cold. The long, long cold. She gripped the basin harder, eyes screwing shut as she shook her head. No. No no no. She opened them again. Red hair. Eyes a rainbow of color. The face of a woman. She took a deep breath as she leaned on the basin, staring into the mirror. The memories were strong. But there was one memory that shone above all others. The day that she'd broken free of the prison Jaania had put her in. The last time she'd looked in the mirror as a man. The first time she recognized that there was something wrong. Her gaze shifted down into the water as she took a deep breath. Fang. That was the name that she'd given people when she started adventuring. At the time, it was because the man she had been didn't like the idea of random people calling out a real name. It was easier to take the mistakes if you could peel the identity away from yourself. At least, it had been easier to think that way. To not think about how the body of a man never felt like it fit right. She gazed at her reflection within the water, idly running fingers across her face. There was a lot of things that the Black Market Moglin did that she could complain about. But..that spell that he had cast. Man, did it do good work. It took a moment, but she managed to bring her gaze back up to the mirror. "Right..this But..who am I?" She mused as she tilted her head from side to side, getting a really good look at things. Fang was the name everyone knew. The name associated with the Hero of Falconreach who had saved the world more than once. But that was a title. It wasn't a name. That was what she'd been avoiding ever since she thawed and changed. Heh. She remembered the day the whole world got to witness the way she'd changed. That Gala. Every eye had been on her. Any other time, she wouldn't have been comfortable with that. Sure, when she was a man she'd helped people. She'd had a crowd watching her every move before. There was a difference there though. When she was a man, the confidence had been an act. The jokes, the outward displays. They'd all been hollow. But..that night at the Gala. That had been different. The confidence came with an ease that had never come before. It was the second shining beacon in the memories that were made after the ice had thawed. She removed her hands from the basin, running them both through that short, messy haircut that she had become so well known for. She didn't see the man she'd used to be very often. There was plenty reason for that. The whole reason why she'd gone through the process of having her hair magically changed to the vibrant red it was now. "Well..who I am needs a name. What kind of names do I like though.." She mumbled as she went back into the main part of her room, picking up the bits of gear that she hadn't slept in. The bracer for her good arm, as well as the ocarina that slotted into it. As she put her adventuring attire together she started thinking out loud. Easiest way to do this was to just start listing the first names that came to mind, right? "Serenity, Mazurek, Riadne, Valencia, Vayle, Voyna, Vilmor, Vseslava, Victoria..huh." That was..a lot of names that started with a V. Boy, would Vaal be laughing in her face if he heard her now. She'd always jabbed at him by calling his name stupid while they were sailing the void, and now here she was admitting that the letter V was in most of the names she liked. After she finished her list, next came getting the socks and boots. "Alright, so we'll start with a V.." She mumbled as she mulled some thoughts over. The rest of her preparations for the day came and went in silence. It was still early in the morning. She'd always been an early riser, after all. Last thing she needed was to make the bed. She wasn't going to be the kind of thoughtless guest that ignored cleaning up after herself. The whole time, one other thing nagged at her head. Serenity. A name she hadn't had much time to think of recently. But it was the name of someone who had helped take care of her for years. It was the first name she thought of when making that list. Taking on part of her name..that was an important aspect, it had to be. After a few final moments in the room, mostly straightening herself out a bit, as well as slinging that ever so ephemeral cloak she'd found while helping Sirius across her back, she was finally ready, and strode out of the room, the scent of salt on the air being replaced with the wonderful scent of hearty pirate foods and drinks. "Ah, ye be up early, hero! Ye couldnt'a slept in just another couple'a hours, Fang? An all too famiiar voice called out to her, clicking her tongue. A voice that Fang quite rightly recognized. She couldn't help but laugh as she shut the door, on the other side of which was the very woman she'd spent the last night sharing drinks with. Admiral Mazurek. "Seems I owe me first mate a hundred gold. Ye be heading out, then?" She asked, a raised eyebrow and the tone of her voice telling the redhead that she almost seemed to wish she was staying. Not a real surprise there. Ever since they sailed the void together, she'd left a great impression on the Admiral, and had even been called first mate, with an offer of being captain on one of the newest ships on her fleet being dropped at her feet once upon a time. Was she the best person to talk to after such heavy thoughts? Not really. But..with how much wandering Maz did? She was the best person to give some new information to. So, she laughed in response to what Mazurek had to say. "You know, Admiral. It strikes me that I don't think I've ever told you. Fang isn't actually my name." She could see the way Mazurek had to strain to keep the gossip loving grin off of her face. She could call herself an Admiral or a Captain or whatever she liked. But deep down, Mazurek was a Pirate. If there was anything she loved, it was all kinds of treasure. And while knowledge wasn't the greatest treasure, this wasn't exactly common knowledge. Really, it was a form of gossip. Near everyone loved gossip. "Izzat so? And what pray tell, 's the real name 'o the grand hero o' Falconreach, the lass who sailed wit' me and crew through th' void 'thout ever once thinkin' to bring it up?" Mazurek asked, a sly smirk on her lips as she took a playful jab at the redhead. Fair enough, she deserved that. Still, she smiled at the Admiral. "It's not my fault that nobody ever asked if Fang was seriously my name!" She responded, holding both hands up in mock defense. Still, she inhaled softly and released her breath with a soft little laugh. "It's Verity." Over the years, she had stopped seeing her new face as new. Her body was the body she was comfortable in. And now, she had a new name. But there was one phrase that rung true in her mind that had helped her take this next leap, the leap that well and truly marked the end of the chapter of her life dominated by her old hang ups and insecurities. A phrase she thought as she caught a glimpse of her own reflection as she walked to the docks with Mazurek. 'Despite Everything, It's Still You.'