George Lowe Memorial (Full Version)

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KuronekoAlchemist -> George Lowe Memorial (3/5/2025 1:16:22)

Unfortunately voice actor George Lowe passed away. He was best known for his work as Space Ghost.
I'm sure a few of us grew up with his wonderful voice and humor.

I just found out that he worked for AE. He's an NPC in DragonFable, Mech Quest, AQW, Epic Duel, and AQ3D.
I think we can all agree he deserves some memorial items for some games.
How would you like the game of AQ to honor his memory?

"Don't look at me! We're talkin' about dragons." - Space Ghost

Zacky Vengeance Aloy -> RE: George Lowe Memorial (3/5/2025 14:04:58)

Rest in peace /\

Red Blood -> RE: George Lowe Memorial (3/5/2025 18:14:30)

I'd say a Space Ghost item/ guest would be best or draw from one of his AE npc appearances bar that. Space Ghost was someone he voiced for many years, and for a memorial send off it wouldn't hurt to see him at least in spirit getting to fully embody the character once more. Know I always got a chuckle when I heard his voice even if a lot of his work wouldn't mash well with AE's age ratings. Sad that we lost him but happy his long fight with illness/ health problems is over.

The Hollow -> RE: George Lowe Memorial (3/6/2025 22:03:49)

Thank you for all of the great suggestions! Join us in remembering the talented George Lowe at the Memorial Shop, where you'll find the new Space Ghost helm.

Gn3ranger -> RE: George Lowe Memorial (3/9/2025 4:22:34)

A Space Ghost helm would be amazing, grew up on Space Ghost so it'd be so cool to have something ingame to remember George Lowe

Andlu -> RE: George Lowe Memorial (3/9/2025 13:06:14)


A Space Ghost helm would be amazing, grew up on Space Ghost so it'd be so cool to have something ingame to remember George Lowe

just so you know, it's already in the memorial shop, in yulgar's inn

Zacky Vengeance Aloy -> RE: George Lowe Memorial (3/11/2025 12:38:43)

Omgggg the space ghost helm fits H-series Tempest Power Armor so well! Too much aegyo.


So cute

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