RE: Direct Mod Questions (Full Version)

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Gorgok -> RE: Direct Mod Questions (9/16/2007 12:47:34)

How do you usually shade your creations if you have the lineart?

Depends on your style and what program you're using. Try asking people who have shaded line art, or just mess with paint/GIMP/PS/Flash and find what you like :)

Suuichi -> RE: Direct Mod Questions (11/14/2007 18:10:10)

Not sure if this is classified info, but when you choose an Artist of The Month, do you look at just the artwork, or do you also look at forum involvement?


It's even, like a title, methinks. Grfah may have to answer this one, as I'm not sure. ~iChar
Both. ~Grafh

Waseinseon -> RE: Direct Mod Questions (11/18/2007 19:19:51)

How come there isn't a (Dis)accomplishments sticky for art? Or does the OOC one cover it?

I don't think one is needed in the GoCA area. OOC talk can stay in the OOC area.

BrendanTran -> RE: Direct Mod Questions (11/23/2007 19:34:25)

Are we allowed to change our galleries from one style of art to another?
like Pixel art to Hand drawn art?

If you want a Hand Drawn gallery, make a separate gallery. ~Grafh

ll_BLACKPANTHER_ll -> RE: Direct Mod Questions (12/6/2007 23:35:56)

i asked how to actionscript a button with scenes in the flash q&a thread, but no one seems to be helpful. So, i'm asking here :P how do you do it?

heres my example:

I got the buttons and the animation ready, but i dont know how to make the sword activate only when the button is pushed. Thanks, hope you guys can help.

Probably better to look for Flash tuts or stick to asking people who use Flash. As I know I don't know Flash well. I don't think Grafh's ever worked with Flash. Nicky hasn't, far as I know. Rev has, but he's not active. And VHSS I think has, but he's not active. Sorry.

Alright. Thanks for your time :P

sikhs 4 evr -> RE: Direct Mod Questions (12/11/2007 10:42:17)

how to post a file for a contest.

If you need to post an image. Get a account or use

Trip -> RE: Direct Mod Questions (12/12/2007 4:32:20)

why.... jk

can any one start a sig contest with a mod/AK permission?
or you need something else also.

if i had a gallery that was shared with other people then gets it locked,(requested lock)
about 2 months later i want to start a SOLO gallery with out the old posts what should i do?

You need my ok for a sig contest. And just start a new gallery. ~Grafh

Sonicbeam -> RE: Direct Mod Questions (12/17/2007 6:42:37)

What is the Mechquest font I have been hearing about?

No idea. I think its a custom job.

iEnd -> RE: Direct Mod Questions (12/22/2007 9:26:44)

how can I draw a nice looking person using flash?

Head over to for tuts.

Fire Lord -> RE: Direct Mod Questions (12/22/2007 16:35:38)

I know it says 50KB, but one KB, officially, is 1024 bytes.
So is it 50,000 bytes or 51,200?


Waddles -> RE: Direct Mod Questions (1/25/2008 17:16:46)

This is what i read...


"Ripping" for these purposes shall be defined as the use of another's art without permission. To combat this, the following process has been put in place:

Should you believe your art or that of another has been ripped; the first step is to contact an ArchKnight or moderator of the Gallery. Do not post about it. Rip cases are private, between the accuser, the alleged ripper, and the original creator of the artwork in question.

The Archknight/Moderator will review the case. To ensure complete fairness in the case, please include as much information as possible.

Should the alleged rip be deemed legitimate, severe actions will be taken against the "ripper". If the case is judged false or indeterminable, the case will be dropped. Do not harass the AK/Mod who judged the case, this will also lead to severe actions.

My question is if i take part of someones work (in this case Hardcoredarels' Border) is that still considered ripping? If it isn't do i still have to give him credit for a border that i collollected off one of his sigs that he asked for player who used that sig to give credit (He asked to give credit for the whole sig) even if he hasn't been on the forumns for a while (i think for atleast a month or more)?

Yes you are required to ask for is permission and give him credit. If you did not get his permission and/or if you do not give him credit, that can be seen as ripping. ~Grafh

Thank you. Could i get permission from a mod and give him credit because he hasn't been on for a while and i don't know how i can get his permission?

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